
          -Now are dangerous


Celebrations are dangerous

For us poor SC&ST Dalits!

Lots and lots of our little time

Money and resources we waste! 


These wasteful Celebrations

They drain out and weaken us

Individuals families communities

And the whole of our societies


The all useless Celebrations

Impoverise leading us to debt

Indebted to the money lenders

Landlords business communities


The Celebrations take us into

The hands of  feudal elements

Who all survive only because

We are foolishly poor and weak


Many dominant caste hindus

The brahmins and the baniyas

Come out to drink make merry

And enjoy a lot by themselves


Enjoy all these evil elements do

At our cost and at our places or

In big hotels pretty restaurants

They force us to take them out!


We go foolish and reckless

Often drinking our soul off

Loosing ourselves our balance

Stupidly as a regular routine!


And we are so senseless

To pour out all our senses

Private life and petty secrets

Thoughts mind and heart open!


                          an unconventional poet



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