Guest   Paper


October 24, 2000


Buddha insulted in His land of birth


By V.B.Rawat                                                   


Those of us, who have always taken pride in our rich rational heritage, were shocked, that Lord Buddha, whose very preaching were an anti-thesis of racist brahmanical system, and who has been systematically being assimilated into the Hindutva fold, has been held responsible for India’s sorry state of affair today by a great saffron sympathizer Francois Gautier, a Frenchmen, living in Delhi for the last 20 years.


Writing in the Indian Express on 25th September, Gautier claimed that it was Buddhism which made Indian coward (Buddha’s Ahimsa) and he covered a very large part of Indian history through his great analytical brain which has many takers in India since the Hindutva always needed a certificate from a western whites about our great culture.


The article must have delighted those who want to build India of their dream and I have been getting them through email by people who want to prove their point how great is Hinduism. After another ideologue of Hindutva, Arun Shourie attained Moksha ( he became a minister of state and had to shut his mouth when his colleague Vasundhara Raje presented a bill in Parliament to extend reservation for Dalits which Shourie so passionately opposed ) when Atal Bihari Vajpayee asked him to construct India of his dreams. Now since Arun Shourie cannot do both the work: writing and constructing India of his dream hence people like Francois Gautier are good. In India the words of Brahmins and Goras carry great weight. It give the great proponent of Rastrabhakts,( most of whom are living abroad and left India when it needed them) a glimmer of hope in their culture who we dirty seculars are condemning. See how great our past is that French men, English and every body is turning to Hinduism. True but they cannot find their caste.. Can anyone who has converted to Hinduism tell me his caste. Caste is the soul of Varnashram dharma.


All those Deshbhaktas who would beat their breast when Mandal report was implemented or something is done for the Dalits but they would not mind this country being sold to the near and dear one Francois G or when they prefer career to the country.


It is great that the learned friend of India, realised our potential to be super power. Perhaps he must have been aware of the fact that Hitler realised this long back from the Manu Smriti. He realised that he should eliminate those who he did not like and this can only be done through having a great racist ideology which he found in Swastika and saffron. Great dreams for a European Indian. You remember India’s destructive heritage while we want to remember India’s constructive heritage. We want India to be of Buddhas dream. Buddha is not what Sinhalas are preaching in Sri-Lanka but it is also people of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Mangloia and a large tribe in Europe, India and America who are rationalist and who love to respect the other faiths.


Let me be very clear. People of India know this vicious cycle which Francois G and others are spinning. By making Buddha responsible for India’s ill what they want to portray. India killed Buddhism and has come to this stage. Buddha wanted a Prabudha Bharat i.e. an enlightened India. Who destroyed the Buddh-viharas in our country? Let there be a new research to find as who killed the Buddhism in this country and who destroyed Buddha Viharas, whether it were the Mughals or the Caste Hindu Rajas misguided by the Brahmins. Any way, there is no point of discussing these things  with the people who can support and defend the killing of innocent people like Graham Stains and his two young children. But definitely we are proud of Buddha and all those rationalist will liberated millions of Indian from ignorance. He revolted against a system who Gautier feel very proud off. Of-course, we cannot be proud of Gautier but definitely the likes of Prafulla Bidwai and Arundhati Roy who have courage to say things in dissent. That tribe is not reflected in news-papers but it is still in very large number. All of them may not have got education abroad or won a Brooker Prize to get the attention of our media but definitely India still has a vast following of those who believe in social change. Gautier and the likes feel happy that this dissent is there in India due to great tolerant Hinduism, a great brahmanical tolerance which has allowed people like me or other to say these words so courageously. Don’t forget that people like Gautier may be in a majority in an otherwise mercenary media but people like us are in a majority in our country. And  that is the reason why despite all their problems even the Sangh Parivar is ready to say jaibheem, Buddham Sharanam Gachchami. If they have the courage to disclaim these great legend, they should come in open and say Buddha and Buddhism is an insult to India otherwise they should condemn Gautier and his fascist writings which support every attack on minorities and Indian media jumping on his idiotic articles as a certificate for their great tradition.


Gauiter must remember that the majority in this country are constituted by the Dalits, backwards-minorities and not the ultra nationalist one whose only work is to write letters to editor or a few articles in the press and whose nationalism wake up during Kargil, Nuclear bomb and other such rehoterics. Hence we have this courage to speak the truth about you and your peers. So forget about this great tradition. Had there been no Buddha, Nanaka, Kabir, Pariyar, Ambedkar and Phule, where would have been these majority of people. You would have killed them like the nazis in Germany. So please don’t talk about this tolerance of the Hindus. It is just a hoax. Now the non brahmin communities are coming up and hence a challenge to their hegemony which people like you are hell-bent to destroy through your ill-conceived theories.


