The brahmins, brahmins

               and brahmins


Brhmins brahmins of different types and kinds

Brahmins of brahmin parents true and original

Who came into country as marauding nomads

As original families of few husbands and wives

Brahmins of brahmin parents who settled here

Brahmins of brahmins who came with families

Just only as men and women or boys and girls

All others who as single men without women

Came raiding with their chieftains to plunder

And to find new lives pastures also produced

Also produced their own brahmin children -

Brahmins of brahmins capturing themselves

Shudra women to be prisoner bonded wives

Brahmins of brahmins who found their women

Locally from indegenous people to be wives

Brahmins of brahmins coopted locals marrying

Brahmin women on sinking fully amongst them

Brahmins of brahmins converted from locals as

Brahmin agents to serve and expand brahmins

Brahminic interests, influence and brahmanism

Others who worked as brahmins on their own

As imitation counterfiet brahmins by themselves

Willing voluntarily as active brahmin supporters

Claimed themselves on their own as brahmins

Hence brahmins are very very small in numbers

Minority in nature really everywhere in Country

Hardly not more than three to five percentages

On average in the whole society taken together

But cleverly manipulating others always to fool

People Rulers and Administrators to dominate

With the coming of universal liberal Democracy

And regular popular elections in the Country

On basis of universal adult franchise these days

Brahmins everywhere are loosing grips on Govt

Brahmins unwilling to loose grips over Society

Have only big big brahmin-kshatriya alliances

Find new brahmin-kshatriya-baniya fraternities

Start aggressive brahmin-baniya combinations

Begin the brahmin-baniya-kayasth fortifications

Unwillingly brahmin-baniya-shudra-dalit fronts

Or brahmin-baniya-shudra anti-dalit combines

And brahmin-baniya-dalit base minus shudras

Being scared of emerging crude shudra forces

As well as brahmin-baniya-dalit-muslim folds

Yes all possible permutations and combinations

To preserve and keep up brahmin comforts if

Even not open brahmin domination superiority


                                                             a faceless Dalit


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