

                                                           (ESTD 1982) 


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Today is 26th January 2001. 


Twenty Sixth January is a D Day in Modern India!  On this Day, in the Year 1950, the Constitution of Free India came into full Operation, and the Indian Union, became a Republic.  The Constitution formally adopted earlier on the 26th of Nov 1949, by the Constituent Assembly was laboriously drafted piloted and debated in the Constituent Assembly starting from the British India before 15th August 1947, and of Free India after Independence at the midnight hour of 14/15 August 1947!   Thus 26th January 1950, is the Day when India became a Republic!  That was the Republic Day of India! 


This is an Important Day in India, particularly more so for the Dalits!  It is one of the important steps, in the long and almost endless March of the SC&ST Dalits, for Justice Freedom Liberation Growth Development Employment Education and Equality.


Every Year, on 26th January, the Anniversary of the Indian Republic is Celebrated with Pomp and Colour.   On 26th Jan 1951, the Indian Republic became one year old, and the First Anniversary of the Republic was Celebrated.  On 26th Jan 2000, India completed its 50 years as a Republic, and stepped into the world as a mature Republic, 50 years old.  And today, the 26th Jan 2001, India fully completes its 50th age, to become 51 years old.  Thus today, the 26th Jan 2001, the Indian Nation fully completes its 50th Age.  It now step out as a 51 year old!  This Day should have been appropriately Celebrated as the Golden Jubilee of the Republic!   In fact, the whole Year starting from 26th Jan 2000 to 26th Jan 2001, seeing the Indian Republic, growing up out of its 50th age, should have been Celebrated as Jubilee Year, in an appropriately big way!  This exactly what was done, between 15th August 1997 to 15th August 1998, during the 50th age of India as an Independent Nation!  But it is sad nothing of that sort had now happened!


The Jubilee of the Supreme Court of India, a product of the Indian Constitution was Celebrated in a very big way, with the participation of the Chief Justices from many Nations across the World!  And, there was also a big Special Exhibition on the Supreme Court of India and the High Courts of various States, in the National Museum in New Delhi.  That was taken thereafter to some important State Capitals across the Country.  It was reportedly a poor show.  Since they had nothing worthwhile to show or exhibit, even Chairs of the Judges were reportedly displayed in that Exhibition.  For, the SCI and Judges have nothing else to their credit in this Country.  On the other hand, one can write Volumes about the Courts repeated sad betrayals of the People, Poor and the Weak, the marginalised minorities and the struggling masses.  Yes, the SCI and HCs in this Country had done very little, to realise the Aspirations of the Hundreds of Millions of Toiling Masses, the Dreams of Founding Fathers of the Nation and Framers of the Constitution to make this Country, vibrant dynamic egalitarian just fair, and most importantly end the blatant still continuing discriminations of the helpless minorities, backwards, and Weaker Sections like the SCs&STs!   But the Courts have to their credit, only their sad tradition of standing by the elite rich ruling classes, and the exploiters and oppressors of helpless weak marginalised people!   They have therefore acted against the poor weak helpless and the marginalised, right from the start, at times even Holding Courts in the Middle of the Night at their Residences.  It is such biases that forced the First Amendment to the Constitution in 1951 itself, right during the days of Dr Ambedkar as Law Minister, and even before the First Elections to the Indian Republic could be held!


Suddenly the Chief Election Commissioner of India, on the other day organised a Pompous Show to Celebrate the 50th Year of the Election Commission of India.


Yet, there was no word at all about Celebrating the Jubilee of the Indian Constitution, and Indian Republic!  May be there were some whispers here and there for record!  But nothing was heard or done in Public!  Particularly when, for the People Republic Day is more important than the Independence Day, with massive Celebrations all over the Country!  This is the Day, when the Army Navy and Air Force along with the Police and other authorities come out in the Public to show the Nation's Power, particularly Military Might, Development and the rich dynamic and vibrant Cultural Diversities all over the Country!  And on the Top of it all, the President of India, personally comes out to lead the Nation in hoisting the National Flag and salute it as it flutters in the cold breezy misty morning.  It is on this day, the President who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and titular Head of the Govt of India and the whole Nation, also pays his respect to the Nation and the Republic! 


