Speaking on the topic Mr. J. Mandal said that BAMCEF is doing a good job of awakening the society for the last 22 years The agitation needs to be energised, but before agitation, the first and foremost thing required, is that of education. Education is not, which we get in schools and college, but the social education. Dr. Ambedkar gave the slogan of Educate, organise and then agitate. So Agitation comes last. We should first educate the society. BAMCEF’s way of educating the masses is really different from other's and I too think that, it is the only way of educating indigenous mass. The intellectual class gathered in conventions, conferences should further educate the mass residing in villages and tahsil levels.
Not only Buddhist people, but the brahminical rulling caste also condemned the demolition act of Taliban Govt. The designed subject is much informative, vast and requires through analysis. Our duty should be to educate the masses residing in village levels too. Because this is our real strength. There are almost 124 districts in India, which are totally unaware of the happenings all around. Even I doubt whether they are knowing the prime minister of India. The govt. policies are not reaching at grass root level. They are not implemented at all. There is discrimination at every level and every part of life. The education is not reached to grass root level. We are really unhappy with the Taliban move of demolishing the buddha statues, but still we are unhappy with the brahminical syatem, which tries to utilise every issue against Muslims and indigenous mass.
The third thing which I would like to stress is that in Asian region all the rich countries are Buddhist. The richest among them is Japan. China and Thailand are also reach. India is the poorest country, which was once the most economic country with good business in every sector. Here universities like Nalanda and Takshashila were existing in which students from all over world were coming to take the education. But today the situation is totally different. There is no qualitative education in India and all are migrating other countries for qualitative higher education.
The social system had established its roots so strongly that it is difficult for a common man to survive freely. In MP and Orissa almost 35% SC population is present whereas in West Bengal it is 29%. But the policies are so frame up that only the rulling upper caste gets benefit of it and the indigenous mass is left as it was. There are no policies for upliftment of ladies. Our society is leaderless and still today we are in search of good leader who will look for the society and their upliftment.
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