Look at the lot of all the real poor children of the soil in this land!

In Villages We slave in the fields and stand still before the feudals

Or do run errands for them all and their families including children

Else become their agents spies thugs and goons to break backs

And the bones of our own brothers and sisters wanting to protest

The rank injustices exploitations and end their all unfair practices! 


Hundreds and many hundreds of years of such life in the Villages

Over many a millenniums have not changed any of us or our lots!

Masters we may be in tilling the land and producing food for all!!

Specilists we may be of the land agriculture plants and rare herbs

Medicine health-care hygiene skins and working various leathers!

Still We live in old poor huts and could not save Our Own Skins!


Now in the small and big Towns or the large metropolitan Cities,

Faceless we slog in the factories like some machines and robots!

Live in shanty huts of slums all miserable living hells on this earth

To die unknown uncared and unsung just only like rats and dogs!

Still with out any justice or a decent respectable life as humans!

That we have been promised and also see elsewhere in World!!


We even after some education have to stand speechless before

Stupid seniors shouting at some wrongs like dogs mad with rage 

Even with a correctable error mistake or just an odd accident,

Suffering silently other injustices by these irresponsible persons,

And also evil machinations of those traiters from our own ranks

Who for bones serve the others like loyal grateful obediant dogs!


Our Leaders in various political parties of dominant caste hindus,

Leaders not by their own struggles contributions any hard work

But sheer accidents or chance of being rewarded by the Parties

Chosen for having served sincerely loyally and like a faithful dog

Or waited patiently like a dog before one or all the party leaders

Have no better option than to stand silent before all their leaders!


Those with some resources now having made them yes by crook

And those by sheer hard-work and struggles over long decades!

Having built their Dalit Parties are also waiting in different styles

Yes, only the styles and methods may be different here with them

But they also do wait for the powerful feudal parties' leaders nod!

Who only control ultimately every lever of power that matter still!


What a lot and what a life these always only are the real dogs life!

Is this the end and is this our lot forever here for all us We Dalits?

Yes, this will be only so as long as we stand divided and fighting!

Stand apart against each other or with enmity amongst ourselves,

Talking ill of others finding faults or telling old stories of our fights

With all other dogs like Backwards Dalit-Christians and Muslims!


Day We Dalits across Religions in and out of Villages and Slums

As well as different parties just talk share ideas if possible meet

Work in tandom like brahmins and other dominant caste hindus

For the future of all our children if not for a better life of our own

Oppressive feudal land-lords and all party leaders would scatter

Like the dogs running away on seeing a man with a stick or stone!


When We landless labourers Dalits and also Backward Classes,

Majority people in Villages like us join our hands together to fight!

Unfair practices and injustices by all landlords like short-payments

Cheatings exploitations by those few feudal dominant land lords

Raise unitedly against them all we can surely win back our lands

As the feudals run for their lives and these injustices all do vanish!


                                                                                               a rebel Dalit





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