What cheats?


What cheats are all these evil brahmins?

And their other dominanat caste hindus?

Just only three percent of the brahmins

And the rest only about twelve percent

Had captured on average ninety percent

Some places all hundred percent posts!

How could they do all these for so long

Even these days other than by cheating

Deciet fraud manipulations and fooling

The Govts People and whole Society?

Still the brahmins have audacity to claim

To be the most honest fair merritorious!


Is this a Democracy a Republic or what

Cheating treacherous subversion fraud

Fooling the Nation endlessly all the time

Pushing into the bottmless pit all People

The brahminic ministers their secretaries

Personal assistants all other small fries

Amass huge money in only few months

Buying fancy cars luxurious huge homes

Big cash crop estates or whole hill faces

Where are the Police their Intelligence

Administrations Income-Tax Vigilance

Otherwise endlessly harassing We Dalits?


We remain poor sick jobless homeless

Because of these corrupt manipulations

Isn't that Our Baba Saheb Ambedkar

Wanted our own share representations

For our own people SC&ST officers

To look after our welfare and interests?

If then our own Dalit Idiots go there

Today to copy these brahminic frauds

And loot this Country of Ours and Us

To make millions and billions of assets

Buy estates cars gold jewellery homes

What could we hope and expect now?


What all should we do now with these

SC&ST Dalit traitors frauds and cheats?

What else can we do other than soon  

Take out our old brooms torn slippers

Shoes to beat them up black and blue

Stone and spit at them in public openly

Spare them not saying they are all our

Representatives young boys and girls!

That is the historic woe of this Country

Not realising ever the whole concept

And value of Crime and Punishment!

To correct evils everywhere in Society!


Yes like We Sweepers go around busy

In big towns and cities in this Country

Sweeping out the wastes dirt and muck

We need a big force of our own honest

Sincere hard-working SC&ST Dalits

To cleanse this Country Parties Govts

Of evil brahmins dominant caste hindus

And deep rooted cancer of corruption

Operate caste out and sweep clean

Everything of evil brahminic practices!

Particularly from amidst us our colonies

Our Communities and from our midsts!


                                         a sweeping Dalit!



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