Intellectuals dub appraoch paper to 10th plan as anti-Dalit

New Delhi, June 28 (UNI)

The Government's failure to address the sensitive issue of land reforms and the proposed freeze on recruitment in the Approach Paper to the Tenth Plan (2002-07), now under finalisation, will spell doom for the downtrodden sections, Dalit intellectuals have warned Prime Minister A B Vajpayee.

In a letter to Mr Vajpayee, who is Chairman of the Planning Commission, the Centre for Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM) said the objectives outlined in the Approach Paper would ''ruin the life of the Dalits, disadvantaged and the poor equally.'' The Approach Paper was discussed along with several issues at the full meeting of the Planning Commission presided over by Mr Vajpayee here yesterday.

Observing that for the first time since planning started in India, the Planning Commission had forgotten to take cognizance of the problems of the Dalits, CADAM president Rajni Tilak said the Special Component Plan and Tribal Sub Plan found no mention in the Approach Paper.

While failing to address the crucial issue of land reforms, the Paper proposed to generate resources by reducing the number of government employees by three per cent per year with no recruitment during the Tenth Plan.

It was also aiming at accelerated disinvestment, widespread imposition of user charges on all non-merit goods, levy of tax at every stage of value addition from production to sale of goods and services.

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Referred by: Mukandan CM
Published on: June 29, 2001
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