Awakening session no.2

Topic : Success or Failure of the issue of caste discrimination raised in Durban conference – A critical analysis

We succeeded in highlighting the caste discrimination issue on the biggest international platform - Adv.P.L.Mimroth

          The problems of the indigenous that are existing in India is the result of racial discrimination. We had tried our best to highlight the issue of caste discrimination at international level. The caste discrimination present in India is not the recent development but the age old one. During the emergency period in 1970 Indira Gandhi was heading the nation and it was followed by Morarji Desai. When Morarji Desaiji went to American tour. He was shown the black flags by the NRI’s there in America. They want to protest the arya-brahminical behavior with the indigenous. His was the first attempt by Indians to Highlight the issue of caste discrimination in India at international level. But it is not highlighted to the extent required. For the last four-five years there is an attempt to highlight the issue of caste discrimination. Mrs. Smita Narula who is associated with America's Human Right  Watch Institute had written a book "Broken People". She visited six to seven states of India and contacted the indigenous people. She saw with her naked eyes what behavior is observed with ladies and others. She also saw what type of animal like behavior is observed with the backward class. Since the book was in English and the Human Right Watch has its network worldwide, the book was in the hand of thousands of people within a couple of days. Thus for the first time the matter of broken people in India was highlighted at International level. The Dalit Human right Committee members are trying to highlight the issue at national and international level. Even we collected signatures of about twenty five lakh people and handed over the memorandum to the President and Prime Minister. Due to these activities our Organisation's name was highlighted at national and international level. During this period, preparation for Durban conference was in full swing and we were called to attend the same. This conference is organised regularly to hear the grievances of people and find solutions over it. We made up our mind to take advantage of the conference and highlight the issue of caste discrimination. When there was a preliminary round meeting in May 2000 at Geneva, in which representatives of different countries were going to participate, we collected all the relevant information’s and data bank of atrocities and also the broken People book and went to the meeting and handed over the information to the authorities. They were shocked to hear the news of discrimination on the ground of caste and the atrocities figures. We also approached to the Human Rights commission before handing over the facts and figures at Geneva and stressed them to highlight the issue at Durban. Three times meeting was organised by India's Human right Commission on our proposal and one of the Human Right Commission member  highlighted the issue in his speech in one of the open session at Durban. So definitely this was our success. In his speech he stressed on  how the atrocities are done on  SC/ST people and law is not followed. The Indian Constitution Committee constitutes of SC/ST parliamentary committe. We also approached to this committee and make them aware about the facts. Now it was the duty of all those MP's to react back, that the norms of the constitution are not implemented properly. But they keep mum on the issue.
          There were two hundred delegations from our institute. Among these, forty five were from Northern India and others from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh , Punjab and other states. But at Durban the Indian Govt. delegation propagated against us claiming that whatever our institution is doing is only the play of Christians.
Friends, when we saw the atmosphere of the Durban conference, we were really glad to see the Dalit atmosphere all over. We got support from the oldest organisation among them called as Roma. We were also seconded by African Organisation. They all were of the opinion that whatever is going on  in India is an stain to India's image and it should be abolished totally. The behavior which the Nigro's of Africa are facing, is also happening with the Dalits of India.  
          After the inauguration of the conference on behalf of Indian Govt. Mr. Omar Abdullah, who is the Cabinet Minister and Muslim minority, came up with the views that whatever is propagated here about the India's image is nothing happening in India. These all are stories. None in India is targeted on the ground of caste and if there is any case like caste discrimination, we have enough domestic law to resolve the issue at that place itself.
          At Durban caste was equated with decent and work and this was done with the help of Indian Govt. Many organisations refused the statement. Before any discussion or voting Israel and America walk out the conference. On 3rd September, they gave their reaction that they will not participate in the conference. Due to this the Para no 73, which was having 60 points, was not discussed at all. All were busy to convince America as it was a mega power. Points in Para 73 includes implementation of all the constitutional laws. Even today  the Indian Govt. is trying to keep caste issue out of the conference. For excuses they are saying that the convention is on racial discrimination which is not observed in India.
          But in 1996 the SIR committee came up with the decision that SC/ST communities problem came under racial discrimination.
          Further he said that in the 16th national President's meeting the issue was highlighted and there was elaborate discussion on the same. Thus we succeeded in highlighting the discrimination on the ground of caste in India and the problem faced by SC/ST/OBC community.