Guest   Paper


March 24, 2001



Muslims are a Minority alright, but are a big Force, because they are Strong.  They always Fight for their Rights and Share, Unitedly without Fear, and always.  Without fail, almost all of them are conscious and ever vigilant in preserving their Identity and protecting their Self Respect and Privileges.  They therefore are seen as a Fighting People and a Fearless Race.  They are outgoing individuals, constantly on the move, for and in search of a better future.  They are hardworking, not only to help their masters who may be Muslims or belong to other communities, but also for themselves.  They are not lazy drunkards.  Hence no Muslim generally starves, or is ever without work.  They always do something or the other, for their livelihood and betterment,  even while at home without a job.  It does not matter whether they are poor or illiterate.  But they don't depend on others, or live on gratis or others goodwill, or rely on or look towards the Govt for help support and succour.  They are even prepared to fight against the Govt.


Look at the Govt.  It also bows before them, if not kneel.  The Govts invariably agree to their demands, even though they are only such a small community and are a minority.  They get whatever they want.  Earlier they had Pakistan as an issue and demand, which they had been only dreaming about, as an unpractible distant dream.  They have been asking for it only to tease and embarass both the British Govt and Congress.  It was more of a threat to the hard core orthodox fundamentalist hindus, both with-in and outside the main Congress Party.  The Muslim Leaders had been using it to influence and mobilise ordinary simple Muslims in the Cities, Towns, semi-Urban Areas, and also those living in the distant Rural Areas.  Now, even after getting Pakistan, earlier the unthinkable, those who are here are making many small and big silent demands on the Govts.  And they get most of them, including the Posts of Secretaries to the Govts, Police Chiefs, even Chiefs of Defence Services, Governors, Vice-Presidents and Presidents - almost regularly in their turn.  And let us not forget, they are only a small Community.


- thus many of our seniors, elders, forefathers and old people used to think, talk, comment, and also very sincerely and seriously wail and cry!  Their preception of the Muslims may not be true!  That is the not issue here!  We have quoted these only to start with one of the common or frequently heared perceptions of the worried concerned helpless Dalits about the dominant caste hindus, and the way they treat the Muslims vis-a-vis the poor SC&ST Dalits, in the Indian Society.


Now let us pause and take a look around us! 


We now have a SC Dalit President as the Head of the Nation.  We have a SC Dalit Speaker in the Parliament.  We have a Muslim Dy Speaker in the Lok Sabha, who coming from the Lakshadweep, if is not a migrant Muslim from the mainland Kerala, may also be a ST Dalit himself.  In any case, the previous Lok Sabha Speaker was a ST Dalit, and the then Dy Speaker was a SC Dalit.  Then there now are three SC Dalit Governors, and quite a few ST Dalit Chief Ministers.  There are three Dalit Cabinet Ministers - two SC Dalits, and one ST Dalit.  Then there is SC Dalit Judge in the Supreme Court of the Country.  Do they ever meet, or telephonically or on the internet ever meet confer and discuss the SC&ST Dalit Problems at the National Level?  If not, what is the use in having them in these crucial and important positions?


We need not be surprised even if the present President of the Nation is allowed another term in office to serve the Nation as President.  Even otherwise, who knows the brahmin manipulations, the next President or the Vice-President may be another SC Dalit, or a ST Dalit.  There is nothing to be surprised about that.  We may also have more SC&ST Governors, Chief Ministers, Central and State Ministers, High Court and Supreme Court Judges.  For, that is the trend, and perhaps now an inevitable one!  Otherwise, even the present ones won't have been there.  Or may be the cunning brahmins are worried about the independence and free thinking of the present President, and hence would like to ensure that he is safely out of the way, at least after he completes his first term!  Perhaps that is why they are preparing the ground, to appear that they are very pro-SC&ST Dalits, and they should not be seen as being anti-Dalit, or accused or any finger point at them of being so, when they ultimately ease out the present President out of his office on completion of his first term, without allowing him a second term!


Let us see how the SC&ST Dalit Leaders in Office are functioning these days?


