Reservation in Public and Private Sector

- Prof TS Kalanjali


India is a Nation of injustices and exploitations.  The Indian Society is unfair and very unreasonable.  These are based on historic racial biases, and are rooted in varna[1] (colour) prejudices.  Further, they are complicated by Semantic Confusions.  Most of them are deliberate and traditional.  They are perpetuated systematically, by the dominant communities, to further their vested interests.  Thus, the Racial Differences lead to Social Inequalities and more wanton Injustices.  The differences multiply due to the endless ongoing injustices and exploitations.  They are silently, but deliberately and comfortably covered up, by the brahmanic elements by saying that ‘India is a Nation of Diversities’.  Further, as if one should not look again, or go into details, or probe deeply into those Diversities, they say that, there is Unity in Diversity.  Hence, virtually no one cares to pass and ask, ‘What Unity?  At what Cost?  And at whose Cost?’


India is also a Nation with a great History.  India was the cradle of one of the ancient Civilisations – the Harappan Civilisation.  It is dated at the extremes, to be around 4000 to 1700 BC.  Before the discovery of Harappan Civilisation, the Indian Society was considered to have had its beginning, only from the Vedic-Period[2].  The earliest of the Vedas[3], Rig-Veda[4] is dated to have been composed only around 1500 BC.  However the unreasonable fascist and fundamentalist brahmins claim that the vedas are many many millions of years old.  So much, for the unsubstantiated and unreasonable brahmin claims, intellectual honesty, Indian history, Indian dating, and elitists' records.


Sheer untruth, falsehood and tall bogus claims are being sought to be perpetrated, as the dominant communities history.  And those are being forced upon the people and different communities, as the collective Knowledge of the Society, and inherited Memory of the Nation.  This is being done in an orchestrated manner all over the Country.  And, this falsehood is exactly the thread of Unity in Diversity, ingrained and running all across the radically divergent differentiated Nation.  And it is this falsehood, which is said to be the unifying factor, and assumed (brahmanic) cultural base of this great Multi-National Country.  It was because of these adulterated acceptable memory, it was ultimately left to the British Colonial Rulers to rationally reconstruct Indian History, and set the Records as straight as feasible and acceptable, as being reasonably rational logical and substantial.


In 1862, Sir Alexander Cunningham of the Archaeological Department found, a number of strange unidentifiable and unaccountable Seals, in the neighbourhood of Harappa, in Punjab.  During the time of Lord Curzon, Sir John Marshall, the then Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India took up the excavations at Harappa.  The Harappan Settlement was first excavated under the personal supervision of Marshall, in the year 1921.  Mohenjo-daro was excavated in 1922.  Since those earlier Excavations, were in the Indus Valley, the Excavations were first came to be known as the Indus Valley Civilisation.  At the popular level around the World, from the very beginning, this original name – Indus Valley Civilisation – had stuck, and stays put till date.


After the sensational excavations in the Indus Valley, many large-scale excavations were undertaken in many other areas.  Many similar settlements of the period were discovered, even outside the Indus Valley.  Hence, the ancient settlements are now rightly identified, in the Academic Circles, as the Harappan Civilisation.  Now, nearly eight decades after the first Excavation at Harappa, efforts are being deliberately made, with public funds and intellectual travesty, to give a new identity, new name and new origin to the Harappan Civilisation.  Like the pre-historic invasions and historic conspiracies, that erased the collective memory of the entire Harappan Civilisation in India, now systematic efforts are being made by some, to appropriate the credit of the whole Harappan or Indus Valley Civilisation.  This, in the twenty-first Century of modern scientific times.


India owes its Identity, and derives its Name, from the people who were living outside its geographical sub-continental borders.  That, because others from outside the borders of the sub-Continent, saw the Indians as a distinctly different, and seperately identifiable people.  That is why all the People in the Indian sub-Continent were painted with one brush, with one name – as Hindus – the Indians.  But the Indians in the sub-Continent were actually a mixture of different non-homogenous people, of different Races, different Regions, different languages, believing in different rituals, practicing different cultures, from different ethnic backgrounds.


