Speaking on the topic Mr. Dharam Paul Nahar, President, Valmiki Kalyan Trust (Scavenger’s Welfare Trust, London) said that our society had enough time to spare for birthday parties, marriage parties, kiti parties but they don’t have a single minute to attend any social gathering. Governement is also totally reluctant about development of scavenging castes. They don’t frame any policies for the same. Gandhiji used to tell that there is no untouchability in India but if it is true, then why it is still existing after 54 years of independence. It means, it was a false propagation. The scavenging work can be internationalized and can be replaced with modern flush systems, good well maintained sewers, good roads and with new machinery. But it is against manusmruti and brahminism, so how they will agree our development.
We should not celebrate the independence day on 15th August because we still are slaves of arya Brahmins. We are still enjoying slavery. We should not develop economically is the brahminical conspiracy hence they are recruiting scavengers at very low salary. Arya Brahmins are only 3% in population but are enjoying 100% jobs and that too in each and every field. On the other hand we are 85% but with us are only 8 to 10% jobs, so how will we develop economically. The entire media is with arya Brahmins. Whatever will be propagated by them is believed by the indigenous people. But the actual scenario is far different from what is propagated. I request all the indigenous people to get aware of the other side of coin and try to know the actual facts & figures. Everybody should devote 5 to 10 minutes daily to prepare our society. We ourselves will have to liberate from the arya Brahmins.
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