How could for millenniums the dominant caste hindus

Afford to cheat this Nation of the millions and millions?

Because they have no fear no fear of any conscience

In fact have no conscience they fear of only authorities


But authorities ask them not being of their own castes

Frauds are they like them hence let them go scotfree!

They fear of curse of gods but they fear not the gods

And numberless goddesses for they can bribe them all!


Yes the caste hindus all are big and very bigger frauds

Whom can't they bribe or from whom can't they take?

Bribing their gods goddesses is easy for them as they

Take bribes from anyone around in society everyday!


They therefore fear not any of the gods and goddesses

All of whom they can bribe easily through their priests!

Some pretty gifts donations or some meaningless rituals

And false fasts or penance would square up everything!


                                                                  searching Dalit




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