Pure and polluting

                          --- rituals and reality


Coloured by caste and dominant hindus

Cleanliness and hygiene in this Country

Are basically twin in nature and kind -

Cleanliness Clean are not really Clean,

Unclean Polluting Polluted and Impure

Actually are not not-Clean in realterms!


Really they are Racial Pure or Polluting

Isolated antagonistic different Races -

Original being pure and mixed impure

Hence mating within is clean and pure

Bonding outside is un-clean impure

That is sciety's norm of brahmin make!


Clean pure and the polluted impure

Have everywhere two status always

Prominantly dominating ascription -

Religious notions practices and values,

Relegated realistic absolute true status

Real strange facts of brahminic society!


Dominant caste hindus always clean -

Religiously ritualistically heirarchically

With brahmins considered the purest

Backward captive enslaved Shudras

Ati-Shudra social-slaves being impure

With even shadows of Dalits Polluting!


Ati-Shudra Dalits compelled to work

Under unpleasant difficult situations -

By force of optionless circumstances,

Endeavour always to maintain their

Personal cleanliness home hygiene,

Ritualistically remain impure unclean!


Dalits after work bathe wash and clean

Both in morning and also in evening

Washing and drying in disinfecting sun

Sparkling oftentimes almost frenziedly

Live happily singing dancing laughing

To drum beats steps in evening hours!


Dalits honest hardworking and simple

Typically restless excitable impulsive -

Romantically temperemental valorous,

Dressed in brilliant bright bold colours

Happy and are harmonious with all life

Nature and surrounding environment!


While the mentally dull blind brahmin

Grim cunningly brooding for cheating

Singers dancers their strong women

Keep worshipping sun as the fire god

Paying fearful and respectful obesience

As if sun can come down to burn them!


Fire scared and fearing scorching heat

They prey to sun god making offerings,

From dark dingy dirty dreary dusky

Inaccessible interiors of their temples

Poorly built sanctums sanitoriums,

Filthy stinking unclean and unhygenic!


These dirty cunning crafty brahmins -

Are always clean pure and purifying,

Ritualistically followed by supporting

Other dominant caste hindus relatively

Less cleaner step by step going down

In caste hierachy below one another!


While working daily in mud and dirt -

Farming fields mining lands Dalits

Taking baths regularly many-a-times

Compulsively washing themselves

Because of the dust mud and Sweat

In the day are Unclean and Impure!


Yeh yeh it ritualistically born stupidity

In brahmin mind wanting to dominate,

Shield protect isolate and segregate

Racially their women from mating with

Hard working happy romantic men -

Is truth of castes cleanliness pollution!


                                an unrecognised Dalit Poet


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