Congratulating and thanking BAMCEF for organizing Valmiki Caste liberation convention in his address Mr. Dharam Paul Nahar said that on the occasion of 110th birth celebration of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar BAMCEF and Mulnivasi Sangh (Ladies, students and youth’s wing had organized this first indigineous Valmiki Caste liberation national convention. The step taken is really appreciable. As pointed out the basic cause of organizing this convention is to discuss and debate on the socio-economic and political problems of scavenging castes and solution to them.
I belong to Punjab. The reality of Punjab state is that still after 54 years of independence none of the MPs is representing scavenging castes (Valmiki Caste) in the parliament. Since none of the valmiki caste representative is in the parliament, who will question on the problems of Valmiki Castes? Not only this but none from Valmiki caste is representing in the legislative assembly of Punjab. If one or two are there, then nobody will listen to them. They have to struggle for their span of five years to hold back their chair. The caste which have no representation, how its political problems are going to be solved? Valmiki castes are leaderless today. Nobody is guiding them properly. There was one minister from Valmiki Caste, but during his tenture he dissolved the Bhatta act which resulted in 95% Valmiki jobless. This shows immaturity of our MP’s. They are not ideology awared. They are stooges. They can be purchased very easily by the rulling castes. They not only sell themselves but the society too. The parliament where policies are framed, if there is no representation of Valmiki Caste then none of our political and economical problems will get solved.
Nearly 100crore dollars are received from abroad every year but only 5 to 10% is utilized. Rest 90% is used by the ministers and rulling caste leaders.
We had established voice of Dalit international organization in London. People from all depressed communities are representing in this organisation we had tried to get representatives from Valmiki Caste, but we could not succeed to the extent. In London Valmiki has only religious identification. Very few are aware of his historical background. The community which has education, money and power, can only develop. Valmiki caste people are away from these three basic needs. We had taken the task of upliftment of Valmiki Caste people in London through Valmiki Kalyan (Welfare) Trust. Considering todays scenario, we will have to make up our mind to spread the ideology to the grass root level of every village. Then only our community is going to be develop. Lot of theoretical work has been done uptill now. From today we will have to work on practicals.
Most of the scavenging caste people are working on contract basis. But still they are enjoying the slavery. Nobody is raising voice against it because they feel themselves as individual. This individuals is to be converted into strength. Every year lakhs of rupees are spend on Valmiki birth celebration but with no outcome. We all are waisting lakhs of rupees every year. But the step taken by BAMCEF is really appreciable and results of these conventions and programmes will be seen within two three years.
Arya Brahmins are taking the support of Gods and Goddesses to divide us and rule on us. Also as the literacy rate of Valmiki Caste is very low, these Gods and Goddessess easily get identification in them. The importance of education will have to be realized to our brothers and sisters then only we can succeed.
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