Awakening Session No.1

Topic: 20 Crore 80 Lakh people had reached below starvation line, after 54 years of independence is the result of conspiracy of racial discrimination.

Starvation is not the recent development but a result of age old social system developed by arya-brahmins.- Dr.V.S.Verma, Kota, Rajasthan

          Expressing his thanks towards the organizers of the convention, Dr. V. S. Verma said that the peak level of the starvation line has reached and it is all due to the arya-brahminical policies that were implemented for the last 54 years. Total 18 crore people were living below poverty line during the Independence time but now it had reached to 36 crore. One can’t imagine the change. It had not become 17 crore but had increased to 36 crore. We are the indigenous people of this land. But still we are slaves. We are made helpless. In the old stories we often come across the social degradation or ill treatment given to the untouchables. This untouchability behaviour and the arya-brahminical descrimination policies had created the starvation line. Thus it is not the recent development, but the development of thousands of years.
          In Ramayana(Epic) also there is one story of Bhilani and Ram. Bhilani sort out the plums and pick up the good ones and give it to Ram. But as Bhilani belongs to lower caste, immediately Laxman reacts that he will  go to Ayodhya and complaint about him that he had eaten the plums given by Bhilani. The story reflects the discrimination in age old time.
          The behaviour with the womens in age old days can be noticed by the Agni Pariksha (Fire test) of Sita in Ramayana. King has no faith in his beloved wife and told to accept her only after the fire test. Despite the Fire test she was exiled. After that Laxman took Sita to one of the Brahmin sage. But the Brahmin sage also refuses to stay her back. These are in the stories, but the same type of discriminational behaviour was observed with our people and these all activities pave the way for degraded society suppressing the Indigenous. That’s why the few percent arya Brahmins are rulling for thousands of years. They termed the indigenous people as Devils(Rakshas). The arya-brahminical people created the hatred society. Even today these people are making all the policies to retain their supremacy and make us slave. Concluding the speech he appealed to the people to strength the roots of BAMCEF, which is the only organization which can make the indigenous ruling caste.