The Workers Work! So always and forever!!

They struggle, they suffer, sweat and strain!

And even bleed - also at times die working!

Their sweat blood bodies strengthen the land!

That is all what they do, keep always doing!

From the time immemorial, through history!!

That is all they know - other than their jobs!


They produce create and always innovate!!

But where have all their productions works,

Creations and inventions of all ages gone?

Who had swallowed and appropriated them?

Day after day after, and week after week?

Month after month, seasons after seasons?

All through the ages of the long long history?


Yes, this happened not yesterday or today!

But year after year, and decade after decade!

Life after life, generations after generations,

Age after age, and centuries after centuries,

Through millenniums after long millenniums?

With out change respite or exceptions till date

Leaving Workers in a totally separate World!


All that we see around are workers creations!

Have all gone into pockets of fat big bellies!

Endless greedy bottomless holes of the lazy!

Enemies of the People, traitors of Nations -

The rich and wealthy who don't ever work!

But take everything, everything good in life!!

Always talking of loss, losses and big losses!


They talk of losses not to pay the workers

Their full dues wages or give share in profits! 

But to pay the workers a little poor pittance,

Very insignificantly just to make them work!

Tempt them not to leave, but keep working!

Keeping aside profits and all good earnings!

Stashing them silently somewhere secretly!


They hide them all in the accounts on paper,

Leaving the workers - the creators of wealth,

To live in misery penury and absolute poverty,

While themselves continue living like princes;

And talking of profits only to roll in the riches!

Of the workers work sweat strain struggles

Innovations creations and valuable produce!


                                                        - a Dalit poet




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