Indian society


Indian Society is poor

Fundamentally is faulted

Made backward in mind

And backward in thinking!


Basically we are wrong

Considering the brahmin

The beggars and parasites

To be knowledgeable Scholars!


Brahmins never were -

Scholars teachers writers

Thinkers wise Philosophers

And taught none at anytime!


Being parasitic beggars,

Their mind always thinks

How to get their next meal

Where to go unmindful of distances!


Whom to catch therefore

When to cheat rich people

How to exploit poor masses

Is their daily prayerful thought!


All their reading

Is to blindly mug up

The slogas of their vedas

Which they and none know about!


They recite somehow

Fast as a runaway bull

Noisy like a fast non-stop train

Least someone follow or understand!


They say the prayers

Always cunningly fast

Wantonly in foreign language

Unkown to the Common People!


They may recite slogas

Prayers rightly or wrongly

Truly or falsely as they know

As none understand the language!


They may say prayers

Complete or incomplete

With gaps and or omissions

It is for the people not to bother!


Main aim of brahmins

Is to always fool People

Take payments and offerings

Particularly the large poor masses!


Foolish aren't we then

To accept them as Teachers

Great Planners and Executives

Bib Administrators and Managers?


Fooled are we because

They speak boldly loud

Whatever they think non-stop

With scant respect for all of us!


Isn't this a big mistake?

That we allow ourselves

Still continue to be fooled!

Who then is at fault to be blamed?


Hence we are not

Even now progressing

Surely won't ever till we change

As a People, Society and Nation!


We are not practical

We are not productive

We are still backward

We are yet awake and understand!


We don't have eyes

Ever a broader vission

Or the open bent of mind

And Scientific Approach in life!


                                              a Dalit Poet


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