Awakening session no.2

Topic : Success or Failure of the issue of caste discrimination raised in Durban conference – A critical analysis

The discrimination based on casteism was replaced with discrimination on the basis of work and decent is the failure of our people who represented at the Durban Conference- L.K.Madavi

         Thanking to Dr.Ambedkar Center, Justice and Peace Mr.L.K.Madavi, social tribal activist from Chandrapur district of Maharashtra said that, this institution send him to Durban Conference. In Durban conference there were several discussions on American Red Indians, African Nigros and Rome Indigenous. As I belong to Indigenous tribal belt, I got a chance to represent the Tribals at the Durban conference. Mr.Warhade introduced me to Mr. Julian Burger, Sec. of working group of Indigenous people at United States. The literature received from Burger focuses on identity of tribals at International level. Today’s topic for discussion is under article 73 of worldwide famous manifesto. As far as the indigenous problems are concerned article 26 also covers some details about them besides article 73.
         Speaking further Mr.L.K.Madavi said that, in the literature received Mr.Burgar Racism is defined as "Humiliating  the human rights of one race by another race". This includes in the political, economical and social structure, one should create racial discrimination and they should not get the basic rights of bread, employment, health, house, socio-political system and all. They don't agree with the single identity based on language, religion and culture. they discriminate between blacks and whites, as brahmins behave with others in India. To discard the rituals daily routines and the way the world do, means the indigenous people who are staying here and the people of brahminical system, both have different life style and believes. This might be one of the reason behind organising the Durban conference.
          In this country separate constitution has been made for the tribals and depressed classes. As the Nigros are interfering with the administration in foreign countries,  same is done by dalit people of India. Both are fighting for their rights. In Indian condition if some selected persons are more salaried and if the income  is going in some selected houses, then it automatically will create division of labour. In India the arya brahmins are dominating as the whites are dominating in foreign countries. This is also a sort of racial discrimination.
          There is discrimination in employment, services and also while doing justice to dalit community. The same sort of discrimination is observed with Nigros. Due to this discrimination the Nigros came forward against the whites as the indigenous are doing in India.
          Mr. L. K. Madavi also highlighted that they had specified the qualities of barhmins and black people. Brahmins are highly intellectual, visionary, hard working, of high culture, ritualistic persons. Whereas the blacks or depressed are lazy, illiterates , uncultured persons.
          Further he said the character of United states reflects in the worldwide manifesto. Article 1 of the manifesto specifies about "World peace, security, economic, political, humanity protection, racial discrimination, sex discrimination, religion, protection of morality right etc." Targeting these points United states organised one program in 1965, which was the first biggest conference against racism. 10 years period was kept to achieve the target which resulted in nothing. After that from 1973 to 1982 second phase was started, but still racism continued. From 1983 to 1992 third phase was started. Mr. Nelson Mandela who fall prey to racial discrimination was released from jail. He was representing the black people. Later on he became first black president. The first reaction of United states against racial discrimination was to release Dr. Nelson Mandela. After this 1995 to 2004 is the third phase which is being celebrated and the Durban conference was a part of it. The topic for discussion here was related to racial discrimination.
           Elaborating how the racial discrimination problem was tackled by Indian Govt. from 1995 to 1996 Mr.L.K.Madavi said that until now in various conferences Indian Govt. had put 10 to 14 proposals and accepted the caste discrimination against SC/ST people. After that they accepted the same in front of Human Rights high commission. In 2000 there was world woman conference and also labour conference. In both the conferences Indian Govt. accepted the caste discrimination problem in India.
           He further said that right from 1965 to 1999, the Indian Govt. was accepting the fact that the caste discrimination does exist in India and also they claim that due to the intercaste marriages in 1997 the racial groups were demolished. Will any Brahmin or Kshatriya boy marry with SC/ST/OBC girl or whether they are really interested in getting married to SC/ST/OBC people. Can any brahmin give his girl to a Riksha puller? Not at all. Then why such propaganda?
           In one of the world indigenous conference in 1993, the R.S.S workers Debashish Chakraborty and Jayant Prasad, who were representatives at the conference put their views as "India is a country in which different religions, different culture is existing and is an unique example of a democratic country. Different views and castes are consolidated to form the democratic country. They had got the constitutional rights and are well secured. In this country the aryans and the indigenous are staying together for thousands of years. It is very difficult to distinguish between them". The 1993 year was celebrated in India as cultural year, though the entire world celebrated it as world indigenous year. Also now these people are saying at United states that there are no indigenous residing here.
            Speaking further he said that the 44 people Indian delegation went to Durban and it include 13 MP's. Also Mr.Kariya Munda from Tribal community represented the conference. Here at Durban, for the first time in history, for making the worldwide memorandum of United nations to abolish the racial discrimination NGO's and Govt. representatives of almost 89 countries were called together. NGO's came up with their views and also the Govt. representatives put their views. Among these organisation, one organisation known as African Kokas, belonging to African Nigro people formed one body and gave the views of Dalits and Nigro People. African Kokas said that whatever international laws are existing, they should see that the tradition, custom, culture and different identity of the indigenous shall be keep separate from the aryans. Erednes, who is the chairman of working group of indigenous people said that the budget which is kept for black people for development is 1/10th of that kept for white people. On an average one black family get 6 paisa only for development.
            Further Mr.L.K.Madavi said that the rights which are given for the indigenous under international law, that rights are put in the article 26 and 29 of the united nation organisation, which is totally unjustifiable. From Japan the Boraku liberation and Human right research institute members participated in the conference and put the situation of Boraku people of Japan. they said that there is much exploitation of boraku people in education, marriage system and at work place.
            Further Mr.Madavi said that the Indian NGO's was represented by Mr.Paul Diwakar of National Campaign of Dalit Human rights. He put the views that the prime minister of India supports the Rome tribes but rejects the caste discrimination behavior with SC/ST people. In India there are almost 250 million tribals, who are struggling for their existence. They are facing the slavery under caste system. In the name of god, the girls of Indigenous people are sexually exploited by calling them as devdasis. Crores of people are facing the starvation problem.
            There is one supreme court judgment which is known as Samata judgment in which it is said that the identity of tribals is based on cultural value, which is included in the 5th and 6th schedule of the constitution.
            In his speech in front of NGO's, Hon. Kofi Ananan said that the racial discrimination problem is the worldwide problem and through this conference. We are trying to concentrate the world's attention on this problem. So that we can approach towards world culture and equality. The discrimination was behind the curtain for years but this conference will help a lot to highlight the issue of discrimination. Hence whatever you expect from us shall be ask through questions. but to our surprise none of the Indian representative dare to raise any question. They got a good chance of asking Mr.Kofi Annan that lot's of atrocities are carried out on SC/ST people. Reservation is not implemented properly. The discrimination observed on the ground of caste has no limit. All these questions could have asked by our MP's but none raise any question and instead were happy by giving more information. This is not the question of any MP but a question of crores of Indigenous.
            There are 119 SC/ST MP's in the parliament and among them 41 belongs to ST. There are many MLA's belonging to these castes but none raise any question either in the parliament or in the legislative assemblies. The common man's representatives could not speak out in the Durban conference is the failure of the representatives who attended the conference.
            He concluded that the Durban conference ended without any decision. On 7th Dec. America walked out of the Hall. In the Para 73 the discrimination on the basis of casteism was replaced with discrimination on the basis of work and decent is the failure of our people.