
                    - what is it?


Justice! - ah what is that?

Social Justice - a big name

Where can We now find these?

Justice to Dalits - No! no kidding!


What we feel is the rule!

What we decide is Justice!

Dalits - no hope of Justice!

Not here in the near future!


Even if it be a small problem!

The problem had started small

It looked very simple innocent,

Dalits can not hope for Justice!


It was all over a petty issue -

With one of the caste hindus,

As a matter of fact casually,

By mistake or may be oversight!


If Dalit had suffered already

So be it - no questions to ask!

Or no need for any remedies!

Issue of Justice doesn't arise!


Rendering Justice to Dalits!

Is a tall demand and big dream!

Far fetched are such claims

Not practible here in this life!


Afterall all knowledge and

Intelligence are being used

To keep the Dalits oppressed

Far away at bay suppressed!


Dalits are carefully weeded out!

Much much ahead in advance

Many comfortable years ago

Before anyone can even realise!


Anyone trying to raise the head!

Or talk a little too much smart,

Silently is finished without ever

Anyone even knowing about it!


We always keep discreminating!

Silently softly and very discreetly!

Where necessary openly crudely,

Till the person drops down dead!


When some Dalit do fall off,

By the wayside accidentally

Even by some small mistake,

That is a good welcome news!


Why bother such drop-outs!

Allow it and encourage it

Ensure more such cases

In all offices and public places!


We have been very successfully,

Doing these in schools colleges

Institutions of Higher Learning

Universities Reserach Centers!


We are very big masters in these!

We use everything in life here!

To ensure Dalits never become

Threat to any of the caste hindus!


                               an experienced Dalit


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