What is the meaning of BAMCEF?
'BAMCEF' is an abbreviation of an organization known as "The All India Backward (SC, ST, OBC) And Minority Communities Employees Federation", where B- stands for Backward (SC, ST, OBC), A- for And, M- for Minority, C- for Communities, E- for Employees, and F- for Federation. Here the word Backward is used to indicate the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes. It means all these communities are backward. But it does not mean that these communities are backward equally. Some communities more backward and some are less backward. But all of them are backward- Therefore we have call them as 'Backward'. So far as the minorities are concerned, we include all those minorities in this group who are converts from the Scheduled Castes, Tribes and Other Backward Castes. This is a historical fact that the class of minorities are the people who in the historical times have converted from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes and become Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhist. Thus we want to organize the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and religious minorities converted from them.
Viewpoint based on problems.
Why, we want to organize the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and the minorities? There are some specific reasons for this. If you look at these communities from the viewpoint based on problems, there is no doubt that these communities are suffering from many problems. Their social, economic, political, religious and educational problems have been expressed most seriously. Along with the Govt. of India, the High Courts of different State and Supreme Court have also recognized this act.

The Govt. of India has formed the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and accorded Constitutional status to it. Thus, it is an established fact that by doing so, the Govt. of India has recognized the Special problems of this class.

Not only that, the Govt. of India has also appointed Mandal Commission for finding out those communities other than Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes which not have been represented on 16th Nov. 1992 the Supreme Court has also recognized this fact.

By the appointment of these Commissions, it is proved beyond doubt that these communities are facing some specified problems. These problems are now recognized by all.
Viewpoint based on Social System.
From the viewpoint based on systems, it can be seen that the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and Minorities are victims of the brahmnical system. Therefore Mahatma Jyotirao Phuley, Periyar Ramaswami and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar have fixed the objective of their movement to change this Social System of inequality. Therefore those who are suffering from this system, can only take active part in the movement of change of System. This is quite natural. There is no point in organizing those communities, who are benefited by the system. Thus, for changing the system of inequality, it is necessary to organize those communities, who are victim of the system. Therefore the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and Minorities are being organized.
Historical viewpoint
From the historical viewpoint also, it can be said that these communities belong to one social group. But in the historical process they are being identified and called by different names, it is necessary to identify this historical process.

It is now well-recognized fact that the Aryans have came to India from outside and has attacked native people and their culture and civilization. In this attack, the Indus Civilization of the native people was destroyed. The Indus Civilization is also known as Dravidian Civilization. Not Babar alone, but the Aryans were invaders. Even today they are invaders. These invading Aryans have thrust their social system on the native people of this country, in which, originally only three Varnas i.e. Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas were there. Therefore, after studying and knowing the Vedas Carefully, Dr. Ambedkar had asked a question in his famous book, 'Who were Shudras?' That when originally there were only three varnas how the fourth varna has came into existance. He has answered this question in detail in his book. He said that the kshatriya who challenge the authority of brahmins were deprived of their priestly rights and were degraded to fourth varna i.e. shudras Thus the varna system of three varnas was changed to the system of four varna and the shudra varna came into existence The aryans gave the name of Dass, Anarya and Dassya to the native people of this country. This people and the religiously bycotted kshatriyas were called as shudras. Thus we can see today that the shudras are the majority community of the country. To establish this system of four varnas aryans struggled very hard and they were successful in their struggle.

When this social system had serious repercussion on the society. Gautam Buddha revolted against it and found a movement of social revolution. The religiously bycotted kshatriyas supported Gautam Buddha in his struggle The original Dass,Dassya and other Un-Arya people also supported Buddha in this struggle. Buddha was from the original people of this country and therefore he got broad support of the Mulniwasi people. The religiously bycotted kshatriyas supported Buddha, because they were unhappy with the Aryas. But on top of it, the philosophy of social revolution of Buddha was giving dignity to human beings and therefore this was the basic reason, why all these people supported it. Even today, the people of Shakya Caste are found in UP and Bihar who may belonging to Shakya Race. It is now established that Buddha was belonging to Shakya Race People belonging to Shakya Caste have now been included in Mandal Commission Report. From this it can be seen what changes have taken place in the historical process. When Buddha got large support of the people against the system of four varnas, he challenge the foundation and ideology on which this system was standing. And there was no question which Buddha didn't counter by his arguments. By this, the very foundation of varna system of four varnas and it's conceptional basis was shattered and the social of Aryans collapsed. Beside religious study and preaching all other special privileges of Brahmins(Aryans) which were responsible for their survival came into danger. It has created a problem of survival before the Brahmins and they started doing whatever work that was available to them. Many Brahmins entered into army of Samrat Ashoka, the father of king Brihadrath, who was great grandson of Samrat Ashoka, died when he was very young. His senapati Pushyashunga, who was a Aryan Brahmin, ruled the kingdom in the nameof Brihadrath, lie beheaded king Brihadrath in the durbar and declared himself as king.

