Awakening Session No.1

Topic: 20 Crore 80 Lakh people had reached below starvation line, after 54 years of independence is the result of conspiracy of racial discrimination.

The racially afflicted arya-brahmins had carried the 36 crore Indigenous Bahujans towards the starvation line- Mr. Waman Meshram

          Concluding the first awakening session Mr.Waman Meshram said that we had neither gathered here at Kranti Jwala Phoolan Devi Nagar, to feed the intelligence food to the delegates, nor  for academic discussions. He said that information is the basic of power. The weak cannot enter into the battle. Therefore if the weak is to be prepared for the battle then the utmost requirement is to make him strong enough to win the battle. The awakening sessions is a part of the program of making the intellectuals of the indigenous society strong. The information will play a role of  a weapon for the intellectuals. Because today is the war of words. The sword and knives will not play any role in today’s war of words.
         Further he said that the topic for discussion is a very serious matter. Recently the planning commission had released some figures. As per these figures they said that today 20 crore 80 lakhs people are living below starvation line. Why they had used the word Starvation? Because most of our society people are illiterate. Even the intellectual class don’t know the meaning of starvation? They often thinks that it might be the name of one of the disease. But it is not. This word is conspiracilly propogated by the arya Brahmins. Because they want to hide the actual figures of the people who are living below starvation line. The starvation line is the line below which the people don’t get even one time meal  to live. If the media propogates the word in this manner then the conspiracy is exposed. Who are the people responsible to create such type of situation? Hence they use the word starvation.
          During the independence period Gandhiji used to say that when India will become independence the last man on this earth will be benefited. But today the last man has disappeared and isn’t seen anywhere. After the independence the people living below poverty line were 18 crore. Today after 54 years of independence, the figures had not curtailed to 17 crore or 16 crore but had reached to 36 crore. Today 60 crore people are living below poverty line. 10 years back when the LPG program was initiated by Manmohan Singh, he uttered few words in the parliament that the LPG program will remove the poverty in this country. But after 10 years of implementation of LPG instead of abolishing the poverty line one new line below poverty line has been created and the line is called as starvation line. People living below starvation line are dying as they are not getting even one time meal or are not in a position to purchase one time meal. The media is totally silent on the issue. Today there are 50 lakh bounded labourers. The loan might be taken by their fore fathers but the generations are paying the loan installments. The loan installments has no limit. Though the constitution provides free and compulsory education to children’s living below 14 years they are working as bounded laborers in the factories without earning anything. There is  a rule not to employ childrens below 14 years age in the factories, but the law is not followed. These childrens are in crores in numbers. The physically handicap figures to 1.5 crore, whose life is totally insecured. These childrens are physically handicap as there mother doesn’t get enough food. There are 20 lakh ladies in this country belonging to SC/ST/OBC and converted minorities who are raped. This is the figure of independent India. There are almost 30 lakh ladies who don’t have enough money to fulfill the needs of their family and are forced for prostitution. These all are the indigenous people. There are almost 1.5 crore T.B people bolnging to SC/ST/OBC people. They don’t get enough food to resist against the disease. These all figures reflects the fact that our society is deliberately being made handicap. Some people say that the increase in population might be the cause behind these problems. But if there is increase in population then who is responsible for the same. Not we but the govt. and the governing class is responsible for this. Those people who were in the planning department are responsible for the increase in population. But they are not ready to accept this fact.
           Those people who identifies the enemy and his conspiracies can only bring awareness in the society. Our enemy had created the starvation line below poverty line but are not ready to accept the fact. The govt. machineries is saying that tonnes of wheat, rice is eaten by rats or is rotten in the godown. This means that the govt. is ready to live the wheat for rats but not ready to give it to indigenous who didn’t get even one time meal.  Due to non availability of one time food the indigenous are forced to live below starvation line and face the starvation.
            If the behaviour of the rulling caste towards the indigenous is analysed carefully then it can be concluded that the behaviour is none other than foreigners. The rulling caste people behaviour with the indigenous is much hatred than what they behave with the Pakistanis.
            When there was a convention on racial discrimination at Durban, there was a secret pact on the issue with Pakistan. Those people who daily propagate the anti muslim feeling against the Pakistanis makes secret pact with them. Isn’t it strange? The Congress and BJP parties daily quarrels on different issues in India. But when they reached Durban they made their common delegation. Whenever our social problem is highlighted at international platform both the rulling castes parties get united. Hence the foreigners type behaviour with the indigenous is the result of the racial discrimination. There are two types of people living in India. The rulling caste people don’t understand the problems faced by the indigenous as they don’t belong to their race. To abolish or destroy this descriminational behaviour a national level movement is required. BAMCEF is preparing for it for the last 23-24 years.