Guest   Paper


March 24, 2001






By: Arrakkan


Periyar is the Idealist who belled and brought under control the brahmins in South.  These may not appear to be great achievements to the present generations or People of this Country or the World.  Some may ask, what if Periyar did not do these?  May be, some one else would have done it in due course of time.  Or the brahmins by themselves would have changed and reformed themselves.  Given the small number of the brahmins, growth of liberal thoughts, flowering of Socialism, emergence of Communism, reforms in Capitalistic Values, growth of Republican Norms, establishment of Democratic Govts, enforcement of the Rule of Law, acceptance of the Concept of Equality of all before the Law, they could not have hung on to archaic concepts of being the chosen people engaged in brokering contacts between the mortals and the innumerable gods and goddesses in this Country.  Those who think so, do not understand the total grip and vice-like-control exercised by the brahmins in the South just in the early decades of this Century - moral authority over the Kings, the physical control over the Queens, personal authority over the Princes and Princesses, and the total control over the State, and the blind superstitious subordination by the masses.  To think of any weakening of the brahmanic hold over the Royals and other Rulers, State and the Govt, Officials and People was only a wild dream.  In the Lions' Den of Kerala, Periyar dared and won in Vaikom.  It was a battle for the Rights of the Untouchables - as the Dalits were known then.  The Thiyas, Ezhavs and Nadars whom Periyar delivered from brahminic discriminations have grown beyond all imaginations.  Other Dalits are still struggling to find their feet.


Periyar's Participation in Vaikam had its reverberations all over the Country.  It shook up the brahmins, rattled the brahmin dominated Congress Party, its leaders like Gandhi, and naturally spilled in the neighbouring Madras Presidency - Tamil Nadu.  But, it is in that Tamil Nadu today, hindutva forces have taken a clear foothold and are trying to take firm permanent roots - thanks to the Dravidian Parties.


Today in Tamil Nadu, the Land of Periyar, no one is Speaking against brahmins, brahmin dominationin Education, Jobs and Govt, or their new-found-tool hindutva.  Everyones senses appear to have grown blunt, or none is bold or courageous enough to talk.  Therefore, today again, Periyar and his Thoughts - Periyarism become relevant in Tamil Nadu as it steps into the New Millennium.


The much discussed hindutva or hindutvam, is an accidentally pronounced term.  It had not yet been satisfactorily defined, and could not infact ever be defined without resorting to falsehood lies and deciet, or resorting to semantic somersaults.  It is as usual a product of semantic confusions, lack of clarity in the mind of brahmins, and dishonesty of the dominant caste hindus.  It is now carefully and deliberately used, in a systematic planned way, to endlessly confuse semantically the common people.  This is done, just to mislead the simple poor people, with words appearing to be big and sounding heavily ladden with extensive ideological conceptions.  Words that appear to be pregnant with all possible permutaions and combinations of pristine philosophical perceptions.  These are only to confuse and fool the People, with symbolic abstract nothing.  It is to lead blindly the common-man into a wrong direction, keep them engaged confused tied-down and bogged, and ultimately leave them indulging-in endless debates for nothing.


This hindutva, at the most is a sanskritised term of another undefined term hinduism, and hindutvam.  These are clear derivatives and extensions of Persian Words hindus and hindustan, or hindus of hindustan, given to those who had been living in the Indus Valley, or the Valley of Sindhu and the surrounding Lands in the sub-Continent.  From these evolved hindu expansionism, then hindi, much later hinduism, and now hindutva.  These are thus Persian Words, or names derived from Persian Roots.  Hence it can be conveniently said that hindu, hindustan, hindi, hinduism, and hindutva are all borne out of Persian Mind,and fusion of Persian, Arabic, Greek, Roman, Turkish and European World-Views, and fusion of their Tongues and Values with Indian Internalism.


But these are all definitely confusing to the Common Man.  Most disadvantaged are the SC&ST Ati-Shudra Dalits, and the poor Shudra OBC masses.  But it is always clear that the Dalit and OBC Masses, prefer Secularism, Socialism and Democracy.  For only honesty, openness, simple life, and Democracy based on one-man one-vote, one-value one-job, one-word one-meaning can redeem the masses.  Hence no double talks, no concealed meanings, and no hidden agenda for Dalits and OBCs.  As far DCHs, hindutva is an handy tool.  It is symbolic of confusion, no-meaning, double-talk, masked faces and concealed appearences.  It stands for hidden agendas, secret programmes, social-tensions and civil-unrest.  It is used for sowing seeds of distrust and hatred, for fights and looting, cheating and robbing.  It is for privatisation and religion, castism and communalism.  It is used to divide and rule, dictatorship and rule of the privileged, sabotage and subversion of the People and the State.  It helps to underme and destroy the Peoples' Will.  These are the only known options for the DCHs.  It is now their big mantra and hope for continued survival with comfort, in islands of privilege in a sea of poverty and shortages, and pain and misery.