Pushyashunga didn't only declared himself as king, but also declared Brahmanism as a state religion and reestablished it. By this the original people of this country who became Buddhisht and the religiously bycotted Kshatriyas who were converted to Buddhism were frightened. Some of them surrendered also to Brahmanism but some of them continued their opposition. Those who were surrendered to Brahmanism were accorded the status of shudras, and those who opposed it, were denied the right of wealth and all other important rights. In very period of Pushyashunga, Manusmriti was written in which the penal code was designed. Pushyashunga also declared to be-head the Buddhist monks and started granting gold coins to those, who be-headed them. All these facts and truth were given by Dr. Ambedkar in his book "Who were untouchables". Those who didn't surrender to Pushyashunga and his decision faught against it for a very long period . They took refusing jungles, because their property was already confiscated. Thus struggle went on for a very long period and therefore dis-unity started developing in this people who were living in jungles in groups. Some people lived in jungles as it is. All these people were called Adivasis(Tribals), who are now coming into Scheduled Tribes. And all those who came out of jungles started living near villages. Because their property was already confiscated and there was no other source of livelyhood they started eating the flesh of dead animals for their survival. Their touch was prohibited and thus they were called as untouchables who are now known as Scheduled Castes.

All those people who surrendered to Pushyashunga and accepted Brahmanism, were given the status of Shudras. It means that in this system of Varnas, the Shudras some of whom are the original people of this country are today known as Other Backward Classes.

Thus the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes, who are now seen as separate and distinct communities are a one class from historical point or view and is composed of the original people of this country, who became separated in the historical process. But at the same period in the history, they were one. Today these communities need to be gathered together and organized. And for this purpose, we must understand this historical viewpoint. When Muslim kings came to India they brought their religion with them. Those who were victims of the system here, started converting to it. For about 600 years the Muslims ruled India and people from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes were converting themselves to Islam in all these years. When British's came to India, they also brought their religion with them. They defeated the Muslims and ended their rule and established themselves as rulers. The Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes who are victims of Brahmanism, converted themselves to Christianity. In between Muslim rule and British rule, Sikhism came into existence. Many of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes converted to it also, especially in Northern India. As regard to Buddhist conversion also, this is a fact. Thus from historical point of view the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and all those Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhist converts are part of one society. They are people of one blood and relation, therefore to organize them is not only justified but inevitable also. By organizing them, we can put an end to all types of discriminations, which they face.
Why we organize only educated class?
Why we organize only educated class? This question needs deep consideration. So many reasons can be given for this. But we would like to discuss some important reasons below: Educated class is an intellectual class and it has three special features.

a) Educated class acquires a new vision of life and this vision makes him analyze his present life and its status. By this way, he comes to know the status of his present life. If he feels that his life is inferior, he thinks of changing it and he dreams of a new system, which will not make his life inferior. Therefore, the intellectual class has a vision of new society and new social order.

b) How the system, which makes us inferior, has been created? What are main reasons of its creations? From when it is working? Why it is working for them? To analyze all these aspects, we need a specific viewpoint, which is known as critical study. The intellectual class can produce this critical study.

c) The intellectual class can build an organization for changing old rotten system and creating a new system, because the intellectual class knows that means are necessary for achieving an end.