Gautier blamed Buddhism for making Hindus coward by Buddha’s Ahimsa. It is for the first time that an author has claimed Ahimsa was cowardice. Secondly, India became enslaved not due to Buddha but due to the subjugation of its 3/4th population who were termed as Shudras and Ati-Shudras and not as human being. Had there been no caste system, India would not  have become enslaved. Since Buddha  revolted against system, he became the first target of the Brahmanical forces. He was the first human rights educator of the country at a time when education was the domain of the Brahmins only, where an Eklavya could just be denied justice because of his caste. Who was a great archer : Was it Arjuna who was forced upon us as one of the greatest warrior or Eklavya. If we put the point raised by Gautier to a dalit living in the outskirts if any village or those who converted to Islam in Meenakshipuram, their two sentences will expose entire thesis of Gautier, and perhaps he will not find a place to hide your disgust and illusion.


This rejoinder does not mean that Indias heritage is nothing.. It wants to portray what exactly is Indias heritage and it is not those philosophies, which were kept outside the purview of the people. It is the reform movement which Buddha led and which gave hope to millions of Indians who were not treated human being. I think he still does not think that there are millions of Indians whose very sight pollute a brahmin or upper caste person. It still exists. You only need to go a little beyond your ashrams in Delhi and other metros. Those of us, who have been watchful in what’s happening in media know Hindutva background of these authors very well. Gautier has been exposing the so-called secular elite of this country. Granted. I belong to this country and condemn your writing and the Hindutva brand of politics and my secularism has not come from either Gandhi or Nehru. I take it from India’s rich tradition of Lokayata.


Gautier must ask this question to himself as who destroyed this country? Who created millions of Dalits and shudras and subjugated them for 5000 years? You do not feel shame in India’s caste system, which is most racist in the world, in fact you try to defend it by terming it as based on Karma. The Karma theory of Gita who every Hindu considers as the best written words in the World.


They don’t want to talk about it nor do you want to see its ugly face and the philosophy behind it. You have only great Sanskrit Mantras, which were denied to Dalits and Shudras. You denied knowledge to vast masses of Shudras and ati-shudras and then talked about Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam. Your great friend Arun Shouries first book expose Hindu dharma in which he says: Hinduism is a very tolerant religion until its very structure is threatened. You have seen how the upper caste hatred against VP Singh still exist due to implementation of Mandal report, which would have given them a few government jobs in this age of globalisation. And this hatred  is not confined to communal but also a very large number of secular  also form this opinion. So if your fight is with those seculars then you can fight with them but don’t fight with those whose secularism come from our very own tradition.


Perhaps, Gautier will find time in his Aurbindo Ashrma about India’s great rationalist past, which began from Lokayat. Every religion that came to India was not because the Hindus are very coward or non-violent or tolerant but because of the inherent racism, which existed in this system. People will continue to convert as long as your matrimonial are made of caste, as long as caste will rule Indians. Indian can take pride in going abroad, being a software giant but will not forget their caste. What is Hinduism? It is a castle caste and if you eliminate caste you eliminate Hinduism. Gandhi recognised this and told Ambedkar (his letters are there) : If you don’t believe in caste,  you can not be Hindu.


There is no word like Hinduism. It is these sophisticated people who give Brahmanism or Varnashram dharma this Hindu name. Please start calling yourself a believer in Varnashram dharma, which is a shame to India, which claims to be the biggest democracy of the World. If Francois Gautier love so much to Hinduism, he must convert to Hinduism and find a Jaat (caste) for himself and write an article later on its virtues. You can see that Indira Gandhi could not go to Tirupati Devashthanam or what happened to V. Ravi’s in the Guruvayoor temple. Is it what we call civilised society?


Buddha’s was a revolt against caste system, so was of Mahavira’s and Nanaka's. Kabir, Rahim, Phule, Ambedkar, Periyar and all those who fought against this racist caste system were not anti- Indian, they were more Indian then these khaki nikkarwallahs. They served the poor people. All of them were not educated in London and Paris so don’t say they learnt this from Oxford University Press’s book.


They had Bharitya Samskaras bhartiyata.. All of them were rationalist to the core of their heart and preached the same to their followers. They did never do any miracle like numerous babes doing today.  Please write about these miraculous Goodman, where all our educated elite and political glass go for a prostrate.


I would also suggest that given the nature of columnist these days it should be written in their bylines that they belong to Sangh-parivar school of thought. He better advise the Sanghi’s not to talk of Buddha these days as they are trying to portray him at 9th incarnation of Vishnu also it would be better for the Sangh to disown Ambedkar given their hate campaign against him. It is not easy for people like Francois to understand Ambedkar and the plight of Dalits as perhaps he think that only upper caste Hindus are Indian and no body should talk about any other community in India.


I hope he will talk about non-brahmins also and then say a few words. In the meantime, we must wait who is the next target..


