Where have all brahmins gone?


Brahmins brahmins everywhere Only one or two in every village 

Not even powerful like feudals Big lanlords and moneylenders

But dominating and decisive Has the final word on all issues

Even over the crude landlords Where have they all gone now?

None to be seen in the villages Why they have all gone abroad

Are in USA Cannada Britain Europe Australia Newzeland

Now also in the Middle East These brahmins who banned

Travel overseas across the sea To lookdown upon rich traders

Making money in foreign lands With huge profits at overseas

In trade commercial dealings Business industries enterprises

And other sales and activities Imports exports construction

Growing indifferent these days To brahmins supriority and hold

Ati-Shudras shudras escaping Social bondage in the Country

Under overall brahmin control Bondage slavery free-service

Now at very first opportunity Go ahead abroad themselves

As they had learnt trade tricks To make money themselves

Big money without any trouble Strain of labour and hard work

Enables them to also escape Challenge of the new literates

From kayasths shudras atishudras and their minority converts

Questioning social supriority Views and authority of brahmins

The rest who have not gone yet are in big metropolises like

Bombay Calcutta Delhi Madras as also Bangalore Hyderabad

In big public undertakings which they had ruined and destroyed

To find jobs for their families and make money for themselves

Now going into multi-national corporations to serve and help

Them to exploit the rural areas and also poor Indian Masses

And in a bigway in journalistic Media, Cinema Press Radio TV

Controlling major news channels, TV networks, News Papers

Apart from State Govt Head Quarters, Central Govt Offices

All the Courts, particularly the Supreme Court that they control

As their own personal private empire and fiefdom of authority

They are in wherever money wealth power control are centered

Sure they know these last lingering pocket burrows of brahmins

Of influence to control the society before they are vanquished!


                                                                                      a forgotten Dalit


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