Speaking on the topic Mr.Waman Meshram said that the basic objective behind organising conventions is to prepare SC/ST/OBC and converted minorities for the desired goal of social change, because majority of our people don't know their root's, their history and also have less knowledge about any organisation. Our people don't have any information, hence they can't analyse what is going in and around. As they don't analyse the things, they don't come up with any solution. Hence their basic problems are not get solved but instead intensified. If we know the roots of the problems, then only we can diagnose it properly. Most of our people don't diagonise the problem throughly and instead of solving the problem, create new problems. Even our intellectual class don't have sufficient information, hence they could not solve our problems. There is no question of illiterate mass.
Our enemies problem is of explosion of information. They have tremendous knowledge/information with them and find it difficult to consolidate it. For the same they invented computer and are trying to store information in it. There problem is where to store the information whereas our problem is that we don't have any information. There lies the difference. Our brain is filled up with dust and raw material. Why it is so?. It is because we read daily newspaper, watch TV and believe in whatever is given in it. Newspapers play an important role in filling raw material in our brain. It intensifies and strengthens the ignorance present in us. Hence this media, instead of ending the ignorance, it converts into organise ignorance. Organise ignorance strengths the roots of foolishness, illiteracy in our people. For this organised efforts are made by the rulling castes. This results in filling the indigenous brain with foolish things, instead of information. This misinformation creates organised ignorance of our society. BAMCEF had critically analysed this problem and hence organising seminars, campaigns, conventions on different topics so that our society gets information and information only.
The biggest problem of Jharkhand State is that of displacement of tribals. In one of the program, one tribal delegate stressed that the displacement problem is not due to brahminism. This is another big problem of our intellectuals thinking. There thinking is not only limited to themselves but are propagating it infront of thousands of people. So this instance make us a compulsion to discuss and debate on the issue of tribal displacement and brahminism.
First of all we will have to find out why at all, the tribals are displaced. The tribal intellectuals instead of finding the roots of the problem are propagating that brahminism is not responsible for this displacement problem. This is an example of organised ignorance. Thus it can be noticed that those who can guide the society or think to some extent, there thinking has been changed. This intellect thinking is part of campaign of utilising the tribal society through their leaders. Just like there are sponsors for serials on television, the brahminical people had sponsored some people who are diverting our societies attention.
For example, India got independence on 15th August 1947. But in reality those 15% people, who were benefited by the Varna system got independence. We 85% people are still slave. The independence movement was that of the upper caste people and not ours. We were double slave during this independence movement. If the independence movement would have national movement then it could not have created 20 crore people below famine line. Our destruction was not done by Britishers but by arya brahmins. Since these 15% people got independence, they implemented all the policies in the interest of their society and got benefited, on the other hand 20 crore people were pushed below famine line, which proves that still today they are slaves.
In the first parliament, when Jawaharlal Nehru became Prime Minister as well as congress president he gave 60% election tickets to 3% brahmins, out of which 56% brahmins were elected. Thus the first parliament was dominated by arya brahmins. Gandhiji used to say that "Swaraj" will be for all, but in reality Swaraj was for the 3% arya brahmins. As the parliament was dominated by brahmins, they formulated and implemented all the policies in the interests of their society. They identified mines in forest areas where tribals are residing. Now the coal engines of rail had replaced with diesel and electric engine. But previously they were running on coal and coal can be obtained only from coal mines. For development coal is needed and coal is present beneath the earth. If coal is to mined then the tribals needs to be displaced. If they are not displaced, then how 15% community will get developed. In the name of development, they(arya brahmins) displaced tribals, If dam is to constructed for the arya brahmins development, then the tribals must need to be displaced. For big cities, where the arya brahmins are residing, there is always scarcity of water, hence dams are constructed in tribal belts so that enough water is always available for them. These roots of our problems needs to be analysed and hence we thought it better to discuss and debate this issue.
To awaken means, to provide information which is not reached to our people through brahminical media. What is the meaning of not having knowledge? It means that if we are able to find out the roots of our problems, then we don’t have sufficient knowledge. In our society there are many intellectual unknowledgeable persons. They support their ignorance with reasoning. This ignorance is sponsored ignorance. To believe that the rulling caste wants to develop tribal belt is ignorance. Actually displacement is a result not the cause. What is the cause? The cause is that, arya brahmins wants to develop themselves, and so is the result of displacement. For example in Gujarat Narmada project was sanctioned for 12 thousand crore rupees. The tribals are displaced from their residential areas. They had been told to vacate villages. If somebody is displaced, then he needs to be placed somewhere. But, though they had given in writing that they will place tribals in new areas, But tribal people are still waiting for land.
Another serious problems that of Jharkhand is that previously there were 71 percent tribals residing in these areas, but now it had been reduced to 27%. Why it had happened so, where these people had disappeared, certainly not in air. There are two issues. One is of displacement and other of migration. Some of the tribals were taken to Assam for doing tea planting. But they were not given even minimum wages. The rulling caste people were thinking that if the population of Jharkhand will reduce then it will increase the population of Assam and tribal people can be in majority. It was danger to the political scenario. What the arya brahmins had done?. They started conflicts between Assam tribals and that migrated to Assam from Jharkhand. The arya brahmins utilised the tribals and retain their supremacy.
The demand of Jharkhand was raised many years back. The Jharkhand state was not given to trials when their population was 71%, but was given when it reduced to 27%. With 27%, nothing can be done. Hence the total control of tribal belt too is in the hands of arya brahmins. They are not framing any policies for development of tribals without displacement. The tribal chief minister is nothing but only a symbolic representative. It can be seen that his chief secretary is Dhubey (Brahmin). All the planning is done by chief secretary and Chief Minister only sign the document. Ultimately all the policies are framed up by brahmin and he is the determined enemy of ours, so why he will see tribals developments. The arya brahmins are propagating that they had given separate state to tribals, but they had given it when the tribal percentage reduced to 27%, that means when they were not in a position to have their own control. Same is the condition of Uttaranchal. In Uttaranchal State, most of the people residing their are brahmin and thakurs. UP was uncontrollable to the arya brahmins hence they demanded separate state and there were so many agitation’s. How they will survive under the backward or scheduled caste leadership. The Uttaranchal State has income of 16 hundred crore rupees.
It can be concluded that the roots of displacement problems lies with arya brahmins and brahminism. The actual development is of arya brahmins but they propagate that of tribals. Now to solve this problem, the tribals can solve it on their own because they constitutes of 75% of entire population. So they will have to take help of their co-brothers SC/OBC and minority people and will have to build a national movement. |
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