For the outsiders, everyone beyond the Mountains and Indus Valley are one single lot of People.  And the River Indus was then known as River Sindhu.  But, the nearest biggest and powerful neighbours – the Persians, River Sindhu, was known as River Hindhu, as they could not pronounce S as S, but pronounced S as H.  Hence River Sindhu became River Hindhu.  Thus, all those living beyond the sub-Continent’s northern borders, considered India as the Land of River Indus or Sindhu or Hindhu or Hindus or Hind.  And the People living around the River Hindhu were the Hindhus, or Hindus, or Hindoos.  That ‘hindu’ was from the River Hindu, and definitely not based on any Religion Hindu.  Hence the People of this land, identified as Hindus, were the People of the Land of River Hindus.  Thus ‘Hindu’ was a Geographical Identity,’ and not ‘hindoos’ considered now as a ‘Religious Identity.’


Thus, at the times before the Fall of Indus Valley Civilisation, there were Two Socities – the aryans, and the native non-aryans.  As the Indus Valley Settlements collapsed, there emerged three Sections of People, the aryans, the native non-aryan.fighters, and the captive non-aryan native slave workers – the dasas.[5]  Over a period of time after the Fall of Indus Valley and Harappan Civilisations, there appeared the co-opted or friendly or amenable class of native rulers, or new invading conquering victorious amenable rulers from across the borders – unlike the antagonistic native non-aryans.  Thus there were the four groups of People, the aryans, co-opted or friendly rulers and or accessible and influencable new non-aryan rulers from across the borders, native non-aryan.fighters, the captive non-aryan native slave workers – the dasas.  Meanwhile, there emerged the co-operative amenable and flexible business classes who were willing to go with the aryans.  Thus, over the history, there emerged five different Communities in the sub-Continent.  As a result, from historic times, the ancient People of the Land of River Hindus were sharply divided.  And they belonged to clearly distinct and easily identifiable different Communities.  The main Communities were –


1.         The dominant Aryans[6] who had run-over ransacked and destroyed the whole Harappan Valley Civilisation, Settlements and People.  For their survival and easy ways of liesurely lives, the aryans and their successive descendant brahmins, shrewdly clung to and retained their control over the people at the ground level in the society, irrespective of the rulers.  Hence, the arrival of subsequent new conquerors, or new invasions and colonisation of different parts of the Indian Sub-Continent, did not make any difference to the aryan-brahmins, or their domination over the native indegenous people, and cancerous grip on the Society

2.         The Governors of the Persians, their followers, families and descendants,  and the Sakas,[7] in the Indus Valley known as the Kshathra-Pavans[8] or [9]Kshatrapas or Satraps or Kshatriyas, and other rulers chieftains and ruling classes including the soldiers

3.         The traders and subservient compromising compradore/comparator agents, often and deliberately referred denigratingly, as the unprincipled or immoral people, or Vaishyas[10]

4.         The Working Class social slaves or the Shudras[11]

5.         The black short stub-nosed curly-haired strange languages speaking Naives, Avarnas[12] or the Ati-Shudras engaged in agriculture cultivation and food-gathering.


Out of these five basic Communities, the exploitative aryans-brahmins, carved out four clearly differentiable Groups.  One, the dominant castes, of aryan-brahmins.  Second, the dominant castes under their – aryan-brahmins’ influences.  Third the inferior lowly castes – the Shudra Working Castes, under the complete control and total influence of all the dominant castes.  Finally were the excluded but exploited casteless Native People.  The aryan-brahmins, further classified the four Groups into three Sections – the brahmanic dominant castes of aryan-brahmins kshatriyas and vaishyas, considered to be the controlling-ruling-dominant classes, ant the inferior lowly Shudras, and Ati-Shudras.  Even of these three Sections, the People are left in two seperate Societies –


                 I.      the exploiting ruling dominant castes, and

              II.      the totally exploited Working Classes of lowly Shudra Castes and casteless Ati-Shudras


The aryan-brahmins, excluded and condemned all the black natives as Shudras, when they could enslave them.  Those were those whom they could treat as servile groups.  They were all those, whom the aryans-brahmins could mange to reduce into subservient groups or social slaves.  The aryan-brahmins dominated and held those groups of people, as part of their aryan-brahmanic Sanathana Dharma[13] Society.  All those whom they could not enslave and co-opt were segregated marginalised condemned and branded as Ati-Shudras.  That when they could manage and afford it.  Otherwise, and at the same time, the aryans-brahmins very readily and eagerly went down to serve, all new foreign rulers.  That, they also did with even all those native rulers whom they could not defeat, but could manage to influence co-opt and befriend the native rulers.  That, as long as the Rulers remained tough, and retained real big powers.  But, even that service and show of loyalty were always, only to cheat and betray the Rulers, to subjugate or sideline and dominate the Rulers later.  For they were always on the look out for opertune moments to subvert and sabotage the Rulers, and take over complete power, by themselves in their own hands.  That was what the aryan-brahmins had been doing through out the Nation’s History.


