Speaking on the topic Prof. Tulsiramji (JNU) said that the awakening work of BAMCEF is really appreciable. They do right awakening at right time. As the topic itself gives the clear message that the demolition of Buddha statues in Taliban, is not only limited to the conspiracy of Taliban government but it is also related to Indian government. How the rulling government utilised the Taliban issue is much more important than the Taliban government.
The ruling brahminical govt. played dual role in the demolition issue of buddha statues in Taliban. They were opposing the Taliban demolition move, at the same time in Indian they were propagating that Buddha is the 9th incarnate of Vishnu. The buddha statues were almost 2000 years old. Every organisation and also Vishwa Hindu Parishad condemned the demolition move. There was one of news in newspaper during this period and that was of Hindu Mahasabha, which demonstrated at Jantar Mantar(Delhi) and fired the Taliban statue. The objective behind firing the Taliban statue was told that, after demolition of Buddha statues almost 100 cows were slaughter, hence they wanted to oppose that move. This gives the brahminical mentality. The arya brahmins are little hesitate about the demolition of buddha statues but are more worried about slaughtering of cows.
This demolition move was not the first attempt but in history their are so many examples of demolition. Siddharath Gautam Buddha was the first person who stood against the brahminical degraded system. Hence Buddha was the first enemy of arya brahmins. Thats why they had destroyed all the Buddhist viharas or converted them into a hindu temple to fool the OBCS. All the temples at Kanchipuram, Jagganath, Kedarnath, Badrinath, Tirupati were all Buddhist viharas in the history. But they were destroyed and hindu temples were erected on them.
Buddhism was having a strong hold in central Asia. In Russia also Buddhism was spread in Cyberia, where the temperature is almost -60o C throughout the year. The main thing to remember is that how the Buddhist monks would had convinced the whole mass not only in India but also abroad. However they proved that the brahminical rituals, culture are not the indigenous culture. But it was the assimilated culture to retain supremacy under the hands of minority (brahmins)
Eugur is an community, which exists in China and Mangolia. In 1573 A.C there was one ruler of Mangolia called Altan Khan. During his attack on North China he arrested two Buddhist monks. But after listening to the unity, humanity, safety, rituals, universal brotherhood message of monks, he was so impressed that he took both the monks to his place and ordered 10 point program to spread Buddhism in China, Mangolia, Russia, Central Asia Cyberia etc.
In Pharsi language BAM is called as roof. Roof in the sense tallest thing. Bamiyan is also called as Asia's roof. Bamiyan is at the tallest place. There were not only two Buddha statues in that area, but there was almost 30 mile area in which Buddhist inscriptions were present. Huang Sang, during his visit to Taliban in 1630 said that the buddha face was so shining that it could attract anybody's attention from more than 100 mile distance. He further says that during that period one of the lokatar shakha of Buddhism was existing in these Buddhist ghatis, who were spreading the ideology and Buddhism their. He saw almost 10 Buddhist vihars their in Taliban Ghati. They were almost 100 ft. height buddha statues with white marble background. Another 100 ft. metal statue was in construction.
At Tirumalla(Tirupati) there is one such place where nobody is allowed to go. The brahmins propagate that if anybody tries to go their, then he will not returned back. One of the Tamilian saint exploded the conspiracy that when the Buddhist statues were removed from the temple place, they were thrown at higher place. Today also they are laying their. But nobody is allowed to go there, as it will expose the brahminical conspiracy.
Same is the situation at Jagannathpuri. There is one tasket (box) there. The cloth surrounding this box is changed once in 12 years and that too through oldest person. Brahmins propagate that whoever touches the box is no longer alive. But the real thing is that the box contains Buddha's gristle or cartilage. But they want to hide these things hence propagate that the oldest person can only change the cloth and that too once in 12 years.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad had organised almost 5 to 6 world conferences. It was started at Modipuram and then to Lumbini, Sarnath and Nepal. Every year such type of conventions are organised. Some of the Buddhist monks are trapped and with the help of them they put their views through monks lips. In these conventions they are propagating that Buddhism is a part of Hinduism and Buddha is 9th incarnation of Vishnu. In the demolition issue they are propagating that since buddha was Vishnu's incarnation, so if buddha statues are demolished then ultimately Vishnu is demolished. But if buddha is incarnation of Vishnu then why there were no demonstration, atrocities, functions organised by R.S.S. & V.H.P. after the demolition of buddha statues? Instead in most of the places Quran were set fire. This clearly indicates that the rulling arya brahmins wanted to utilise Buddhist against Muslims. Varna system is the soul of arya-brahminical system. If there is no Varna system then their will be no hindu dharma.
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