Dr. K. Jamanadas
Date of Birth : 28 - Sept. 1932 Education: MBBS from Nagpur University. 1956 F.R.C.S. from Edinburgh 1964 Was in England for five years studying and working in various hospitals in 1960- 1965. After return to India, I was a practicing surgeon, running a Nursing Home and was Honorary Surgeon in Govt. Hospital. Being from Ambedkarite family, was active worker in Ambedkarite movement throughout life since child hood. Studied for and got additional B.A. degree of Nagpur University in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archeology. Got elected as an non teaching expert member of Board of studies in History in Nagpur University for two terms of three years each. I am the author of a research work "Tirupati Balaji was a Buddhist Shrine", published in 1991, and it had an international exposure, by reivews in VISION of America and International Sikh times. It has a rare distinction of being present in the "Library of Congress" of United States. Khushwant Singh reviewed it in SUNDAY and it was reviewed in Urdu journal "Nai Duniya", apart from almost all Indian Ambedkarite journals, including "Dalit Voice". The book was translated in Hindi in 1998, and is on way of second edition. |