Came as nomads and raiders!

Searching for survival and life,

Food fodder females fortunes!

Being deadly dangerous devils,

Turned against the sons of soil,

Dravidians and other Adivasis!

As nomadic raiders and looters

Always on the move and run -

Valued the Gems and glittering

Materials like Diamond Gold

As also the Saphires and Silks

Which can be pilfered plundered

Stolen from others rather easily

Stealthily hidden hoarded quickly

Safely taken away with them -

Wherever and whenever they go!

Worn with out any wear or tear,

Shown off exhibited for others!

Continuing with these evil traits

Keep exploiting SC&ST Dalits

Working Classes of all Shudras

To acquire add and accumulate

Gold, Silk, Diamonds, Saphires!

And an easy way of good life -

With all the comforts of World

With out having to ever work!


                                      - a Dravidian



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