The aryan-brahmin manipulations and betrayals in the ruling circles, cheatings and swindling in the economic spheres, exploitations and suppression at the social levels, reached their heights in the forms of oppressive wasteful bloody ritualistic practices as Yagnas[14] or Agni[15] (Fire) worship.  The wasteful and bloody sacrifices, burning of oil, ghee, rice, wheat and other cereals, grains and pulses, cruel bloody sacrifices were deeply resented by the Native Indegenous People.  They gave way to the birth emergence and growth of counter logical reasonable and rational Religions like Jainism and Buddhism.  Those counter reformist and rational Religions from the eastern Gangetic and Himalayan Foothills, not only questioned the beliefs principles practices and values of the aryans of aryavartha,[16] but also openly challenged the dominance and supremacy of the brahmins.


Typically, and true to their reputation of cheatings betrayals and manipulations, the aryan brahmins, first opposed the counter cultures of the reformist Religions, and then infiltrated into both Jainism and Buddhism, to Sanskritise the texts and preachings of the new Religions.  They interpolated corrupted and debased the principles and philosophies of even the rational Religions.  As a result of these, Jainism was vertually diluted and debased, and the Jains were fully co-opted, that Jainism was made subservient to serve and bolster the strength of the aryan-brahmins.  At the same time, Buddhism was almost banished and erased from this land.  It could survive only in the extreme and difficult border areas of Ladakh, Darjeeling, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Chittagong Hill Areas in the sub-Continental India.


The aryans-brahmins could not rule over the Indus Valley or control the Indian Plains for long.  They were often run over by subsequent invaders and conquerors.  They also often lost out to native non-aryan rulers.  In spite of that, they shrewdly and skilfully managed to retain complete control over the Hindu (Indian) Society.  And to retain their hold over the People, the aryans-brahmins served almost all the later Conquerors, invaders and rulers including the Iranian Afghan Arab Iraqi Turkish Mongol and other Buddhist Muslim and European Christian Rulers.


It was during the later phase of Muslim Rule that the Moghuls who founded the great Empire of Hindustan,[17] and ruled it as the Emperors of Hindustan an empire founded for the first and last time with the name of Hindustan.  It was because of this fact that the Islamic Moghuls founded Hindustan, India is known as Bharat, and not as Hindustan.  But it is said for the gallery, and for public consuption, as well as to fool the poor innocent simple believing and trusting SC&ST Dalits, that India is Bharat, having been named so after the Tribal Boy, born to the beautiful but poor simple Jungli Shakunthala and the exploitative irresponsible aryan Prince Dhushyanth.


The aryan-brahmins also served well, the Colonial Imperial Britishers, and other Colonising Whites from the European Continent.  However, they could not influence them much, to the extent they desired.  Particularly, they could not control or restrain the Missionaries who came with them.  Hence, the aryan-brahmins, true to their characteristic nature preferred to denigrate the British and other European Colonisers, and treated them with contempt, even when they stood before the Europeans with fear and awe induced reverance.  They specially chose to refer the European Rulers, as another set or lot of Untouchables – the Mlechas.[18]  Thus in modern India, the Indian Society living anywhere in the World, is not one, but is a Community of many different and distinctly seperate, at times even antagonistic competing unfriendly Societies, such as –




1.           the migrant aryan-brahmins, as well as many castes and groups of co-opted and converted non-aryan or anaryan native-black brahmins




2.           the migrant non-aryan kshatriya ex-rulers, as well as many castes and groups of associated native black ex-martial races

3.           the aryan-brahmin controlled but denigrated non-aryan vaishyas as well as the business class of Jains, now totally submerged to be and remain willingly under the complete control of aryan-brahmins




4.      the non-aryan black native Shudras




5.      the non-aryan Ati-Shudras, or the Anaryans – the indegenous black native Dalits, including the Tribals




6.      the non-aryan dominant Buddhists, Sikhs etc

7.      the native-converts to Buddhism (neo-Buddhists) and Dalit Sikhs

8.      the descendants of elitist foreign Christian and Muslim White Caucasian Races

9.      the non-aryan native-converts to Christianity and Islam, who are denigrated for their non-brahmanic origins, even after their conversions, and in spite of becoming Christians or Muslims – as Para or Paraya[19]-Christians and as Paraya-Muslims, or as Para-Bibis (Dalit Muslim Women) or as Hallalkhor[20] (Lower-Caste or untouchable or unclean Muslims)