The President appears to be very active.  But, he hardly has any SC or ST, in any of the significant positions in his office.  As a result, most of the day to day decisions in the President's House, and administrative matters in his Secretariat, are taken by the caste hindus.  That means, in the present Govt System - brahmins.  What a great loss of precious opportunity and better future for the SC&ST Dalits?  Why?  Whom is the President afraid of?  Does he not himself have confidence in his SC and ST Community Officials?  Could he not find or come across any good and conscious, intelligent and bold, active and honest SC or ST Officer?  The one who was there earlier, also was a small-time-corrupt selfish operator dealing only with those in power and positions of authority, for obvious reasons of personal private benefits ego and vanity!  And he had also been eased out sometime back.  But there is an old retired brahmin fellow, who had been with an earlier hard-core brahmin president, who had been foisted upon our Dalit President.  This fellow, carefully screens out, and does not allow any SC&ST Officers,  Leaders and Activists to meet the President, or allow the President to attend any genuine SC or ST Functions.


The Governors - what are they doing?  While a few are making some noise, and are apparently doing something, others are making rounds to their hometown, on some pretext or the other for short and longer periods as the opportunity allows; or keep going to Delhi lobbying for a better posting.  This even at that level!  And atleast one Governor had employed a caste hindu, perhaps a brahmin again as his right hand, on the ground that he was always with him for years while in service, and that he drafts good briefs and letters!  What a reason, after 50 years of Indian Republic?  Hats off to this Governor!  And we can rest contended that SC&ST Dalit interests would be taken care of!


The present Speaker is a junior Member of a Regional Party, which is not known for protecting the interests of SCs&STs in their State itself!  The moment caste hindu political leaders, the Govt or his Party feels that he is going too far, he would be reined-in silently from the back, or even be publicly censured and humiliated.  Neither, can he then do anything even to protest or act critically as a reaction; nor can this large voiceless 260 million SC&ST Dalits, or the educated amongst them, or the Dalits in other Parties - think of standing by him or even launch an agitation or make some protest or issue some strong statements in support of him!  The Dy Speaker is conspicious of his lack of interest in SC&ST matters all those years he had been in the Parliament, that we genuinely doubt as to whether he is a Muslim ST from Lakshadweep, or a non-Dalit Keralite Muslim settled in Lakshadweep?


Now, the Cabinet Ministers there are three - two SCs and one ST.  Who are they?  One rewarded for crossing over to the ruling side, after having been opposing them when they were in the opposition.  The Nation and the whole SC&ST Dalit Communities from all over the Country, except those who come before him begging for something for themselves and or to cheat others, feel that he had forsaken their interests and pledged Dalits' Future with hindu fundamentalists and surrendered before the hindutva forces.  For, by the very nature of their origins and nearly 3 millenniums of sufferings, Dalits can never really be on the side of caste hindus and hindutva forces!  The other SC Dalit has been amptly rewarded for his weaknesses and meakness, and for his love towards Sanskrit - the Dalit Oppressing Language.  These leave us with the ST Dalit.  A ST from a big State, with a significantly large but badly divided SC&ST Dalit Population, and large numbers of ST Dalits.  He had been chosen as a recognition and open reward for his public opposition to his ST Dalit brothers - who have some long time ago found some shelter in Christianity; and want to develop themselves with the Church's help a little in life, through education and employment.  They want to grow up in this World with almost the exclusive Christian Support, consciously not availing of, and aware that it is very difficult and next to impossible to benefit from the very poor meager State Aid to the Dalits!  His task - a time bound reconversion of the Christian ST Dalits into hinduism!  It is a sort of genocide of Christian ST Dalits, or erasing every trace of Christianity from the midst STs!


Then there is the new SC Judge in the Supreme Court!  We wish him well.  Hopefully he escapes from the clutches of selfstyled selfish Dalit Intellectuals, activist intellectual lawyers, and self-declared future Judges and Chief Judges.


