Guest   Paper



October 18, 2001




Founding Fathers of the Constitution of India, have made appropriate Provisions in the Constitution itself, to provide for Reservations to the Backward Classes of People.  They have also made a suitable Provision to Study the Problems of the Backward Classes from time to time, and access the difficulties being faced by them, in order to provide appropriate relief, mitigate their sufferings, and remove their backwardness.  Reservations in Politics, Administration, Services, Education, Housing, Economic Development etc are some of the known and tried out Remedies.  They are not just for the Development of any individual or family or group, but for the Communities as a Whole. 


Backward Classes in the Society, does not mean the poor or the unemployed.  That is what the dominant caste hindus (DCHs) would deliberately like us to believe and make us fight amongst ourselves for individual benefits and relief, as if the intended benefits and relief are all only the leftovers and bones discarded by them, or spillovers beyond their satisfactory consumption, or what they choose to give to us.  No, that is not Right. 


Backward Classes are those whole Sections of the Society, who have been and still are deliberately and intentionally kept Backward.  And wantonly and purposely kept poor and deprived to live in misery.  Backwards are the Working Classes, who do not get compensated fully for their work, properly for their inventions, adequately for their creation, appropriately for their produce, and infact can not retain what they create produce and harvest even when they want or need them for their survival and well being.


Backward Classes are those People whose living, welfare, well being, growth, development, progress and future depends on others.  Their food - what they eat, when they eat, how much they eat, all depend on others.  They are Socially and Educationally Backward People.  For, they are kept so, to preserve them as suppressed people.  Hence all the oppressions against them.  And all the marginalisations.


Development of the Backward Classes means not giving them relief, or providing them free or concessional food, or admitting them free anywhere to enjoy laze sleep and while away their time for some or long time freely or undeservingly and without any meaningful rhyme or worthwhile reason.  Give a fellow free food, he or she would turn out to be a lazy beggar, or an un enterprising dependant.  Teach the fellow to search and hunt or work and earn, he or she would cook comfortably and make a decent comfortable living.  Development of the Backwards does not mean giving some individuals here and there as a mark of being good or show of mercy or showering some kindness, a little benevolent help or some job.  Yes indeed, providing some job helps, but Development is much more. 


What the Constitution speaks about, and the whole dynamics of Democracy stand for is wholistic Development of the whole Communities, and all the people within all the Backward Communities, in the entire Country without any exception.  Exceptions are made only by jealous intolerant small-minded individuals, unjustly sitting in power and unfairly holding on to privileges.  Growth and Progress of the entire People of all the Backward Communities is absolutely necessary for the well being and future of the Nation.  There can be no minuses and pluses, or any Creamy or Butter Layer.  And no one, yes no one else has a role or right to determine what to be given, how much to be given, when to be given, where to be given and why to be given - be they the NGOs, Activists, Samaritans, Official Minions, Senior Bureaucrats, or Politicians in Power.  For, in a Democracy there are to be no Classes, definitely not the Ruling or the Ruled, the giver and the taker, the dispenser or the receiver.  The fundamental principle in a Democracy is that Everyone is Equal.  Everyone is Equal to the other, no less no great, no big no small.  And definitely, No one has the Right to arrogate oneself to be superior to the other, or to determine the lot of others, or what to be given or paid or not to someone.  If anyone is in a position to employ another and pay for his or her services, then something is basically wrong somewhere.  And that means that Democracy had derailed somewhere on its way of being or doing good and serving the People.  This, even though the believers in free trade may be proud and happy to be in a position to employ and pay someone, just or a little or somewhat more. 


Backward Classes of People in India, were at times called the Minorities of the Society.  Strangely enough, all of them are often Minority not in numbers, but in power wealth education and employment.  So, they are considered to be insignificant and of no-consequence.  Since there are also specific classes of people, who are Minorities in number Religiously, Linguistically, Culturally, or Racially and Ethnically, they become a separate class by themselves, and are classified separately as the Minorities and identified as the Religious Minorities, Linguistic Minorities, Cultural Minorities, or Racial Minorities and Ethnic Minorities.  The Minorities, even while suffering marginalisation as Backward Classes are often being Persecuted and neglected specifically for being Minorities, even though they may not be really Backward in Culture, Education, Employment, Riches and Wealth, in the sense the term Backward stands for.  Where as the Backward Classes in general are being Prosecuted even for the smallest of mistakes and errors, that too out of proportion.  Hence the Backward Classes were separated from the Minorities.  Strangely the Indian Society, had in both the separated Backward Classes and Minorities included a large number of Special Classes of People.  They are the SC Dalits and ST Dalits, the two prominent easily identifiable or discernable sister Adivasi or Indigenous Groups of this Land.  Minus the Minorities and SC&ST Dalits, what is left out of the Backward Classes are now known as the Other Backward Classes or the OBCs.


All the three, the SC&ST Dalits, Minorities and OBCs are discriminated sometime or the other, or most of the times in the Indian Society, by the DCHs.  SC&ST Dalits, the traditionally oppressed, often even by the Minorities, and most of the times by the OBCs are worst of the lot.  They are the wretched of the earth.  Their treatments and conditions even today both in the rural and urban sector, both in the society at large and within Govt Institutions are inhuman shameful and shocking.


The two groups, SC&ST Dalits and Minorities are outside any form or definition of hinduism, except in the territorial sense of old time foreigners who used to call anyone from hindustan as hindu.  But to stick to that term today with an ulterior motive or mollified intention of either to Dominate Religiously, or Deprive them an Identity Politically, or Deny them Justice Legally is nothing but a Fraud and Deciet played by the fundamentalists and their handmaidens in the caste based biased Judiciary.


Reservations, no body generally questions when it comes to the Political Representations and Shares of the SC&ST Dalits in the General Elections to the Parliament at the Centre and Legislative Assemblies in the States and UTs.  For, the DCHs can not afford to rub the SC&ST Dalits at the higher levels of Governance at the National or State Levels.  Then the World will laugh at them, and they can be hauled over the burning coals in public international gaze.  But the DCHs do mind when it is rubbed on them at the time of electing the Village Panchayats etc.  For, those Villages are where the roots of caste biases and prejudices are strong. 


Reservations, for the OBCs does not exist as on date, in the matter of Political Representations. 


Reservations in Education generally does not exist, except in Professional Institutions for SC&ST Dalits.  For, Professional Colleges prove to be the Channels for Development, Employment, Good Jobs, Very Good Earnings, Progress, Growth and Development.  Hence there is big race to get into the Professional Institutions, heavy rush, big competition and large scale manipulations and discriminations.  In such a situation, SC&ST Dalits could never make it anywhere to come near.





Adopted from the Telugu Weekly, JANAMITRA, published from Yanam,

Union Territory of Pondicherry, located in the midst of the East Godavari

District of Andhra Pradesh.   Dtd 09-09-2001
