The Untouchables are the weariest, most loathed and the most miserable people that history can witness. They area spent and sacrificed people. To use the language of Shelley they are—
" pale for weariness of climbing heaven, and gazing on earth, wandering
companionless Among the stars that have a different birth "
To put it in simple language the Untouchables have been completely
overtaken by a sense of utter frustration. As Mathew Arnold
says[f1] "life consists in the effort to affirm one's own essence ;
meaning by this, to develop one's own existence fully
and freely, to have ample light and air, to be neither (. . . . . . .)[f2] nor overshadowed. Failure to affirm ones own essence is
simply another name for frustration. Its non fulfilment of one's efforts to do the best, the withering of one's faculties, the
stunting of one's personality. "
Many people suffer such frustrations in their history.
But they soon recover from the blight and rise to glory again with new
vibrations. The case of the Untouchables stands on a different footing. Their
frustration is frustration for ever. It is unrelieved by space or time.
In this respect the story
of the Untouchables stands in strange contrast with that of the Jews.
Their captivity in Egypt was the first calamity that
visited the Jewish people. As the Bible says
[Quote Childem's Bible-39]
(Quotation not recorded—ed.)
Ultimately Pharaoh yielded. The Jewish people escaped
captivity and went to Cannan and settled thee in the land flowing with milk and honey.
The second calamity which overtook the Jews was the Babylonian Captivity.
(Some pages are missing—-ed.)
We can now explain why the Untouchables have suffered
frustration. They have no plus condition of body
and mind. They have nothing in their dull drab deadening past for a hope of a
rise in the future to feed upon. This is due to no fault of theirs. The
frustration which is their fate is the result of the unpropitious social
environment born out of the Hindu Social Order
which is so deadly inimical to their progress.
Their fate is entirely unbearable. As Carlyle has said—
[Quote p. 201]
(Quotation not cited—ed.)
Some are thinking of revolutions, even bloody
revolutions to overthrow the Hindu Social Order. All are saying what Cabli Williams once said—
[Quote p. 152 ]
(Quotation not cited—ed.)
Such is the degree of frustration they feel
The Covenant with God may be interpreted to mean in the
language of Emerson a plus condition of mind and body. As Emerson has said " Success is constitutional-depends, on a plus condition of mind and body—on power of
work—on courage. Success goes invariably with a certain plus or positive power: An ounce of
Power must balance an ounce of weight."
If the Jews rose after their first captivity, it was
primarily because of their plus condition of mind and body. This plus condition
of mind and body can arise from two sources. It can arise from reliance on God. God, if nothing else is at least a source of
power and in emergency man needs mental power, the plus condition of mind and
body which is necessary for success. There is therefore nothing wrong in the
suggestion that the Jews succeeded because of their Covenant of God if it is
interpreted in the right way.
This plus condition of body and mind is also the result of Social Environment,
if the Environment is propitious. In a society where there is exemption from
restraint, a secured release from obstruction, in a society where every man is
entitled not only to the means of being, but also of well-being, where no man
is forced to labour so that another may abound in luxuries, where no man is
deprived of his right to cultivate his faculties and powers so that there may
be no competition with the favoured, where there is emphasis
of reward by mento, where there is goodwill towards
all, (Further portion of this part is erased and not legible—ed.)
( The above portions are in the handwriting of Dr. Ambedkar. Each part is written on a separate sheet—ed.).