Awakening session no.2

Topic : Success or Failure of the issue of caste discrimination raised in Durban conference – A critical analysis

The arya brahmins succeeded in their plan of not discussing the caste issue at Durban conference. Hence we will have to organise an international conference outside India to highlight the issue of caste and untouchability-  Mr. Waman Meshram

         Concluding the session Mr.Waman Meshram said that the brahmin-baniya press media always try to highlight only those issues which are favorable to their society and always hide all the issues which are in the interest of SC/ST/OBC and converted minorities. People of India were thinking that after the Durban conference there will be enough discussion in the media after the conference, whether it was a success or a failure. but none of the toilet news paper tried to discuss on the issue. When Atal Bihari attacked Pakistan and the battle which won was highlighted and celebrated throughout India as operation "Vijay" The entire press media was speaking in one voice that we had won the war. But I would like to share one secret information. when I was in UK, I came to know that there was one secret meeting between NRI's and Asst. Commissioner Mr. Sanghvi, who  was representing the BJP govt. In that meeting he told two things. One was relating to putting a bill in the parliament to give dual nationality to NRI's and the other was regarding  that they have defeated the dalits at Durban. Atal Bihari attacked Pakistan and the won was highlighted as operation Vijay. But was it a real Vijay? The enemy enters our camp (Land) and then we are removing them from our house (Land). Is it the real success? On the other hand his representative goes to U.K and propagate that we had defeated the dalits at Durban. My question is why the brahmin-baniya Print media did not highlighted the issue of the defeat of the dalits at the conference. If they could have done it or could have highlighted the issue of defeat then all the indigenous could have stood up against their defeat. The Indian Govt. didn't want to give any indication of defeat inside INDIA and instead are propagating outside India.
         Another objective behind putting this topic for discussion was self critical analysis. Now to discuss what can be the parameters for analysing the success or failure. Simply we can target the objective and what we had received in turn. If our objective was to include the caste problem in the UNO chart, then it is uncompleted task. We wanted the discussion on the ground of caste discrimination. But we will have to analyse the developments that had happened before the conference. Before the Durban Conference one meeting was organised in India and in this meeting Mr. Soli Sorbajee was the govt. representative. In this meeting Soli Sorbajee stressed that if the caste word is removed from the agenda and instead if the word work and decent is replaced then we will support on the issue at Durban otherwise not. Because in the word work and decent the word caste is already included,  so none should have any objection. So this was a part of conspiracy. To divide  our people Mr. Atal Bihari send Mr. Soli Sorbajee in the NGO meeting and indirectly got our consent to remove caste word. This is very serious matter to think. We could not have given consent to remove caste word and could have insisted not to remove the caste word, then whether we could have achieved any thing at Durban or not is different matter. If the caste word could have highlighted at Durban then there was a little chance for brahmins to escape. Caste is the weapon of Arya-Brahmins to make us slave and themselves the rulers. In my opinion we could have insisted the word Brahmanism in place of caste. Because caste is the outcome of Brahmanism. This is a political issue. There is no solution to any problem without specific strategy. If we could not succeed in present conference then we must highlight it in near future. This is not the end, but the start. Many people who are not aware of Indian casteism will come to know through discussions in future. But this was not our objective or goal. So we got partial success by highlighting the issue at inter national level. Now its responsibility of all the delegates who wanted to put their views at Durban  but could not succeed, they should highlight the issue at national level at different places within India as well as abroad. Because if the United States take another 10 years to organise such type of conference they we should not keep mum for these years. We will have to go America, UK and organise international conferences on caste discrimination. Also these conferences shall discuss the untouchability problem. Untouchability is the outcome of caste system. If we exclude the untouchability problem from caste problem then probably there is a chance of consolidation of SC's only. But untouchability problem is highlighted then St's will also come forward and join with us.
          We shall use only those words which are common to all categories SC/ST/OBC and minorities and that's why we stress on mulnivasi word. Our aim is to establish national movement in this country and we are marching towards it.