Hating Minorities


Dominant caste hindus hate Minorities like

Buddhists Christians Muslims Sikhs so on!

As they pose challenges to their dominance

Over the other People in the Indian Society

Through their distorted vision of the Society

Nation State Govts and the Administration!

But not basically not against these Religions

And their Religious followers and believers

Yet they are against the Christians Muslims

Particularly the Muslims first then Christians

They can never forgive them forever in life

For converting and liberating the wretched

Dalits from their control and all domination!

Freeing them from their hold of suppression 

Dominant caste hindus especially brahmins

Are very very angry against the Minorities

For this total control and domination losses!

As if they had lost some of their Soverignity

Total silent Suzerainity over all unsuspecting

Simple honest hard working creative people!

They see in this the danger of the beginning

Of their loosing control over Indian Society

Which should in fact happen at the earliest!

If the Indian Society has to survive develop

And also if Indian Nation has to exist at all!

They can't ever digest loss of all free cheap

Unending source of manpower and labour

Silently slogging slaves never complaining

Never even thinking of protesting revolting!


                                                  a revolting Dalit




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