10.  the other small religious migrants, fully co-opted and silently serving and reinforcing the brahmanic values and exploitations, like the Parsis


With aryan-brahmin domination of the Indian Society complete and firmly rooted in the Indian Soil, the brahmins now classify the Indian Society as –


1.         the brahmins

2.         those others who accept their values, fall within their chaturvarnavyastha of brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas and Shudras, accept and support their dominance

3.         the Ati-Shudra Dalits including Tribals

4.         the non-brahmanic minorities like Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Muslims, Parsis, Sikhs etc, with special isolation of Christians and Muslims


Of these, the class two who accept brahminic values are classified as Hindus, a term not widely in use now a days to name an Indian, as the Resident of Hindustan, or the Land of River Hindhu.  By appropriating this Persian Term, the aryan-brahmin has been creating widespread confusion, by deriving new terminologies like Hinduism to camouflage aryan brahmanism or Sanathana Dharma.  That also help them to club together all different Religious Groups and independent ritualistic communities and separate ethnic societies – such as vaishnavites, shaivaites, kapalikas, kalamugs, animists, ancestor-worshippers, nature worshippers and so on.


The Christians and Muslims are specially classified as Minorities of non-Indian Religions.  There is a big bias against them for having converted liberated and freed the Native SC&ST Dalits out of the grips and influence of the brahmin grips and brahmanic society.


India never had any system of either Public Education or Public Recruitment.  Hence the masses were generally illiterate and superstitious.  This helped the brahmins and other dominant castes to easily betray the masses, and become cunning and turn out to be cheats.  Many may not like, or digest this statement, but that was the truth, and it remains by and large to be so even today.  Recruiting individuals for service in the Govt openly and publicly from the society, was therefore not done.  Those from the ruling families, dominant communities, that too those with access, big connections, right contacts, and those who can play fraud, cheat and betray, or chance appointments were the order of the day, till the coming of the British.


The Europeans found there were no Schools in the Country for the People, except the Islamic Mothersas run by the Muslim Clergy to impart generally Islamic Religious Education.  The British opened Schools for liberal and secular Education of all children in the Society.  The brahmins and Muslims were recruited as Native Teachers.  The British had to make many special Provisions for the Education of Children of the common people.  Even then Education of SC&ST Dalit Children was not acceptable to the brahmin Teachers.  In June 1856, a Dalit Boy sought admission in a Bombay Presidency School, in Dharwad District.  The British realising the negative attitudes and uncompromising opposition of the brahmins, took a tough stand, and made an open Education Policy.  As per this, all Institutions funded and administered with Public Funds, should be open and accessible to all citizens.  Hence, in all Government Run Schools, all Citizens would have the right to take admission, irrespective of their caste colour race community and religion.


After the Sepoy-Mutiny, the British started a Policy of non-interference.  Since the presence of Dalits in the British East India Company Army, as seniors commanding the new Recruits from the dominant castes, was one of the prime reasons for the Mutiny by the dominant caste soldiers, the British disbanded Dalits from the Army.  They wound up Dalit Units like Mahar Regiment.  This upset the Dalits who began demanding the revival of Dalit Regiments, and Recruitment of Dalits in the British Army.  Not to displease the dominant castes in the Army again, the British did not accede to any of the requests pleas petitions and memorandums submitted by the Dalits.  However, the Govt of India Act 1858, and those issued subsequently in 1861 and 1892 provided for many Social Rights for the Dalits.  There was also an Ordinance in 1872 allowing the admissions of Dalits in the Schools run by the Govts.


Employment of willing, than the fortune seekers or those wanting to betray the community or exploit the people, became a reality during the colonial rule of the Imperial Europeans in India.  Indianisation of Public Services in the fifties of the Nineteenth Century British India meant, grabbing of almost all Govt Employment by the brahmins and other dominant castes, though they were less than 15% of India.