By and large all the above are indeed powerless ceremonial positions, with little scope or individual hope of bringing any change.  And at present, they are all trapped in a caste hindu brahmin fundamentalis party ruled Govt!  These therefore offer very little hope to the long suffering SC&ST Dalits!  At this juncture come the new President of the BJP - the openly caste hindu Party!  Is this a watershed in Dalit Politics, when all their leaders from other parties had one by one, openly or otherwise, surrendered before the caste hindu hindutva breathing brahmin-baniya-kayasth controlled BJP?  Will the Dalit Community, traditionally opposed and not trusting the caste hindus as a whole be taken in, change and make a significant and qualitative shift towards BJP and their undefined hollow meaningless philosophy of hindutva?  No, not likely!


Those perpetually waiting to be noticed and picked up, are ofcourse rushing up with various welcome addresses, garlands, bouquets to meet the new Dalit BJP President, and are wanting to organise felicitations and other functions to celebrate and or discuss the great importance of the emergence of the nominated token Dalit BJP President.  Not only are they, as usual in the forefront of the fools, but now they are dying to appear as fully fooled, want to mobilise and associate more and more SC&ST Dalits to go along with them, and present themselves before the new BJP President, and through him to the real forces behind BJP.  They want crumbs.  They have been waiting for too long for the bones. After all they have been living far too long on leftovers.  They now are longing for better things, better leftovers, and hence the eagerness for the crumbs and bones.  Hence, self-respect - what is it?  What is the use of that?  Let those who don't know how to live, seep in self-respect, continue to face miseries, trials, tribulations, and wallow in misery sickness pain and penury.  Let them broodover their self respect and continue with their suffering.  This attitude of shifting sides, character of being quick-silver swiftly shifting sides, positioning themselves on the side where the butter is, is not a new thing for them.  In fact, as soon as the Govt at the Center fell in 97, such elements had become active with their feelers, saying that the previous secular minded non-Congress Govt and the SC&ST Dalit Ministers Speakers etc have been ineffective, and had letdown the SCs&STs.


The series of Supreme Court Decisions, and the then five anti-SCs&STs anti-Reservation Office Memorandums have come as a reasonable excuse to the favour-seekers, to find fault with our SC&ST Dalit Leaders and Secular Parties.  Feeling that BJP may sweep the 1998 Elections with a big and comfortable majority and come to power, they have then itself begun to sing pieons in praise of BJP.  Anyhow, it is now a reality that the BJP, keen to Rule the Country had joined hands with all types of combinations, open enemies foes opponents critics and untrustworthy elements, giving up many of their basic principles, hallowed ideologies and big war cries, all of which together had brought them many electoral dividends so far, and bring their brahmin-baniya leaders close to power.


Lure of Power, temptations of offices, desire for authority; surreptious desire to subvert the Country, Governments, democratic institutions, industrial base that provides atleast notional freedom and some independance to the people including the despised SC&ST Dalits, SC&ST Dalits in Christianity and Islam, Economy of the Nation, have made BJP realise that without the moral support of the Muslims connected very strongly with international oil-rich Countries of the World, and the Electoral Support of the really large number of SC&ST Dalits, they can never retain power even till they totally undermine the Country, its Economy, Industrial Base, Democratic Institutions, Education System, Parliament and Assemblies, Govt, State Machineries, Media, Police, Armed Forces, Society, People, their Minds and thinking.  Hence they have first built silent bridges of balance and peace with the Muslims.  And now there will be no more Communal Clashes, attrocities, mass public videod rape of Muslim Women and Girls as in Gujarat - unless a need arises again, as in Coimbatore.


To keep the fundamentalist feelings and intollerance against minorities high, BJP has now picked up the Christians.  Attack against the Christians has many advantages.  They are a soft target.  They can not hit back.  They in this Country, are not socially mentally organised to fight ever, even to defend themselves or the Gospel or the Church.  They are badly divided, without any semblance of unity even for a public show, as their leaders are easily lured by unspoken allurements.  They can easily be scared.  They can be forced to give up all preachings and propogation of their Religion.  They can be prevented from converting any SC Dalits into Christianity. They can easily be divorced from the still poor illiterate helpless Tribal Dalits, their forefathers had converted in the past, even in remote unknown inaccessible difficult tribal belts.


