Guest   Paper





 I would like to draw your attention to my Letter on the six Black OMs issued by successive Govts, including yours, that are adversely affecting the large number of SCs and STs in Govt Services, Banks, PSUs, Universities and other Autonomous Institutions.  SC&ST Members of Parliament had taken up this issue,  discussed, debated, protested and agitated in the Parliament, asking you to withdraw and cancel all these six anti-Reservation and anti-SC&ST Black OMs.  We have so far drawn only a blank from the Govt.


All the promises by you and your Govt, have neither become realities, nor borne any fruit.  More than three than 3 years had passed by, since the promulgation of the first OM, and nothing material had yet been done.  Your Govt appears to be contemplating some halfhearted measures, only in bits and pieces, and has been considering various options that are of no practical use, not only to the SCs&STs but also to the OBCs who are also adversely affected by many of these OMs.  So far, your Govt had only brought about, in a very casual manner, two Constitutional Amendments - the Eighty Eighth and the Ninetieth.  We also understand that your Govt is a prisoner to the pressures and influences of dominant caste hindu higher officials in the Deptt of Personnel, who are basically against SCs&STs and OBCs, and hence are dead against Reservations for the SCs&STs and OBCs.


Your Govt have so far added to the Constitution, Additional Provisions in Article 335 to enable the Govt to relax qualifying marks in any exams, and lower the standards of evaluation in Promotions to Posts and Services, Reserved for the SCs&STs.  You have also inserted the sub-clause 16(4a) in the Fundamental Rights, to treat Unfilled Carry Forward Vacancies as a Separate Class of Posts that can be filled up anytime with suitable SCs&STs, without clubbing them up with new vacancies and affecting the 50% Reservation Limits.  But these do not meet the need of the hour or remedy the problems created by the Officials and the Courts.  Hence, the present Constitutional Amendments are not fully effective, and would serve very very limited purposes.


Even after these Constitution Amendments, the SC&ST Employees are helpless.  That is the result and real effectiveness of all the half-hearted and the hasty last-minute decisions by your Govt, without consulting knowledgeable SC&ST Leaders on these issues, or taking the SC&ST Parliamentary Forum into confidence.  I would alsi like to emphasize that you should not go on tampering with the Constitution so casually and so frequently, every time the caste hindus resent, the officials oppose, the Courts are upset, and the Judges frown.  Otherwise you will end up adding, the entire Subordinate Service Legislations and Rules into the Constitution.  But that is not the end.


Your Govt actions show that you are unable to come to grips with the Unreasonable and Prejudiced Judiciary, and their pre-dispositions against Reservations and SC&ST Dalits’ Progress in Life.  Emboldened by your soft weak knee-jerk reactions, already many caste hindus and a handful of their official supporters are saying that whatever the Govt may do or the Parliament enact, they will get them struck down by their Courts, blaming the Parliament as being Un-Constitutional!  They have such respect for the Parliament, have so much of confidence in their Judges, and are taking the Courts for granted.  They so easily predict the course of actions and decisions by their Judges, and or are in a position - perhaps to influence them to act the way they themselves think and want the Courts to decide.  So cheaply they take the Parliament, and have so much of contempt for Parliament’s Power, and the Constitutional Amendments.


These also raise the Questions as to whether the Courts, Judges and the whole Judiciary, are not accountable and answerable to anyone today?  Whether they and the caste hindu Lawyers can, with total impunity, distort, flout, go against and trample down the Constitution as they like?  This is not just a Question!  They are actually doing these now!  Many of them, in the name of interpretting the Constitution and the Laws are attributing totally new and allien unheard of meanings to the Constitution, and specific Constitutional Provisions.  English, and Constitution today is becoming a laughing stock in the hands of these Lawyers, Judges and Courts!  It is high time we sit up and take note of these things, before it is too late.  Here, I would like to recall the Prophetic Foresight and Warning of Baba Saheb in the Constituent Assembly on 25th Nov 1949.  Baba Saheb, very rightly and appropriately quoted, while delineating the Limits of the Courts, and the Boundaries which the Judges Can Not Cross -


“Courts may modify, they cannot replace.  They can revise earlier interpretations as new arguments, new points of view are presented.  They can shift the dividing line in marginal cases, but there are barriers they can not pass, definite assignments of power they can not reallocate.  They can give a broadening construction of existing powers, but they cannot assign to one arbitrary powers, explicitly granted to another.”