It was Mahatma Jotirao Phule (20th Feb 1827 - 28th Nov 1890) and his work that awakened the people.  At least some of them!  Hence, in the Seventies of the Nineteenth Century, the common people started telling –


We can’t be satisfied by historic traditional jobs

Any further only landless Agricultural Labourers

Dirty menial jobs being given by these brahmins

These days as long as wages are kept as lowest


Thus was born the concept of Reservations in Employment for specific marginalised and discriminated communities in India.  Pandit Ayothidoss Pandithar, a Dalit who originally came up with the idea of non-brahmain Dravidian Identity for the Dalits, and Raising Sun as the Symbol, organised a Conference of the then Untouchables.  He did that, under the banner of the first Dravidian Conference, and with the aim of protesting against the brahmins, brahmanic domination, brahmanic oppression, brahmanic exploitation and brahmanic values.  He, during the years 1895 to 1907, demanded Reservations in Government Services for Dalits.  All the above influenced the Backward Class Rulers amongst the Native Indian States, to take Special Measures for the Liberation and Development of non-brahmins in general and Dalits specifically, in their States.  Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj (26th July 18 – 6th May 1922) of Kolhapur, a descendant of Chatrapathy Shivaji, introduced Reservations for the Dalits, in the Year 1902.


As the brahmins were found to monopolise all Opportunities under the British, the Govt of India Act 1909, gave some Special Rights to Muslims.  This only reinforced the resolve of Dalits and other groups, to demand and fight for their Rights.


The first Census of 1910, had come as a big blow to the dominant brahmins.  For the first time it exposed the reality that the dominant brahmins were a microscopic minority of very very small group.  And it came as a shock that the completely excluded Dalits from the hindu society, and pushed out over many millenniums to live in exclusive geographical isolation in the hills valleys jungles, outside villages; and specifically segregated to special colonies in the cities, to be socially excluded outside the ‘hindus’ and others of the main society, were many millions strong.


The Mountford Report in 1918, provided Special Rights to the Sikhs.  In 1918-19, Francis Committee, agreed to the Demands of Dalits, and recommended induction of Dalit Representatives by way of nominations.  The Govt of India Act 1919, for the first time recognised the rights and political aspirations of the Dalits, and provided for their Representations.  Of the 14 non-Government Representations in the Central Council nominated by the Governor General of India, one was given to the Dalits.  In the Provinces Dalits got 4 Representations in Central Provinces, 2 in the Bombay Presidency, 2 in the Bihar Province, one in Bengal Presidency, one in the United Provinces, and 10 in the Madras Presidency.  Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar (14th April 1891 – 6th Dec 1956) considered that GoI Act 1919 was unfair to Dalits, as they were one fifth of British India, and hence should have proportionate Representations in the Central Council and in every Province.  He was against the principle of nominations, and wanted the Dalit Representatives be directly elected by the people.  He desired that the Dalits elect their own true representatives, by themselves.


In the year 1920, another Backward Class Ruler amongst the Native Indian States, Krishna Raja Wodiyar IV of Mysore, introduced Reservations for the Dalits, for their Liberation and Development in his State.


The pioneering work of Ayothidoss Pandithar in Madras Presidency, to organise the Dalits, against the brahmins, their dominations and exploitations under the banner of Dravidians with the Symbol of Raising Sun, was taken up as the larger Dravidian Movement of non-brahmin backward classes, to challenge the brahmin domination.  Prominent non-brahmin leaders to lead the non-brahmin Movement in the Madras Presidency that, encompassed parts of the present day Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa were, Dr C Natesa Mudaliar, Dr TM Nair, and Sir Pitti Thiayagaraya Chettiar.  Their works during the years 1912-1916, led to the formation of South Indian Liberal Federation in 1916, popularly known as the Justice Party.  By the end of 1920, the Party came to power in Madras Presidency.  They evolved a Reservation Policy in 1921, with a Roster of 100 Points for the Five Segments of the Society, with the smaller but then dominant communities of Anglo-Indians, brahmins Indian Christians and Muslims getting nearly four to five times extra Reservations, than those Communities deserved.  However, the vily brahmins did not allow the Government to enforce the same, till 1927.


Periyar EV Ramaswamy (17th Sept 1879 – 24th Dec 1973) a prominent Leader of brahmin dominated Congress in the Madras Presidency, resigned from Congress in the year 1925, on the Issue of Reservations.  He consolidated all the Social Forces of the non-brahmin Movement under the Self-Respect Movement in 1926.  He worked to dilute the brahmin domination of Govt, Govt Administration, and Society.  As a result of his efforts, the Justice Party Reservation Policy based on an 100 Points Roster evolved in 1921, was enforced in 1927, with slight modifications.  On the basis of this Roster, all Positions were divided between Five Groups of the Society.  This was subsequently changed into Six Groups by the Congress Govt in 1947.  The Six Groups were –


1.         brahmins

2.         non-brahmin dominant castes

3.         non-brahmin backward castes

4.         the Muslims

5.         the Anglo-Indians

6.         the Scheduled-Castes


However, the distribution of opportunities was never on the basis of the Population of the Communities.  As a result, others managed to get more than 2 to 5 times share in Administration and all other opportunities.  In the Year 1940, proportionate Reservation for Scheduled Castes was agreed to, though that was never meant to be ensured or implemented.  Even then, the whole Scheme, and the Roster were set-aside after Independence.  The brahmins who were always opposed to the Education Employment Empowerment and Development of anyone other than themselves, particularly the Dalits, managed to set this aside these Reservations through the Courts, in Free Democratic India.