BJP, appears now to be a changed or reformed party!  That is how, all those erstwhile anti-BJP Leaders and Parties that publicly opposed the BJP, are now rationalising themselves, and justifying their actions these days, for being in the company, and the political partners of BJP.  Is BJP really changed?  Is BJP really reformed?  Or is it just lying low, waiting and stalking for the right time to pounce, attack and kill its prey - all Minorities, including unwanted backward castes and the unacceptable SC&ST Dalits?  Dalits feel very uneasy to find their leaders hob-knobbing with BJP.  How then can the Dalits feel happy to see a SC Dalit BJP Leader?  By the way who is he?  Even the Office of the Party President is now purely ceremonial, vertually nominated, and no decision rests any more with the party, what role or importance do the BJP President has?  Everyone know where the decisions are taken, in whose office or residence the decisons are taken!  It is not the venue that is the issue, but the person who takes the decisions!  It definitely is not the BJP President!


Like a King in a drama, an ordinary individual has been brought in, as the Leader of the BJP.  Infact, he is not even a National Leader or a Leader at the National Level.  He is vertually unknown to the people of this Country even today, inspite of the fact that he was once the President of BJP in AP.  Vertually a non-existant Party in that State; till they trapped a poor widow of a big State Leader treacherously cheated and letdown by his own family members, to let her down themselves without any qualms!  The suicidal fight between the so-called non-communal parties, have paved the way for the entry of the communal party providing some respectability to the killers of innocent people in planned, timed frequently incited hindu-muslim riots.  He could not even win an election on his own!  He was not found fit by his own Party to be a Cabinet Minister, or even a Minister of State with Independent Charge.  A person in whom the Party did not have the confidence to entrust even a small Department or Ministry, is now hailed as the President of the Leading Party in the Ruling Coalition!  With such an individual status and record, how is his appointment going to be important for the 260 million plus Dalits of this Country?  Are they going to be impressed and woed to vote for BJP in future elections?  None is going to be fooled except those Dalits who want to be fooled, and are rushing leg-over-heads to swoon-down, acting as having been taken in by the magnanimity of BJP!


When even past presidents of the party, many time senior cabinet ministers, reportedly being sidelined and neglected, what significance is there in his being nominated as BJP President?  Whom are they trying to fool?  Atleast not SC&ST Dalits like us!  Not the real Dalits!  Not the concerned Dalits!  Not the sincere Dalits!  Not the honest Dalits!  Not the Dalits not-yet purchased!  Not the Dalits who are not waiting to be purchased!  Not the Dalits who are not wanting to be picked up!  Not those who have not with cowardish and selfish cunningness, run out of the Dalit World - to feel foolishly that they are now safe, from discriminations and attrocities of the caste hindus, against all those born a Dalit!  Hence nomination of Dalit as BJP President, is nothing but an eyewash.  It is just an attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the Dalits in the Country!


Let the BJP be happy with the 'Dalit Intellectuals,'  'Dalit Authors,' and 'Dalit Writers' who are praising this 'great landmark event,' and are already thanking the real BJP Leaders for this nomination!  They are all educated employed fools, who claim themselves to be leaders, intellectuals, enlightened ones, and opinion makers!  Let them rest in peace, happy and contended.  Afterall, they are not known outside the circles of their personal friends, on whom they impose themselves someway or the other.  Now they know that 'their own man' is the dominant ruling alliance party president, they will keep shouting, singing, collecting money for parties, organising meetings, and holding felicitations with much fanfare - preparing, getting-ready and distributing their bio-datas, passport-size photographs, visiting-cards, copies of their writings, list of books, and are soliciting the support of contacts, right approaches and other leads to reach personally the new president for an exclusive or otherwise private audience.  This even though they had already met him, immediately after the announcement of his nomination.  After all, they have to do these, spend some money, and waste lots of time of theirs and of their personal private close friends, as part of a ground-work and their investment, to be recognised and picked up!  Let them be happy, jumping!  Let them recognise and celebrate this apparent land-mark great step forward, and revolutionary progress by the BJP and the Dalit Communities in BJP, the great gift by the BJP to the Dalits, the great reward by the PM, the great faith in the Dalits as the New Millennium is going to dawn.  But the common man - Dalit or non-Dalit, is not going to gulp it or be fooled.