This Quotation by Honourable Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar himself in the Constituent Assembly on the 25th of November while introducing his Motion for Adoption of our Constitution, is very relevant to us today, as the intolerant reckless Judges are showing signs of dictatorial tendencies, and are trying to grab and centralise all Powers with them, by snatching them from other Independent Sovereign Institutions like the Parliament, and Authorities like the Govt of India.  The Judges are definitely having much more dangerous, far deeper, clever and clear sinister designs and plans!  Perhaps, the Judges are planning a Coup to subvert the Govt, Parliament and Democracy, and want to take over all Soverign Powers.  May be they want to create for the future only puppet Govts, remote controlled by an oligarchy of old caste hindu judges!


Whatever it may be, today the large number of SC&ST Dalits and OBCs in the Country are fast loosing faith in the caste hindu dominated Courts!  In any case, the SC&ST Dalits and OBCs, are today not willing or ready to repose their faith and trust in the hands of a few old judges, who refuse to be unbiased and function with complete neutrality, to let their traditional historic biases against the SC&ST Dalits and also the OBCs show up only too frequently, and that too openly.  As a Democracy, We just can not ever afford to, or be allowed to be dictated and driven by a bunch of individuals, however great intelligent wise and experienced they may be!  I and my fellow SC&ST and OBC Members of Parliament, can never pledge or surrender the rights dignity and future of 260 million SC&ST Dalits, and the 500 plus million OBCs of this Country, to the biases prejudices intolerance and hatred of any of these great wise men and women.   Once again in this connection, I would like to fall back on the Speech of 25th November 1949, and recall Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar, when he respectfully and in all humility quoted John Stuart’s caution -


all who are interested in the maintenance of Democracy, namely, not “to lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or trust him with powers which enable him to subvert their institutions”


Honourable Baba Saheb’s Statement and Mill’s Quotation here were of course directed at and towards powerful and charismatic Political Personalities, and not to the Judges.  For, none even in their wildest of dreams ever thought that the Judges would be so greedy of grabbing the rights, privileges and duties of the Govt, and the privileges and powers of the Parliament.  Hence, it is a very very sad day that, I had to now Quote, both of them in the context of the actions of the Courts and Judges in this Country, vis-à-vis the large number of poor and weak SC&ST Dalits.  Yes, it is really sad!  And I feel extremely sad and ashamed of the actions, doings and pronouncements of the Judges.  They are trying to be the evil incarnations of the old Manu, the dangerous and distorted law giver of the ancient times, who basically had destroyed the Indian Society, and the Great Indian Nation of the great native Indus Valley Civilisation People.  Please please therefore rethink, and assert the Authority of the Parliament and People before the Courts, least it be too late in the day.


Coming back to the OMs you have really not done anything worthwhile.  You have to therefore immediately and at the earliest take necessary corrective action.  For your information and benefit, I am enclosing herewith, a Table showing the List of OMs, the publicly stated reasons for the same, their impact, and what the Govt had done and not done so far.  I also enclose a detailed Memorandum along with these for your perusal.


In view of the above, I on behalf of all SC&ST Members of Parliament and Political Leaders from all Parties without any reservation, unanimously feel that you and your Govt had not done anything and had failed to keep up your promises to safeguard and protect the interests of SC&ST Govt Employees.  Your Constitution Amendments have not served the SCs&STs.  In fact, I would like to warn you now, well in advance, and caution that right now there is a great conspiracy going on between many employees associations, leading lawyers, and members of the bar etc, to set aside and declare Articles 16(4A) and 16(4B) as null and void, and strike them off as being unconstitutional.  Therefore, there is a great urgency, for the Govt to act holistically, if we are to protect the interests of the SCs&STs, preserve the neutrality of the Govt, Supremacy of the Parliament, and prevent an endless Civil Strife in the Country with the SCs&STs and OBCs on the one side and the rest on the other, which would otherwise break out and become the order of the day.  You must immediately withdraw all the Black OMs, than going in for piecemeal solutions and resorting to meaningless exercises of Constitutional Amendments.


To think of it, there is much more that needs to be done by the Govt, in view of a whole lot of anti-SC&ST, anti-OBC, anti-Reservation Judgements being pronounced by the Courts to deny Education, Jobs, Promotions, Seniority and so on!  Let the Govt act, before it is too late in the day!



Hope you could see reason.


With regards,

Yours sincerely,


( Buta Singh )