Skinny Bones


         Seen all those many skinny bones!

         Living moving human skeletons!

         Hundreds hundreds and hundreds

         Of millions of old and young poor!

         In rural villages lands and forests!

         Agricultural fields and plantations!

         Fishing ponds lakes rivers seas!

         Big big modern scientific farms!

         Urban slums factories workshops!


         Those poor Shudra caste hindus,

         And casteless non-caste non-hindu

         Ati-Shudras within local society!

         Tribals outside the main societies,

         Living in forests hills and valleys,

         Far-off distant lands and islands!

         In remote dense jungles lost lands!

         Unknown islands valleys and hills!

         Keep working struggling suffering!


         Producing food minerals clothes!

         Building all homes offices schools!

         Mills factories and the workshops!

         They, the unwanted skinny bones!

         Homeless hungry always half clad,

         Without money to study or educate

         Their brothers sisters and children!

         To look after their families and

         Buy medicines for any sickness!


         Where then all the money wealth

         Food cloth and homes have gone?

         Where else - they are with all the

         Lazy bones, sleeping lousy guys!

         In the bed during the day times

         Out in the evening and nights -

         Like thieves robbers and dacoits!

         Non-working resting fun loving

         Parasitic leisurely class of People!


         The fat plumpy rich caste hindus -

         Yes, dominant caste hindu BKVs!

         With all diseases of lazy people,

         And the lousy immoral scoundrels!

         Historic evils of  this poor Nation!

         Won't ever reform mend or change

         Society's Curse Leaches on People

         The brahmins kshatriyas vaishyas!

         Yes, that is what they really are!


                                                         A Dalit Poet 


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