Education here!


Education ever in this Country

Just not for learning life's skills

Knowing accounting numbers

Acquiring all good knowledge

Develop frontiers of Science

But help all their own people

Dominating the caste hindus

Unwilling not wanting to work

Strain and stress themselves

Help ignorant have education

Some education of certificate

With medellions awards rank

To boss over skill knowledge

Working productive people

Native intelligent indegenous

Creative honest hardworking

Governments in this Country

Is there to help those people

Get jobs salaries all authority

Have power exercise control

Arrogantly totally ignorantly

Over all those native people

Productive creative workers

Pay them also sumptuously

Heftily and make rich quickly

Beyond their wildest dreams

Exploiting harassing the poor

Taxing them heavy on on on

Thus suppressing society still

And all of our native people


                                     a good Dalit


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