This Govt and Krishna


This Govt plays with People

Like Krishna did with Gopies

As he took away their clothes

Whilst they were all bathing

Freely in open public ponds!


This Govt has sold the Nation

Ruined the Govt Machineries

Subverted Peoples' Interests

Sold the Public Sector Units

Already from within long ago!


Now from outside formally

Cheaply at throwaway prices

While the People slipped out

Gone careless dormant dull

Selfishly indifferent also lax


Like the Gopies fully naked

Govt is completely exposed

With nothing to hide shame

Mistakes misdeeds mischief

And betrayal of the People


Gopies with pieces of cloth

Covering breasts only found

Their bottoms left exposed

Moving them down left tops

Popping out already open


Move them up up once again

Leave open exposed bottoms

Moving up or down frantically

Could help them not anyway

Hide their shame purposefully


Govt is selling Public Sectors

Now one by one slowly as if

They are all founded by them

Personal or private properties

Or ancestorally owned assets


The Govt sells Public Sectors

Buys private company shares

Prevent share markets failing

Protect the prices from falling

Keep share market image up


Govt sleeping as Rupee falls

As help to foreign companies

Exporters of works or goods

Squeezed out of poor people

Hungry masses in shortages


To pour out throw off cheaply

In foreign markets for asking

To tempt the foreign citizens

Buy out the best Indian goods

Dirt cheap for just a change!


Govts for finding some money

To help own private business

Raise the basic goods prices

Then to compensate workers

Raise salaries and allowances


To please the rural landlords

Raise all procurement prices

Spending more public money

Again short of Govts' Funds

Goes in for higher taxations!


Govts taxes only employees

Leaves landlords untouched

Spares big business houses

Industrialists multinationals

To encourage them it is said


Govts short of  funds always

Reduce the budget allocations

First for Social-Development

Stoping Welfare Programmes

To leave Poor care of NGOs


Sells out more of Public Units

Closes schools and hospitals

Welcomes money spinners

Everysphere and everyplace

Including health and education


Till their own fellows fall dead

Silently unknown unexpected

Still they keep mum and quiet

Till some dies in public gaze

What will Govts do in future?


                               an unknown Dalit


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