BAMCEF is prapogating the mulnivasi concept in the society through their national campaigns and conventions. BAMCEF is the only organisation which is realising the society about its indigneousness. Mulnivasi society is the strongest society. Caste consciousness is being utilised by the arya brahmins, hence mulnivasi consciousness will have to be established in backward class. If this happens then mulnivasi society is like a lion and this lion can kill the brahminical goat any time. Only due to caste consciousness our society is prey of brahminism. Caste consiousness represents brahminism which is the root cause of our slavery. Due to caste consciousness our Mulnivasi society is under the order of brahminism, and its not good. If this has to be reversed then Mulnivasi consciousness will have to be prapogated and implemented in the society. We will have to educate, unite the society & make it prepare for any type of agitation. The foundation of caste consciousness was laid down by Mahatma Gandhi and R.S.S. and swadhyay family had made a wall over it. We will have to stop this all.
We have with us the mulnivasi concept, ideology, given by our fore father Rashtrapita Jotirao Phuley. We will have to utilise it to the fullest exetent and this shall be our ultimate goal.
Brahmins had written the Gita and in it they said through the mouth of Krishna that "The four varna system is developed by me". Just like a throne is put in the river to attract the fish. The same has been done to attract the mulnivasi society through the mouth of Krishna.
After Gita, manusmruti was implemented. During this time varna system was changed to caste system. The division of India was started in the mansmruti era. Samrat Ashoka's India became slave due to brahminism. Due to today’s brahminism, caste consiousness is getting strengthened. To counter it the only alternative is to prapogate mulnivasi consciousness more and more.
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