Whatever anyone may say or write, whatever the BJP or its spokesmen, its press and Govt may say, only those self-proclaiming intellectuals, writers, activists and activist-officials who are far far off from the struggling Dalit Masses are going ga-ga about this, so as to draw attention to themselves for a chance to be picked up as being good supporters followers parrots or dogs.  So most of them are also going to be artificial, being false and fraudulent, projecting falsehood, putting forward an untrue picture and showing a made up face unfairly and irrationally.  They are only dying to be chosen for some big assignments like Rajya Sabha MP, if not candidature for the Lok Sabha Election or Bye-Election or State/UT Legislatures, or nomination as MLCs, MCs, or atleast as Assistants and PAs.  They are all complex but poor thirdrate copy cats, crying and weeping for a chance recognition, to claim equality with some of our great silent achievers.  Infact these jumping johnies are like the night-birds roadside-flowers or street-walkers expecting some work and wanting to be picked-up.  Whatever reasons they may sight, or whom-so-ever they may quote, or predictions they may make, or turns they may foresee or say or shout from any roof-tops, the common Dalits the average ones and the normal ones are not going to be impressed, swayed or taken-in.  Hence, the SC&ST Dalits are not going to switch sides, accept BJP, or vote for BJP.


By making a Dalit the Party President, BJP in fact will loose the votes of common ill-informed caste hindus, even though the well-connected and well-informed dominant caste hindus are aware of and understand their Party's gameplan.  Making a Dalit BJP President is part of a great conspiracy to hoodwink and fool the poor Dalits, and take them down for a merry-ride to a sad-end.  Hence, it is much worse, not a simple lip sympathy, but a danger if we give in or allow the fifth-columnists amongst us to work on our peoples' psychie.  For long, some of them having been saying that BJP is a snake alright, but is a less danger as it is in the open as compared to other parties that are also snakes but hiding their true and real caste-hindu anti-SC&ST Dalit intentions programmes and policies like the invisible snakes in the grass.  Other parties may not be on our side or be our friends, but what a distortion of the facts of life and ground realities to equate and compare these parties with BJP, and condemn them as being worse and more dangerous than BJP?  Such is their perversion and confused state of mind.  They have lost their mental balance, and don't know what they are saying.


Now let us for a little while see and examine why the BJP has chosen a Dalit as their Party President.  We have seen what that President really is, or what the position of the party and the president these days are.  It is a lip sympathy, a mock identification with the Dalits, a show of getting closer even with the lowest of the low, and a silent grand declaration that they are going to the masses, that they are for the weak, that they will work for the poorests and the poor, and are becoming a party of the masses.  Thus, they want to send a message to the hopeless helpless friendless and the needy, to influence them, mesmerise their mind, divert their thinking from the real issues such as the original intentions, basic aims and objectives, their cruel criminal past, and the hidden agendas.  It is also a public show of recognising the SC&ST Dalits as humanbeings, and as a people, atleast for their votes.


Political realities and compulsions apart, how come the fundamentalist, rabidly communal and casteist, basically anti-non-hindus including all the Weaker Sections, an anti-SC&ST Dalits party like BJP, that believes in hindutva and stands for brahmin supermacy, brahmin-baniya rule, dominant caste hindu hold on the Nation and Society, chose a SC Dalit to be the Party President?


Perhaps, BJP had chosen a SC Dalit to be their Party President -


1.  because of the fact SCs&STs can no more be neglected!

2.  to get at least a part of the massive votes of the 260 million plus SC&ST Dalit Community!

