

          Land based hard working labourers!

          All poor dirty skinny bones have been,

          Millions millions and millions of years

          Mining land for all their mineral wealth,

          To create various good material riches!


          For planting seeds shrubs and the trees

          For cultivating good crops food fruits

          Ploughing agricultural farms and fields

          And digging the earth and the rich land

          The Land - Oh Mother Earth Goddess!


          Dark dirty poor skinny bones of land!

          Just for digging and ploughing the land!

          Blamed accused and abused for having

          Defiled mother earth virtually raping her!

          Have been condemned as Untouchables!


          Generation after generations generations

          Of great grandfather grandfather father!

          Son grandson great grand son and son!

          Great great great great great grandson!

          And so on on and on and on endlessly!


          And that is how rulers, vedic scholars,

          Rich traders, and from amongst them

          -All their learned wise men and women

          Great big philosophers all the teachers

          Been fooling People for Millenniums!


                                                          A Dalit Poet



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