At the All India Level, Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar was fighting for the Education, Employment, Development and Liberation of the Dalits.  He represented and presented a Memorandum and argued before the Simon Commission.  He also participated in the Round Table Conferences in London, demanding separate and exclusive Representation of Dalits, duly elected by the Dalits themselves.  As Result, after the second Round Table Conference Sir Ramsay Mc Donald, the British Prime Minister, announced his Award, popularly known as the Communal Award.  Gandhi’s Fast, and the Poona Pact at Yerawadah Jail are well Documented History.  That was the treachery and betrayal of Dalits by Gandhi on his own behalf, for brahmin control over Dalits, the dominant caste hindu domination of the Indian Society and hindu hold on the Govts.


In the year 1937, Sir RK Shanmugam, Devan in the Princely State of Cochin, introduced Reservations for All Sections of the Society, by distributing all Posts amongst Nine Broad Sections of the Society, on the basis of their Population.


Partition of the Indian Sub-Continent and British India, into Indian Union and Pakistan was the ultimate Victory and crowning glory of the brahmins and their rule over Indian Union.  With the dominant elite Muslims who could have challenged and checkmated the brahmins in all fields gone, the brahmins could consolidate their control over the Indian Union, and dominate it over the last six decades.  Domination, dividing, treachery and subversion had helped them all along.  Shadow boxing amongst leftist, socialist, central, right and fundamentalist brahmins and other dominant castes, not even 15% of the Society, could fool the people to divide them and follow all the different shades of brahmins in power, now with baniya finances.  That is the foolishness of 85% Minorities, Backward Castes and SC&ST Dalits of the Indian Society.  In spite of the Dalit Slogan –


Vote ours, and rule yours, that can’t continue, not continue and shouldn’t continue


And Backward Classes Conscience and Rule in some States, and Violence including Pogroms against Minorities, none of them had shown any Political Wisdom or Statesmanship worth recognising.  Time and again they had only betrayed their inabilities to raise above personal egos, caste politics and prejudices, selfishness and greed to fail as Politicians, and refuse to grow up as Statesmen the Nation Times and People expect from them.  The splits, repeated failures, short rules in 77, 89, 96, 97 at the centre, and numerous opportunities elsewhere in the States only reflect the strength and successes of, the shrewdness and scheming capacities, of brahmin cunningness and baniya money power.  Hence, the need for Reservations, however diluted, and their extension over larger areas, even as the brahmins and their other dominant castes are rendering the Reservations increasingly meaningless and useless with every passing day.  Meanwhile the vile brahmins and baniyas, are passing off and transferring all public funds, community resources and national hands for the exclusive benefits of the brahmins and their other dominant castes, all taken together don’t even for 15% of the Indian Society.  Every means of Production and livelihood and Governance from Land, Administration, Govt, Banking, Production, Academics, Judiciary, Media, Law and Order, and Foreign Relations had silently passed off into their hands, and are silently getting transferred to Swiss Banks, European Sub-continent and American Soil.  Even if the SC&ST Dalits, OBCs and Minorities wake up to join hands to come to power in future, they would only find themselves as helpless vassals forced to dance to the tunes of invisible remote-controlled manipulations of brahmins from elsewhere.


All these prove that the Classifications and Divisions in the Indian Society were not accidental, but deliberate.  They were designed and intended to serve the vested interests of the aryan-brahmins, to dominate the society.  They were evolved to exploit other communities, and grab the reins of power.  They were all skilfully used to control the Govts everywhere, cumulatively and collectively through Politics, Parties, and Administration or Academics, as well as the Judiciary, the Media, and Business, or Foreign MNCs or even International Forces.  The cheatings, betrayals, manipulations, exploitations and oppressions are so extensive and deep, others still find it difficult to reign in the brahmins and make them work for the Country and serve the Indian Society.  They grab everything good in life, monopolise every openings, make use of all opportunities to perpetrate their exploitation and perpetuate their dominance.  That is the reason that this Nation is still backward, legions behind other nations in almost every respect.  Realising this, many right from Mahavira the Jaina, Siddhartha the Gautama Buddha, Mahatma Jyothiba Phule, Narayana Guru, Iyyangali, Ayothidas Pandithar, Sahu Maharaj, Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar, EVR Periyar and many visionaries and rationalist reformers had struggled for Justice Freedom Liberation and Deliverance of the Masses, particularly the Women and Working Classes.  Reservations in this Country, in every sphere derive its legitimacy from these historic struggles preachings and philosophies.


