Dalit Poems

                                            Presented By  Dalitindia



Access to information


An old engine


Aryan and non-aryans

Asked the doggie


Baba Saheb's command

Basic philosophy

Bad brahmins


Beware of enemies

Beware of fundamentalists

Big frauds

Big players

Bitter truth

Blind dreams

Biting - feeding hands

Bulging godowns


Can we expect?

Can our pens write?

Caste hindus

Caste hindus foist!


Celebrations - No Please

Celebrations - Nothing Yet To

Celebrations - Now Are Dangerous

Chase and beat!

Cheat not

Corrupt Dalits – No!

Corruption and reason



Dalit action

Dalits and economy

Dalits can come up

Dalit economics

Dalit enemies

Dalits and evil old castes

Dalits are there - why Work?

Dalits developing?

Dalits educated

Dalits have no rights!

Dalits in position

Dalits - no jobes!

Dalit leaders

Dalit unity

Dalits - why not rebels?

Dead Dalits?

Define the problems!

Don’t open

Don’t run behind

Double Standards

Dream the feasible –even if not possible today!

Dump education



Education here!

Education mystery

Enemies of nation

Evil brahminism

Evolved Castes!


Failing again

Feed eating officials

Fraud Govts!


Govts are ineffective!

Govt’s Dalit education

Govts in India

Govt of lies

Guns, Governments and dictatorship


Hating minorities

He died, a Dalit!

How could they?


If you .....

Ignorant shudras


Indian society

Irresponsible Dalits


Justice - what is it?





Let us build




Limited lib

Loss of capable Dalits - Nobody bothers

Lot of Dalits


Masks and faces


Money and brahmins

Money flows!

Monopolising brahmins

Music and Dalits

Music knowledge


Never ever


Oppressive it is!

Oppressive silence!


Price rise                                                                                           

Professionals - Why do they Fail?

Pure and polluting: rituals and reality


Reasons for problems


Rule of law

Running behind

RSS all


Sad it is

Scholars - the brahmins?

Should court decide?

Skinny bones

Sleeping still

Slogging swines

Small brahmin, Clives, Duplexes and MNCs

Spirit of games


Stinking classes



Talk rubbish!

The anti-Indians

The brahmins, brahmins and brahmins                                             

The caste and corruption

The castes and brahmin

The critics of Brahmins

The collapse

The brahmin Dalits

The brahmin hold!

The brahmanic evolution

The high it jump!

The mask

The meritorious brahmin traitors

The shameless

The thieves

The vedic values

The voiceless weep a weeping hymn

The wisdom

Their Lives End!


This Govt and krishna

Three Rallies!

Time to take reins

To keep out SC&ST Dalits

To wake up Dalits:  what can we do?

Tragic truth!

TV Spoilt Dalits




Violent crimes

Vulnerable Dalits


Waiting surprise and shock

We and others

We want

What cheats?

What is wrong: with brahmins?

What should we do?

What They Matter?

What to do?

Where are all brahmins gone?

Where Have You Been?     

Who will repent?

Why brahmins bow?

Why brahmins study?

Why don’t you close shop!

Why Not Quit?  

Women brigade

Work money and brahmins

Workers: What have they got?

Working classes


