Awakening session no.2

Topic : Success or Failure of the issue of caste discrimination raised in Durban conference – A critical analysis

Casteism in India is more dangerous than the racial discrimination of the World - Dr. Prakash Louis (Director, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi).

          Delivering  his speech Dr. Prakash Louis said that the topic is related to the 200 people delegation of India who went to Durban, whether they got success or were failed in their target. At Durban, there was a discussion on the topic of racial discrimination which is the problem between the white people and black people. But the delegates who went there were of the opinion that the caste discrimination problem in India is more serious than that of racial discrimination. This was the issue which was highlighted at international platform. Some of the delegates are happy with the achievement of highlighting the issue at international level. But friends, this is just a start. The battle has just begun. We have to march a lot. That's why BAMCEF is stressing more on establishing the network and making the Phuley - Ambedkar movement nationwide. By strengthening the network only, our problem can get solved.
The Indian govt. was opposing the issue of discrimination on the ground of caste. They were propagating that casteism was an old issue and not existing in India today. But friends, everyday we are reading in the news paper that several rapes are done on dalit women’s, many have not received their daily wages, few were not allowed to enter in the temple and many other issues. If all these things are happening in India even after 54 years of Independence, then how one can claim that casteism was an old age practice. It is a mere eye wash. The Govt. is claiming that the laws which we had made are themselves so strong that the problems were resolved at the start itself. But if we open the last 53 years of history then the scenario is exactly opposite. Today we are getting the same behavior which was observed by our forefathers. When there is attack on Parliament then it is propagated that the attack was on political system. In Laksmanpur Ghat of Bihar 58 people were killed. But at that time there was no propagation of attack on democracy. Does the people of Bihar don't come under democracy? Only MPs' come under democratic system? Unless and until the indigenous get their rights, nothing is going to happen in India. The real problem faced by the indigenous are never highlighted, but the issue of India - Pakistan border problem is highlighted daily. India Govt. is also saying that the casteism in India is their internal matter though it exists from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. But I am of the opinion that unless and until the struggling for common man's welfare is thought of, the real democratic system is not going to establish in India.
          He further said that from Indian Govt. side Mr. Omar Abdullah represented at Durban. There he said that, long back we had abolished the casteism in India and the day on which he delivered his speech, here in India the cabinet Ministry was expanded and Mr. Abdullah was hoping to get promotion. But unfortunately it could not happen. If he could have aware of this development before delivering his speech, he could have thrown some light on some of the points favoring to our society, then something could have achieved. By the way, Mr. Omar Abdullah or his father has nothing to do with us or Muslim Minorities. If he loose the Jammu Kashmir govt. then probably he can get settle in England as he is having his mother from that place.
          Another four people from our society attended the Durban conference. Among them were Bangaru Laxman, who is struggling to strength to Brahman Jati Party(BJP). He was not caught giving services to any Dalit community people or for doing any good work for the cause of the society. He could not get, why he was sent to Durban. What he have to stressed, instead of saying anything from his side, he was repeating what others were saying.
          Second person was Sanghapriya Gautam. He belongs to Uttar Pradesh. He said that the persons who had come to Durban are Christian and belongs to South India. He didn't utter a single word on dalit matters. Almost 45% representative from India belongs to North India. He further said that the dalit leadership who is dividing the society on the ground of education, religion and caste is present here. Why he stressed on these point? Because after Mr.Deelip Singh Bhuria , the new name for SC/ST commission is of Sanghapriya Gautam. Hence to be loyal with BJP Govt. he didn't utter a single word.
          Next in the queue were Mr.Sushil Kumar Shinde from Maharashtra state and was the congress representative. By the way, our people keep the relationship of uncle and nephew with congress. For the last forty years they are betraying us. He also raise the voice favoring the Govt. as he was more concerned about his chair.
The fourth person was Mr. Etkisan from Andhra Pradesh. He is basically Anglo Indian. He reached the Parliament due to closeness with Chandra Babu Naidu. He went there to oppose the dalit issue.
           Dr. Prakash Louis further said that the matter has been initiated at Durban, but such type of caste abolition conventions will be organised in Bangladesh, Srilanka, Pakistan, India, China etc. But the 11th September 2001 incidence has diverted the attention of the Durban conference and its deliberations. But today BAMCEF has done a good job by highlighting once again the issue which was gone behind the curtain. I am really happy to see the gathering. The issue has not closed. But it is gaining momentum now. Our enemy is taking the advantage of  division within  our leaders. Our leaders are struggling for chairs from the Brahmins, who is the determined enemy of the SC/ST/OBC and converted minorities. They never open their mouth on our problems within the party. We will have to develop our new leadership, from our society. At Durban my personal observation was that we ourselves are creating a forward high class community within dalits which will hamper the dalit movement. Some of the highly classed intellectual were born in our society but are totally cut from the society. We are living our livelihood on our own bread and butter, then why to worry and for whom to worry. We are more in number and our enemy is in minority, but still we are afraid.
           Today's high class historians are propagating that the tribals were not having any land with them.  But if we open the pages of history then we will come to know that we were landlords at one time on this earth. We were the kings. We are the indigenous people. Reservation might be the beginning but not end. We will have to struggle a lot to get back our self respect. So the Durban conference is just a start, we will have to march a lot.