Opposition to Reservations even today spring from the aryan-brahmanic oppositions to these historic reformers rebels revolutionaries visionaries statesmen and preachers, that actually lingers from the destruction of Harappan Civilisations and Settlements in Indus Valley and its surroundings right from 1700-1500 BC.


Hence the Reservations in British India to –


1.               Anglo-Indians

2.               Other Christians Muslims Parsis etc

3.               Dalits

4.               Various other Castes in certain Presidencies


The same forces were behind the scrapping of Reservations to –


1.      Other Christians Muslims Parsis etc

2.      Various other Castes in certain Presidencies


And those very same forces are behind –


1.                     Opposition to Reservations to SCs&STs

2.         Undue delay in introducing even the limited Reservations to OBCs, available at present

3.         Submerging the Reservations to OBCs, in most other spheres than that available at present

4.         Diluting and restricting Reservations to SC&ST Dalits, including the promulgation of the six Black OMs during the years 1997 and 98

5.         Rendering Reservations to SC&ST Dalits and OBCs ineffective, by bringing in politically socially and economically powerful monopolising communities within the sphere of Reservations

6.         Derailing even existing Reservations meaningless, by drastically restricting reducing blocking and even banning recruitments

7.         Extending the retirement ages so that the brahmins and dominant castes at the helm of affairs continue in their offices

8.         Denying Reservations in Private Sector, without even considering to adopt the capitalist American  Model of Affirmative Action for the Blacks etc that exist in USA


Whether we provide different Sections of the Society, fair just honest and equitable realistically true opportunities to all quality Education, Employment and Economic Development, or not is just not an abstract issue.  Nor is it an academic Question.  But an urgent pressing issue, that needs to be addressed appropriately, if we are to remain a Democracy, or survive as a Civilised Nation.  May be it is a bigger Question of Survival as a Nation.  And all those concerned about Equality Freedom Justice unity Integrity and Survival, must agree sooner and later to equitable distribution of all opportunities in life.  Hence, whether we agree to Constitutional and or Legal Reservations, or American concept of Affirmative Action, it is a matter of Time and Statesmanship, to provide for Reservations in all Sectors, including Private Sector.  Or alternatively, while the present System of Reservations in Public Sector continues, Reservation in Education must be strengthened, and some form of Affirmative Action on the Models of American System can be introduced in the Private Sector.  The earlier it is done, better will it be for the Country, its Development and Growth, good of the Society, betterment of the Economy, survival of the Business, and welfare of the private sector.






[1] varna meant, and still means colour, and was the basis of differentiating people, as the aryan and the non-aryan or anaryan society.  Over a period of time, by usage, varna came to stand for division and segregation.  And, now it also stands for jatis, ie, the Castes

[2] Vedic-Period – the ages when the aryans had originsally composed their vedic-hymns for singing at the Vedi, ie, the fire alter, where they sacrified their victims first, and later the surrogate animal bird and other sacrifices

[3] Vedasaryan-brahmanic holy texts, of fire-worship.   There are four Vedas.  But no one really knew what they originally contained, as they were composed in Sanskrit, the language never spoken by any people at anytime anywhere.  It was taught learnt and known only to the aryan-brahmins.   And for reasons not known or explained ever, all aryan-brahmin texts including the vedas were always kept secret.  But, they are known to contain nothing more than Prayer-Songs, or hymns, and have no meaning or use for the common-people.  At the most, they may have some philosophic meaning to the aryan-brahmins

[4] Rig-Veda – the earliest of Four aryan-brahmin vedas.  Incidentally, the time-gap in the perods between composing Rig Veda, and the other three vedas is very big, that was never satisfactorily explained, though many reasonable inferences could be drawn, from the various archaelogical, anthropological, racial, ethnic, historic, traditional, caste, cultural, social and other associated evidences

[5] dasas meant and still means Slaves, in aryan and brahmanic terms

[6] Aryans in the aryan and brahmanic terms meant the respectable people, unlike the Native Anaryans, or the “uncivilised people”.

