Their Lives End!


All the dominant caste hindus always leisure loving fellows

Unwilling to do even smallest of their own personal works

Avoiding all physical strain and real creative lasting works

Living as total big parasites hardly willing to do any work

Want to be free from all the strains of the life on the earth!


Someone to produce food weave and stitch their clothes

Build their places homes and furnish their every property 

Maintain their garden plants and cook the food for them

Leaving them all unfit and lazy doing nothing in their lives

Perhaps not even bathing to keep little reasonably clean!


Waiting for someone else to even bathe them like babes

Waiting for servants to even feed them like infant babies

Wasting all their lives in only eating well full all three times 

Sleeping and going to the toilets perhaps taken to toilets

All their lives ending in bed dining and going to the toilets


                                                                         an endless Dalit




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