3.  to weaken the growing influence of the Dalit Leaders outside BJP!

4.  to subvert the strength of the Dalit Parties that are never willing to cohabitate with BJP!

5.  to destroy the influence of those few silently working faceless but sincere and committed still un-corrupted SC&ST Dalit Activists working somewhere or the other in the vast expanse of the rural parts of this Country!

6.  to suppress the slow but steady awakening of the SC&ST Dalit Masses, particularly in the distant Rural Areas well away from the reach of BJP and its vast urban based family!

7.  to influence the poorly-educated reasonably well-employed good-for-nothing incapable non-performing cheap shallow self-annoinated dalit intellectuals authors activists activist-officials etc, who can be the party's visible tails, or run behind as faithful dogs!

8.  to rope-in hollow wavering self-centered opportunist meaningless dalit-parties, dalit-party-leaders, dalit-leaders in other parties and other educated foolish short-sighted dalits!

9.  to also impress other non-dalit-parties including the anti-SC&ST parties, and their non-dalit-leaders.

10.  to wean away as much of SC&ST Dalit Votes as possible from other Parties!

11.  to build up a base amongst the SC&ST Dalits, and distance them from other parties, philosophies and non-hindu Religions!

12.  to slowly and progressively bring them back under the total and complete ritualistic suzerinity and influence of brahmins, control of their caste hindu agents, and tie them down as Slaves at and outside the boundaries of the caste hindu society!


Or, is it to silence, buy piece and time on the Dalit Front - with the mainstream Dalits, as they take on one by one, the deviant minority Dalits?  Are they going to deal with all the Dalit Minorities and Backward Classes, group by group seperately?  Are they picking on Muslim Dalits and Christian Dalits?  Is this then their silent attempt to eliminate one by one all backward and minority groups before showing their teeth, opening the fangs, coming out in their true colours, and pouncing on the mainstream Dalits?


BJP today is thus trying to hood-wink and bind the SC&ST Dalits, all other People, the Country and other Political Parties.  But they are doing this in all seriousness.  They want the People, other Parties, the Country and the World, particularly those in the petroleum rich Middle-East to believe them and their actions!  Yes, seriously and sincerely they are trying these.  This therefore to that extent is not just a show - but at the sametime is not an indication of their change of heart, or exhibition of their secularism, or proof of their acceptance of the SC&ST Dalits in their party, or tolerance of the presence of non-brahmins and baniyas amongst them!  This is only an extension, perhaps a large scale or a bigger extension of what they used to do, whenever a soft amenable rudderless muslim was found and was willing to be hand-picked by them for some small post or insignificant position in their party!  That way, it is a grand exercise of what Congress and other parties were trying to do as a tokenism to please the muslim community that has international contacts and influence in the World, which was the basis our forefathers wailing in the past.  But, what was tokenism with the small segment of Muslims in the past, is today a big exercise with the Dalits - because We are Now 260 Million Plus!  That is a big force and strength in any Democracy, even though We Are Still Not United.


But at the sametime, the cunning brahmins and the mischievious brahmin-baniya combination in the party, have also given a clear message to those concerned, particularly the Dalit Party President himself.  For,


1.  they had picked a small fry,

2.  the president was only a Minister of State, not even with an independent charge,

3.  he was not really elected but selectively and carefully hand picked and nominated,

4.  he could not even handle his own cabinet minister in the railways from an alliance party,

5.  his appointment was in many ways challenged in public, particularly by the outgoing president who himself was conspiciously weak, and by a brazen uncouth who for various caste considerations has become a first-time MP that too without facing the People in any Election.


Whatever the World may feel, the surrendered dalit-intellectual-authors etc may feel, the Party and its President are clear, where stand who!  That is what matters in the long run!  And Dalits are definitely not impressed by BJP, its Dalit Policies, its Dalit President, and what the Party's Dalit followers may say and write or predict!


