
                           - Why do they Fail?


Why do many professions are not successful?

Like all those good Doctors and the Lawyers!

Why many many professions are not paying?

Here in this Country of millions and millions! 

Because people here don't work at all anytime!

Keep passing the buck to others down below!!


Here Works are shabby and of poor quality!

Whatever be the Professionals Competence

Qualifications training experience knowledge

Design capablities and professional expertise

Why is this so many does not know answers!

Only keep wondering whenever questioned!!


There is nothing to wonder or be surprised,

Here the Works are done at the lowest levels!

Below which they could not be passed down

To further lower level since that does not exist

The Work could not be passed down further,

Any more still down below to a lower level!


Here Works are supervised by only workers

By themselves based on their own knowledge!

Or by one of the senior workers around there,

Or by an old worker just a level above them

Who had moved up with experience or time

As a superviser of the Workers and Works!


Here in this Country of millions and millions

Of illiterate People and Workers all around,

With the qualified big professionals amidst!

The Works are done by lowly paid workers!

Are equally supervised guided down below

There at the illiterate lowest possible levels!


No wonder then the Works are really shabby!

That reflects in the end on the works outputs

The reputation of the Professionals themselves

That is the basic and most important reason

In this Country of millions and millions People

Why many of Professionals are not successful!


                                                      a capable Dalit


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