Double standards


This is a Nation of big Double Standards!

Values just as different as the people are!

Leaders of many deliberate double speak

With differential norms to different people

Altogether different for all those big rich

Liesure loving seeking rest fun frolicking

Ruling exploiting dominant caste hindus

Not ever working but always enjoying

The best of things in their lives endlessly!


When my girls dance with love for them

They are looked down as paid dancers

As a cheap ones of lower moral values

Harassed humiliated sexually exploited!

When their daughters dance on stage

As learners amateurs and professionals

Publicly for huge fees money charges

With no love in dance as an art of life

They are applauded praised honoured!


When their girls flock for the money

As another profession to make a life

Have comforts get name quick riches

Amass wealth power and property

Build influences easy comfortable life

They are all noble artists of a great art

To be praised and paraded before

All different leading lights of the world

For whatever worth they may land in!


When our sisters speak to local boys

Tongues wag calling them as bad girls

With loose morals not good character

Cheap ones to be kept at a distance

Never to be entertained or accepted

Because of poor upbringing control

When their wives go freely with others

They are liberated free social women

To be highly respected and reverred


Whenever any of our daughters marry

Of their own free choice and desire

Even with family consent agreements

Support and approvals from both side

Then also they are criticised endlessly

Looked down as if lowly creatures

Condemned always as having run off

Away with the boy they had chosen

From home eloped without marriage


When their sisters live out of wedlock

Daughters live with their boyfriends

Before marriage or with out marriage

Boys bring home freely girls they like

Take them around on tours outstation

Begin their lives with them for good

On open regular live-in arrangements

They are just free modern youngsters

Experimenting with their own lives!


                                                  a Dalit rebel



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