The dominant caste hindus resent always, India becoming a Republic, with adult franchise, and having to function under the present Indian Constitution!  It is a Liberal Constitution.  It is a very modern Constitution.  It is a very very clearly written Constitution, without any ambiguities!  It grants Equality to SC&ST Dalits!  It promises Reservations to almost all Backward Classes!  It guarantees Protection to all Minorities!  It assures Security of Life and Property to all Weaker Sections!  It offers Equal Employment to every Marginalised!  It ensure Education for all, especially the SCs&STs!  And it was written by the Great Untouchable, the Messiah of the Dalits, Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar!  Why then should the dominant caste hindus with their religious historic and traditional Belief in Inequalities and Practices of Discrimination be happy about the Indian Constitution, and India being a Secular Socialistic Democratic Republic?  That is the reason why this Govt appropriately snubbed the Nation, the Republic, the Constitution and the People, by appointing illegally and without any authority or Parliamentary Sanction and Approval, a Constitution Review Committee!


Yes, all that this Govt would do is, to Review the very Constitution itself!  That is the finest way to rever respect and preserve the Constitution that stood by the Nation for fifty plus years!!  They want to destroy or at least modify the Constitution, with the help of the same judges, who trampled it down ruthlessly for the last fiftyone years!  They exactly want to go back to the British Colonial Days, if not to the mediveal periods of feudal rule, to deny voting rights to majority of the People, and destroy the Democracy and Parliamentary System of Govt!  This, in the name of Stability!  Only to entrench themselves cosily comfortably and shamelessly in Power, at least for five or six years after every rigged elections, or manipulated majority!  Know what had happened in UP, recent occurances in Goa and Jharkhand, and note what are happening in Manipur and Pondycherry! 


SC&ST Dalits of India, from all over the World, for quite some time have been openly writing and debating in the Inter-Net, that the caste hindu dominated Govts in India and the Caste Hindus, will overlook the Jubilee of both the Indian Constitution and Indian Republic!  Are the caste hindus not happy content and satisfied with the Celebrations of the 50 years of India's Independence?   Yes, they value Indian Independence.  That had brought them to Power, and made them the Rulers, directly, by passing their Conquerors the Muslims, and most importantly, not having to play a second fiddle to the traditional Kshatriya Rulers or the Kayasths in the Royal Courts, or having to Rule from behind by subterfuge and deciet, or through very many ingenious mechanisms of remote control of the Govts the States and the Rulers!  For the first time almost, after treacherously eliminating the Maratha Dynasity of the Great Dalit Shivaji to hoist the subversive Peshwa Rule, which they always rever the most, power and governance had directly come into their hands, and they have brought in and placed their people everywhere, right from the Armed Forces to Bureaucracy, Police, Educational Institutions, Judiciary and in the Press and the Media.  Yes, you only hear of Jhas, Mishras, Pandeys, Pandits everywhere right from the bus conductor, reservation clerk to Secretaries, Judges, Editors and News Readers!  What else do they need? 


Celebrations of the Indian Republic, the dominant caste hindus in the Govt particularly this Govt won't do, inspite of the criticisms and commentaries by the SC&ST Dalits from all over the World! 


And, of all, foolish have been all We Dalits!  When We knew pretty well that the caste hindus and their Govts would not Celebrate or pay homage to the Indian Republic and Constitution, quickly We should have organised a Million Meetings, neighbourhood Debates, Workshops, small small Seminars!   At least, We should have all acted effectively enough to influence the SC Chief Ministers and ST Chief Ministers in various States and UTs, to Organise some Special Function for the Jubilee Celebrations!