In view of the above, hindutva is seen and percieved as a great danger by the Dalits and OBCs.


What then is hindutva?


hindutava stands only for hinduism and hindus


hindutva is the dangerously sanskritised new name for hinduism


hindutva is the fundamentalist form of hinduism, the undefined unidentified formless non-existant Religion of the hindus 


hindutva is a cunning backdoor attempt by hard-core brahmins to preserve perpetuate and extend the supermacy of the brahmins, and in the larger sense an exploitative effort by the fundamentalist brahmin-baniyas to fool the masses and rule the Nation


What are the dangers of hindutva?


It is very rightly said that,


- one can realise who the True Friends are, what they are Worth, and distinguish them from other fair weather friends only when personally is in grave crisis and big difficult times,


- one can know any individuals Real Face thinking commitments and right value, only by the person's actions, when the individual is angry,


- one can understand the Actual Qualities and Basic Images of a person, only by the person's behaviours and actions, when the individual is in great personal difficulties.


We Dalits are in such times - powerless even after 53 years after Independence of the Country and 50 years after bringing into effect a liberal secular socialistic Republican Democratic Constitution.  Our People are now seeing and realising -


1.  the True Qualities and Worth of our Political Parties


2.  the Real Faces and Commitments of our Leaders


3.  the Actual Qualities and Basic Images of the Parties and Leaders of hindutva


Various Political Parties in the Country came out with their True Colours, and showed their Qualities and Worth, when they shamelessly plunged to Grab Power.


The Leaders came out with their Real Faces exposing what their Commitments really are, when they proved how mean they are and what all they can do to gain Ministerial Berths and Cling to Power.


The fearful racist and fascist Images and Qualities of hindutva, comes out clearly in their extreme cruelty, with the smallest excuse.


Earlier, there were Party Splitters and Govt Fixers.  But now we have Govt Grabbers, subvertors of Parliaments and Legislative Assemblies, Law Breakers, Manipulators of Anti-Defection Law, breakers of Parliamentary Parties and Legislative Groups, wreckers and subvertors of Parliament and Legislatives, sinkers of Govt, sabotagers of the State, and destroyers of Peace, and deliberate daylight killers of innocent unarmed People.  They kill cowardishly like Rama hiding from the back, snd in the darkness of the nights when People are sleeping, everything is calm and the whole World is sleeping.


Those who,


- killed looted raped and burnt SC&ST Dalit Villages, committing Dalit Atrocities just Before the Elections to Terrorise the Dalits from coming to vote, so as to caste by themselves all the Dalit Votes to those whom they want to be elected, and 


- let loose massive Communal Violences against select Minority Communities, in the year of run-up to the Elections, in selected production, trading and business Centers of Minorities, by openly and selectively marking and identifying mainority areas, households, shops, show-rooms, production centers, factories, places of worship etc,


- are now coming up with their True Colours and Real Faces in all their uglyness without any masks covering or hiding their Basic Images, Original Qualities and Actual Intentions, to psychologically terrorise the People and State Govts, and totally confuse to divide and isolate the poor Weaker Sections and Working Classes along Party Lines, and Parthy Lines of Centers of Influence around dominant caste hindu leaders in the villages and the local areas.  The entire Govt, whole Govt Machineries, and Party Structures including the line and file of the cadres and activists, also all the hired criminals and paid lumpen elements, and the whole Media are shamelessly deployed to corner the State Govts, render the State Apparatus ineffective, and bring the Rural Areas to a stand still.


Such things had happened in Tamil Nadu, then in Karnataka, later in Andhra Pradesh, further on to Bihar, and now in West Bengal.  This, when the hindutva forces know that the Parliament is not on their side, the present straight-forward Acdemic Diplomatic President is neither a rubber-stamp or a push-over!  Imagine what will happen when they get a majority in Parliament, even if that is not of their own strength.  The gutless hollow feminine alliance partners and their leaders - totally scarred of snap-elections; and mortally afraid of facing the People on their own, without adequate money, manipulations, and sufficiently long a time to prepare and build up their purchasing powers, to buy the majority of all those who have to be bought before the elections; and manouver tactfully and silently to position at important vantage points their amenable officials in the administration - would go strictly along the way the hindutva skirt swirls and flows.


Will now Periyarism provide an Answer to hindutva forces?  Yes, it should if Our People are to survive as a People in the coming Millennium!  Otherwise OUR PEOPLE, the Society and the whole Nation will Suffer seriously and irreperably, putting the Clock back by many a Centuries!

