Dalits are they all now dead and don't have any life left?

Have they any brains or eyes left to see read or discuss?

Discern analyse then reject what is good and that is bad? 

Act understand appreciate do something in their own lives?

Say something positive creative constructive progressive!

Why do they fight invariably destructively hurting Dalits?

Wildly as if that is imperative amongst themselves only!

When someother Dalits now do something or say anything

When themselves shy away dare not even stand before

With no guts to ever question others of dominating castes!

Why don't they think to apply their minds and understand

What other Dalits are doing are trying to say thesedays

Why don't they write react dispassionately and in peace

Reply calmly with warmth sincere creative calm coolness

Are Dalits today not capable to be friendly with their own

Brothers sisters friends people society and community?

Are they afraid of expressing writing their thoughts openly

Exposing their mind or face social challenges emerging?

What are they now afraid of - their limitations or stupidity?


                                                                               a Questioning Dalit


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