- enthusk JANGLI






A.  Today, a firebrand Dalit Leader addressing some Journalists had this to say -


1.  Supporters beneficiaries and believers of manu's philosophy of differential discrimination of a differentiated fossilised Indian Society, it is true, can never afford to be honest to others.  But, at the sametime, they could never be dishonest or go against themselves their own castes and their caste interests.  They can never be either untrue to their castes or undermine them, or deprive their castes of the continuing benefits that come free and in plenty, through and within the caste system.


2.  The biggest basic manuwadi parties are BJP and Congress in that order, whatever image they may project for public consumption and image projection to influence the society, and garner votes.  They say something for the gallery and on record, but inoccously do sometning else to give clear signals to the dominant caste hindus who always clearly understand the signals.  They believe not and casually brush aside, that too summarily, all public statements of their leaders the party and the Govts.  They understand the political and public compulsions.  They only look for the actual signals.  Thus, the party and their supporters are always on track and are silently kept updated online.


3.  Whomsoever may be appointed to any party position and in the Govts, or even as Party President, CMs etc, the Party, and those behind it ensure that their objectives are kept intact and are seriously pursued without any deviation.  Fool the public, society, Govt and Nation, and even International Observers they do, but they don't err or go off their track.  That is how the BKVs have been in power always, whoever might be ruling.  So what if their party president is a Shudra, or an Ati-Shudra Dalit?  What even if the same is made CM or perhaps PM?  He or she can't do anything.  For the real power rests, and the reins will be firmly in the hands of the unknown and invisible backroom boys, who are vigilant and keep working silently.


4.  Now, the Governor of UP is saying that the present Govt in UP is anti-SC&ST Dalits.  He was a hard core BJP worker, Minister in his State, MP and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha.  And the Govt in UP is a BJP Govt.  He should know what he is saying, and doing.


5.  If the Governor of UP is right, his Govt in UP from his own party, should correct itself.


6.  If the UP Govt does not respect or heed the Governors advice and respond to his public criticisms, he should resign and quit his Governor's Post.


7.  If the UP Governor is right, and the Govt is anti-SC&ST Dalits, Govt of India should dismiss the UP Govt, for its failure to keep up its Constitutional Obligations to protect the weakest of the weak in the State.


8.  If the Govt is not wrong, and the Governor has been making irresponsible and wrong or false statements, then the BJP and its Govt at the center should sack him, or the President of India should recall him.


9.  If no action either to change the functioning and correct the working of UP Govt is taken, UP Govt is not dismissed, Governor does not resign on his own for his ineffectiveness to correct control and guide his Govt, the Party and Govt do not sack him, and the President do not recall him, then what really is happening is nothing but a farce.


10.  The whole drama in BJP and UP are only election stunts, and have really nothing to do with the Development or even concern towards SC&ST Dalits in any part of the Country!


11.  The present UP Governor, a senior Party Leader, an active Member of BJP and RSS, once tipped to be the next BJP President, infact the first Dalit President, was deliberately defeated time and again by his own party to cut him down to size.  This is the same game which Congress used to play with promising, active, vigilant, capable and potential Dalit MPs and Leaders, defeating them from time to time to keep them down and undercheck.  Last time he was defeated by an ordinary and simple unkown Dalit Worker.  He was rehabilitated and hoisted upon the largest State in the Coutry as its Governor.  This was done deliberately, to neutralise or atleast offset a little the adverse impact of removing the Dalit CM who was their allie and whose Dalit Programmes and Welfare Schemes were systematically dismantled, undone or grounded very badly after her exit from the CM's Office.  Since this could not be achieved, SC&ST Dalits are angry and sore with BJP.  Hence on the election eve, the BJP wakes up suddenly with a rude jolt and goes berserk and active.  So the unprecidented action by the UP Governor in blaming his own Govt of his own party, and the Party nominating for itself ceremoniously a non-entity Dalit as its President.


The fiery Dalit Leader therefore asked BJP, as to whom they are fooling, and advised all SC&ST Dalits not to be taken in by the deliberate stage managed Dramas by the BJP and its DCH - BKVs!




