In his preface speech, Mr.Dharmesh Gajbhiye said that the concept of Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj was prapogated by our fore-fathers for the last 150 years. But in the middle this concept was not prapogated to the extent required, hence it could not get established. The concept of mulnivasi is now prapogated by BAMCEF by forming one of its outfit as Mulnivasi Sangh (Ladies, Students and Youth's wing) so that the society could identify the enemy and friends. At the begining the concept of mulnivasi was oppossed by our people, but we were determined for the concept and are propogating the same through mulnivasi sangh for the last 7 years. It resulted in publishing many books by our enemy to counter the concept. But still they failed to prove that aryans are original inhabitors of India. Recently one more attempt was made by one of the historian Dr.Rajaram. He had tried to establish that horse was the representation of sindhu civilisation. They are trying to change the original representation of sindhu civilisation OX to the horse, through computer. Also trying to prove that the sindhu civilsation and aryan civilisation are of same period. Today our every is more cautious about the mulnivasi concept rather than our people. Our enemy is well aware of the impact of mulnivasi concept, but we are not. Hence it's need of time to prapogate the mulnivasi concept and establish it in the society. Due to this mulnivasi ideology, today we are in action and our enemy in reaction.
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