Birsa Munda, the " Dharthi Aba " (father of the earth), as known amongst tribal, born in year 1875, waged a massive war against the British rule in mid 1890's . After the suppression of the first rising , in 1895 the Birsa gave a clarion call to the munda's (his followers) of a decisive war against the British. After a series of concerted attacks for nearly two years on the places loyal to the British, the Munda warriors started congregating on " Dombari Hill " at village "Sail Rakab " (Nearly 20 Km far from the Ranchi-Jamshedpur Highway ), on the call of Birsa. Documents revel that the munda's , adopting Guerilla war fare, attack the British in Ranchi and Khunti. Several persons, mostly police men were killed and nearly 100 Buildings were set on fire. In raised over this " Ulgulan " (revolt), the then commissioner Mr.A fobes and Deputy Commissioner Mr. H.C. Streattfield, rushed to Kunti with two company of army to crush the mass struggle ( Ulgulan) of " Abua Disun " ( Self rule ). Birsa Munda rose from the lowest rank of peasants to mobilise people against the appropriation of tribal and and disintegration of their way of life, economy, and culture by the colonial system. He fought against the predatory tendencies in the name of modernisation and the oppressive Zamindari system, invoking the spirit of tribal order characterised by simplicity, absence of tyranny, and living in harmony with nature.
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