Never ever


We SC&ST Dalits were never hindus!

Are not hindus can never be the hindus!

Though brahmins may say to control us

Dominate and ride even now over all us

We are also hindus the panchamas!

The fifth castes perhaps fifth columnists!

That is what they really want to mean!!


Kept outside villages confined miserably 

In Dalit Colonies safely off and far really

From all dirty stinking brahmins baniyas

Not allowed entry into brahmin temples

Even of Paraya gods like Maha Shiva

And Govt Schools decent work places

Public Offices Colleges and Universities!


Denied all comfortable jobs and works!

All those with regular and or big wages!

But engaged only as the poor sweepers

Leather workers mine or farm labourers

To keep the dirty brahmin communities

Fully fed happy and comfortably housed

Dalits remain outside caste hindu folds!


                                                 a railing Dalit!





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