Thus the intellectual class knows the significance of the means. These are three special features of the intellectual class. It is only for this reason Mahatma Jyotirao Phuley and Dr. Ambedkar gave priority for creating an intellectual class from the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. From these movements, which Mahatma Phuley from 1848 to 1890 and Dr. Ambedkar from 1916 to 1956 ran, and we have seen that the present intellectual class is produced. These special features of the intellectual class requires to organize them
Objective behind producing the intellectual class
Why Mahatma Phuley and Dr. Ambedkar gave priority for creating an intellectual class? Because they were knowing that the intellectual class is necessary for changing the movement. Mahatma Phuley and Dr. Ambedkar knew this fact. Therefore for full-filling this objective, they gave priority for creating an intellectual class and not only that they set a goal before them.
Is intellectual class doing this work?
Is the intellectual class from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes is working for full-filling the objective set before them by their creators? After the through analysis, it is observed that this intellectual class does not take active part in any such activity of change of system. Not only that, it is also observed that this intellectual class looks at the society, to which it belongs with contempt and keep themselves away from it. Dr. Ambedkar had experienced this, at the fag end of his life and therefore on 18 March 1956 at Ramlila Ground, Agra he said with a heavy hearts that, "The educated people have betrayed me. I was thinking that after education they will serve their society. But I find that a crowd of clerks had gathered around me, who are engaged in filling their belly". This heart burning is a proof that educated and intellectual class is allignated from the society and is going away from its brotherhood. Because of this reason, atrocities and discrimination has increased on the people living in villages. They are not full filling the objective for which Mahatma Phuley and Dr. Ambedkar create this class. The class, who was expected to lead the society, became the most obedient servant of the government, and the movement was left for half hearted and immature people. As such we can see that the movement of Mahatma Phuley and Dr. Ambedkar is not running today.
What the intellectual class should do?
The intellectual class should do that work, which was expected, from their creators. The system of inequality is continuing in the country. Unless and until there is a change of this system the exploitation of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes and minorities will continue and there will be all round discrimination against them. Therefore the intellectual class must organize themselves for bringing about a change of the system. They must organize the people and create an influential movement. The intellectual class must come forward to face this challenge. Keeping in mind this expectation of our creators and significance of the intellectual class, BAMCEF has decided to organize them for the task of social change, i.e. change of system.
Change of system- Our Objective
We have achieved some success in organizing the , but this success is not enough for full filling the task of change of system. Therefore it is necessary to continue these efforts with more speed. To continue these efforts more effectively and to achieve the objective of change of system, BAMCEF has set some important goals before it. They are:

1) To create a feeling of full-fillment of "Social Obligations" in the intellectual class.

2) To create and strengthen the non-political roots of the Bahujan Samaj (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes and minorities)

3) To create a feeling of Brotherhood in the 6000 castes who are victims of Brahminical System in different proportion and bring unity in them.

4) To generate resources i.e. Talent, fund an efforts from the Mulniwasi Bahujan Samaj for making their movement self dependent.

5) To create capable and genuine leadership in the leader less society and to manage it.

6) To give direction to the directionless society.

7) To build an organization of full time workers and to manage it.
Limitations of BAMCEF
BAMCEF is an organization of Govt. and Semi- Government educated employees. They can not take part in any political activity and join in any political party. This is in violation of civil service conduct rule and therefore BAMCEF has been kept as Non political and Non agitational organization. Along with this, keeping in mind the objective of creating an organization of 6000 oppressed and expoited castes. BAMCEF has been kept as Non- Religious organization.
BAMCEF - As a change agent
Mahatma Jyotirao Phuley, Periyar Ramaswami and Dr. Ambedkar have fixed the objective of their movement as change of system. This objective is yet to be achieved. These great men have struggled throughout their life for full fillment of this objective of change of system and they got some success also. But the movement of change of system is yet to achieve its logical end. Therefore BAMCEF has decided to devote itself to this incomplete task of ful-filment of the objectives of these great men, in which change of system is a main objective. Change of system means bringing a change in the structure of the social system. Therefore BAMCEF is not indulging itself into welfare and charitable activities, because these activities can not be taken as an end. They can be used as means to achieve some end at a right time, according to necessity. For doing this, we must see that these activities help us in full filling the main objective.

Since thousand of years, the efforts are going on for change of system, but we are yet to achieve complete success in it. Thousands of great men have sacrificed their life in the cause of change of system. They have become heroes, but we are yet to achieve this objective. Therefore the change of system is a great task, it is a difficult task also. Therefore this task of change of system is a "Mission" for us and similarly we can say that all those people who work for it are "Missionary" people. For the fulfillment of this mission, we need thousands and lakhs of people. Then only we can achieve this mission. It is the first and foremost duty of all those people, who benefited from the movement of Mahatma Phuley, Periyar Ramaswami and Dr. Ambedkar that they should come forward on their own to give shape to this activity. We hope that out expectation and hopes will not go waste. With this, we end this appeal.
National President
Mr. B. D. Borkar 
House no. 10795, Phulwali gali, Manakpura,
Karol Bagh,
New Delhi-110005
Mobile: +919891416798