But suddenly today, the Govt first indicated during various Commentaries of the Republic Day Parade and in the News, that tomorrow - on Saturday the 27th of January 2001, there will be a Special Session of the Parliament, in honour of concluding the Jubilee Celebrations of the Indian Republic!  This, even though some commentators took some extra pain to emphasise that today India is Celebrating its 52nd Republic Day!  Fools they are!  Republic Day is not repeated every year!  Only the Anniversaries, and Anniversary Celebrations Repeat!  Republic Day comes very rarely in the history of a People.  Like every one has only one Birth Day, even though some Celebrate their Birth Anniversaries very frequently, sometimes every year, if they have the money time resources, and political and other needs for such celebrations! 


Having announced the Special Function in Parliament almost suddenly and surprisingly during the day, the ruling classes in this Country, took the Earth Quake and damages in Gujarat due to it, as an excuse to promptly cancel the Jubilee Celebrations of the Republic in the evening!  But, they are ridiculous and shameless enough to continue with other Celebrations, which are an annual affair!  The only other thing they postponed was screening of some film.  Even that was not cancelled, only postponed.  But other merry making like songs, dance and music festivities etc on Radio and TV Continues.  Particularly, Hindi Cinema and other Dramas Play and Run their full course, in all glamour.  But some Celebration announced at last, gets quickly cancelled.  Perhaps they were jittery, about the Remarks of the President in the Central Hall of the Parliament, during the Celebrations of the Jubilee of India's Independence, and President's Remarks in his Address to the Nation on TV etc on the 25th Jan 2001, the Republic Day Eve!  They are unable to face a bold fearless upright learned President who stands by the Republic, the Constitution, Nation and the People!  They are counting his days, and surely at the end of his memorable tenure, they will not allow him the Second Term!  And the Nation will loose the Guidance Advice Leadership and Counselling by a Wise President!   And We Dalits, will again sit impotently and complain!  Campaign and Lobbying, certainly We will not!  The Criticisms and Attacks expected from vested interests, We will not take up to Challenge!  We don't realise that National Flag, National Emblem and the President of the Nation can not legally be criticised or dishonoured!


This is India!  And this is our Nation, where We SC&ST Dalits are born, live and belong to!  But this Nation and other People don't ever consider us as either human beings and equals, or as belonging to this Country and the Indian Society!  The only exception to this neglect of us, is to snatch away in the Courts, what little the Govts are forced to give to us due to political compulsions, a little something to overcome our handicaps disabilities and others social prejudices biases oppressions, and the consequent or resultant economic discriminations esxploitations and suppressions!  This they say, that in the Eyes of the Law, We are all Equal to others!  This only because, the Constitution desired it to be so, and had enjoined upon the State and the Govts to treat us as Equals!  So, in the caste hindu judges' distorted minds with skewed reasonings, the States and Govts should not give SC&ST Dalits any benefits to overcome the diasabilities and discriminations, to which we are being subjected to by others in the Society!  That they say would amount to Discrimination of the dominant caste hindus in the face of or as against the SC&ST Dalits and deny them Equality!  This is exactly akin to the Logic of the Wolf drinking Water in the River upstream, accusing the kid trying to quench its thirst downstream!  And when the kid points out the foolishness of the wolf since he is down stream and was only born the other day, he blames its father and grand father or great grand father for having disturbed and muddied the water in the river, and in the end pounces on the kid to kill and eat it, with the excuse of being argumentative which was reason enough for action against and killing to death, on grounds of not having been respectful enough!


The Greatest Achievement of Indian Govt

Is to Deny Equaity to the SC&ST Dalits!

Biggest Contribution of Courts Judges is

Deprive still Justice to the SC&ST Dalits!

Meritorious Officials Smartest Success is

Block all Developments to SC&ST Dalits!

The Main Pride of caste hindu teachers is

To Keep most SC&ST Dalits illiterates!