[7] Sakas are the Sagari (battle axe) carrying Scyths or Sacaes or Sais or Sai-wangs from Central Asia who came into India through the torturous and difficult routes of north-west Hindu-Kush Mountains and Sulaiman Ranges of Gedrosia, and Bolan Pass

[8] Kshathra-Pavans – Persian Provincial Governors, a Persian Term

[9] Kshatrapas, or Satraps, or Kshatriyas are all the corrupt forms and derivatives from the declining Persian term Kshathra-Pavan – Persian, that meant Provincial Governor.  Hence, in the Indus Valley, that often was under the control of Persia, or Persian Governors, as part of the extended Persian Empire, all Rulers and Ruling Classes came to be referred as the Kshathra-Pavans, or as Kshatrapas, or Satraps, or Kshatriyas

[10] Vaishyas – unprincipled, cheating, swindling immoral people

[11] Shudras – the servile community workers, undignified people or slaves,  employed for hard work, skilled jobs and cleaning of public places etc

[12] Avarnas – in the aryan and brahmanic terms meant “Uncivilised People”, who did not belong to the Varnas, or the fair Aryans.  Hence, being outside the Varnas, they were known as the Avarnas

[13] The aryan brahmins consider Sanathana Dharma, to be their real Religion.  The term ‘hindu’ had always been a generic name, geography based regional Identity, equivalent to ‘Indian or Indians of India.’  India, actually never had any ‘Hindustan’ till the Turkish Mongoloid Timur Babar, who founded the Moghul Dynasty, and crowned himself as the Emperor of Hindustan.  Before him, there were many dynasties small kingdoms and big empires, but never was there any Hindustan.  Hence, the regional identity ‘hindu or hindus’ is different from the assumed religious individual ‘hindoo or hindoos’

[14] Yagna is a form of Worship of Fire, or Worship through the Medium of Fire

[15] Agni – For the aryan-brahmins, Agni was and still is the most important element.  Being nomads, Agni was mainly useful in disposing off all their wastes, dispose off their dead, and also those whom they killed in War and other Conflicts.  When the aryans came into the sub-Continent, Conflicts with the Natives/ Native Societies of the Indus Valley and Harppan Settlements, became the order of the day.  Agni/Fire was also used to burn out and erase the Indus Settlements, after the Raids and Wars.  Hence, Agni/Fire was raised to the level of god, and worship of agni/fire became an important feature of aryan brahmanic culture

[16] aryavartha meant the area or place of the aryans.  Thus, the Regions where the aryans/brahmins settled down and lived – first in the Indus-Valley, then in the Indus-Jamuna Plains, and later the Indo-Gangetic Regions, were claimed by the aryans as the aryavarth.  The land area of the Indus-Jamuna and western Gangetic Plains, were basically dominated by the aryans/ brahmins

[17] Hindustan – this again was a name coined by outsiders from across the north-western borders.  This was influenced by the Persian term hindu.  Babar, who claimed to be a small time descendant of Turkish-Mongol Ancestry, took a fancy for this, and named the Empire he founded in India, as Hindustan.  And he was proud to be crowned and declared himself as the Emperor or Shahe-in-Shaw of Hindustan.  He and the Dynasty he founded were the first and last, who ruled over any part of this Country with the name Hindustan.  There were many empires before and after the Moghuls, but none was ever named or called or known or even referred as Hindustan

[18] Mlechas, were one of the names used for the Untouchables.  It really meant People of the Hills, the Hill Tribals.  It also stood for all Foreigners, as most of them in the Northern Belt, came from across the Hills – the norther boundaries of Himalayas.

[19] Para or Paraya or Parayan is a world reknown name of the SC Dalits.  This name is derived from Parai or Tappu, a simple and popular Drum prepared and played by the SC Dalits, for beating the and playing Music, and producing Notes for Songs and Beats to Dance and for various Dance Steps.  The Parai, being a Leather Instrument, is produced only by SC Dalits, and in some cases and regions by ST Dalits.  Hence the SC Dalits gets their Name Paraya or Parayan from the Parai they produce and play.

[20] Hallalkhor means a Muslim converted from one of the SC Dalit Communities.  In India, they are still looked upon, shunned and treated by the rest of the society as SC Dalits or Untouchables.  Sadly, other Muslims within the Islamic Society also do the same.  The same is the lot of Christian Converts from SC&ST Dalit Communities

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