Where Have You Been?     


Yes We SC&ST Dalits have been - wading through
Ankle deep mud and slush in agricultural rice fields!

Grazing cows looking after pigs slogging whole day!!

Any objections anything wrong for us doing all these?


We not in any way small just for the simple reasons

We had all been living fairly and honestly working!

Not cheating any others neither stealing nor robbing!

Any one for our growth livelihood food or existance!


Where were any other jobs like you find these days?

Neither had you like us all any education those days

Or knowledge experience to get any jobs that you

Proudly hold now a days as if you are all born wise!


Where had you people speaking as if a great people

Been then while we were struggling to produce food

And other needs of life of this whole stupid Country

Including all of you senseless and parasitic lazy bums?


At least the crude kshatriyas were before us openly

Rather little straight-forward even while exploiting us 

Cheating us cunningly comfortably robbing us silently

For their and also your food welafre and comforts!


Ah you have all been begging and by various means

Eating out of the hands of Dalit Cheating Kshatriyas

Yes all of you cruelly had been living on comfortably 

The big robbers of the poorest Dalits of this Society!


                                                                  a working Dalit




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