Who will repent?


Good Dalits we are we were and remain!

All we are extremely good in looking after

Our hens and the cows buffaloes pigs etc!

Perhaps we are fit only for these old jobs!


As we get educated get some employment

Little good placement positions in our lives

Start resting relaxing without stepping out

Keep recklessly spending wasting money


Promoting only the lives of every brahmin

Enriching the baniyas by throwing away

All our money in uptown fancy markets

Big shops that milk money from the poor


Big shops meant to bleed from those rich

Who already have cheated most of people

The poor in the society and the exchequer

The pots of money they have back home


Perhaps we are too ashamed to go again

To any of our old shops to buy our things

In very ordinary ways like in the old days

When we were not up and had no money


We get false pride today are very proud

To get our needs and buy at high prices

When same things are still available cheap

And in plenty in the neighbourhood shops


We want to buy all our things these days 

From those big fancy shops with all lean  

Those thin unreal false faced painted girls

All big made up things large lined up eyes


Is this recklessness foolishness arrogance

Or clear rock bottom brainless stupidity?

Who is going to repent for all these soon

Shortly in the not very far near by future?


Why only the educated employed earning

But arrogant stupid reckless foolish Dalits!

Who have no earnings can get no money

Except those they get while at their jobs!


                                          a balanced Dalit



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