Guest   Paper



September 18, 2001




The basic Problem of Humanity is Exploitation of man by man.  Rarely are such exploitations confined to individuals.  Such confined incidents of exploitation of an individual by another individual are a distinct class by themselves.  They are individual aberrations, or skewed actions by individuals who have themselves become the aberrations of the society.  They come under the Law and Order Problems of the Society, where individuals' Rights and Privileges or Properties have been violated or appropriated by the other. 


We as members of a reasonable civilised society, are or shall be generally more worried when an individual man or a few or a group or groups of people exploit, another small or big group or other groups or majority or significant sections of the society, for their personal and their own group benefits and comforts.  They are indicative of something basically wrong, or things sliding badly down to usher in, open or more dangerously invisible Dictatorial Oppressions in the Society.  The Problem is much more serious and worry us a lot when the exploitation is specific, and is a product of the oppressors prejudiced or perverted biases and interests.  Unlike what many think, these are not those cases where the Law of the Jungle prevails in a Society, or in a specific area for sometime due to a sudden crisis like the failure of law and order, or due to some natural and man made calamity, or due to some social or political or economic or other upheavel, when one is unto himself or herself or is concerned about his or her children family house property and belongings, and every one is a law unto oneself.  Only in such circumstances, and in those areas, nothing but Natural Laws like 'might is law' or 'show of power gets respect' or 'flexing the muscles succeeds' or 'barring the fangs produce results' or 'showing the teeth gets its way' or 'rule of the powerful' or 'survival of the fittest' or the evil base prcatices of 'show what needs to be shown and get what you need to have done' operates.  Under such conditions every one is equal, and is subjected equally or exposed to the forces of Nature and the lawlessness of the Jungle!  There are then no complaints of favoritism or any time for it.  And there are no room for nepotism and biases. 


Nature appears to help and harm everyone equally, or equitably that the fittest benefit and the sharpest survive.  Under such situations there really is no room space or time, nor any scope for the cunning and the crafty.  Such ones can not have their way and go far long!  Soon Nature will catch up with thm.  Only the powerful, physically fit, mentally well endowed, intelligent alert and quick to respond and react, can survive.  The capable and those who can live with and live on Nature by themselves can survive.  That means only those who work by themselves untiringly with physical and personal efforts can survive.  That is one of the reasons why the dominant groups do not like Nature and Natural Forces, and are against those who live happily and in harmony with Nature!


Human Problems started the day when people realised that, they can do things they want and need to be done better, much easier and in the shortest time, with the least pain and discomfort to everyone around,  only through group efforts, collective contributions of their full might, team work, and community activities.  And the intelligent the crooks and the selfish then evolved the Rules and developed Norms of expectations, formed the behavioural Regulations and laid down the Codes of conduct for coming together, living as a community, and joining hands for any collective work.  When more and more social benefits of mutual help and collective works were realised, there emerged amongst the people cunning crafty selfish elements who shirked work, avoided hard work, skirted difficult tasks, cheated others and the society to live on others works, efforts creations and produce!  Here, at least now, We SC&ST Dalits should also realise the Truth that the Societies of the World, never framed their own Laws. 


The Laws were always created and made by the cunning and selfish ones, who call themselves to be the great leaders or big intellectuals or the conscience keepers of the Society.  They claim on their own to be sole speakers of the entire society, on behalf of all the people in spite of the differences and divisions or disagreements in the society.  They always are either from the dominant groups, or else work for the dominant groups like dogs in return for wages bones recognition and cooption some day.  They draft and codify the laws in the name of betterment of the whole society.  But they actually do that for the benefit advantage, and continued betterment and easy management of their affairs at the cost of the rest in the society.  Then they go around to tell the people and the world that the Laws were made by the Society for the Social Good of all the People, Welfare of the whole Society and Progress of the entire Nation!  Thus the Laws are made for the private, personal benefits and advantages of the dominant people or groups, and never for dispensing Justice and or ensure Fairness, Peace and a fair Order. 


Laws often serve the purpose of enforcing some ones Law and Order, and forcibly maintain Peace in the Society in the very face of exploitation, injustices, and unfair practices hiding behind the Laws loaded always in favour of the dominant groups for whom, and exactly for which purpose the Laws were made.  Even when things go amiss for the powerful influential individuals and groups with contacts and links, and the situations are very bad causing serious damages, raising public protest and uproar, including attracting perhaps International Criticisms, the Laws Govts and Courts step in to deal with the offenders under the Law and as per the provisions of the biased Law.  Since the Laws are generously built in with convenient loopholes and 'saving clauses' in favour of the dominant groups and the powerful individuals, punishments and real prosecution are avoided for a long long time till people forget the whole issue or loose interest in the case.  Maximum the Laws will result in the imposition of a disproportionately light weak lukewarm meaningless punishment, to let the culprits with contacts and influence get away easily or even go scot-free without any punishments.  That is exactly the reason why Laws are made.  And definitely not to punish the guilty powerful people, and or protect the People, the Real People, the poor weak helpless ordinary and the majority!


Laws were invariably made to maintain some sort of enforced Silence of the Oppressed and Exploited, establish surface peace, and an order under the compulsion of the Law and fear of punishments for going against or violating the laws.  The laws only helped the cunning and the crafty who basically wanted to violate the Laws of Natural Justice, deviate from Normal Human Behaviour, exploit others, harm the genuine interests of others, and still go about in such an unfair and unjust business safely without any fear of or giving any scope to the Victims to ever pull them up for legal violations, through the Courts or other legal measures.  Thus Laws enable the bad elements in the society to violate Justice and harm others safely with the protection of the Laws they themselves or their forefathers had framed, with the specific intention of violating the interests of others with impunity, while masquerading and acting as if they are the protectors of the unsuspecting victims, and as 'Samaritans' are out to put an end to the Evils of the Society. 



Thankfully adopted from the Telugu Weekly News Paper, JANAMITRA published by

P Vishnumurthy from Yanam - 533 464 a part of the Union Territory of Pondichery in Andhra Pradesh Coast.
